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Corruption In The Age Of Obama:The Loss Of Professionalism

While teachers wail about their efforts being strictly for the welfare of the children, their veneer of professionalism wears thinner and thinner. There can be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the teachers don’t want to give up their sense of entitlement and their position of minor Elitists within Obama’s Socialism. No! they have no intention of sharing the burden of financial responsibility, that is for the non-unionists: they are the ones who chose not to join the trade union movement; they are the ones who refuse to get on Obama’s Gravy Train that runs on other people’s money; let them eat cake or listen to Michelle rant about diet or listen to Teleprompter Reader himself tell us to forgo vacations as he sends his family to Vail to for a skiing vacation. America should face up to facts, if you forget about going on that vacation you might not need to worry about losing your home. Well thanks for the financial advice Mr President, but just about everyone who isn’t a public service union employee is well aware that they will not be vacationing in Vail this winter. If you applied some of that important financial advice to the federal government, we might not be in this recession, now known as the Obama recession. You know the one that has light at the end of the tunnel: the light that only you and your sycophantic ‘Yes’ men you have surrounded yourself with can see.

Now the professionalism of teachers who drag their political beliefs into the classroom are destroying what remains of their professionalism by walking off the job and calling in with erroneous sick calls. Yes this might work in Chicago with sanitation workers, but our president becomes less presidential and involves himself in state politics and encourages illegal activities, he lower the prestige of the office and creates a massive conflict of interest that lays bare the corruption that is endemic within this administration.

Now to add to the loss of professionalism and the lowering of standards, we have medical doctors passing out sick passes to truant teachers making a mockery of the system to the same students to whom the teachers are supposed to serve as an example. Yes we are bringing our state and federal governments down to the levels of the Chicago Machine and its primordial swamp of corruption.

From Dr Lou Sanner, MD, one of the doctors who has passed out hundreds of Doctor’s notes that cover employees absences with phony ailments that he maintains are signs of stress, was quoted by the Associated Press:

“What employers have a right to know is if the patient was assessed by a duly licensed physician about time off of work,” Sanner said. “Employers don’t have a right to know the nature of that conversation or the nature of that illness. So it’s as valid as every other work note that I’ve written for the last 30 years.”

Besides committing fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud these doctors are placing their licenses in jeopardy. They are in direct violation of the laws that require them to record their medical records and confidentiality laws. Hopefully Governor Walker will take necessary measures to revoke the licenses of physicians who place politics ahead of professional standards.

Unfortunately, President Obama has unofficially sanctioned and encouraged this unlawful behavior with his endorsement of illegal union behavior and by having his organization Organizing For America bus in 60 thousand union thugs. These measures of financial responsibility will be repeated in more states in the coming weeks and it is a consequence of such measures that Obama’s system of Nepotism will be weakened and possibly destroyed as states struggle against bankruptcy. With the weakening of public sector unions and their strangle hold on the nation’s financial health. He has often exhibited inappropriate behavior for a president in time of stress and it is likely that these outbursts that reflect his inexperience and inability to perform the duties of the office will become more obvious now that he realizes that his fiefdom and his defacto civilian army corps is being dismantled.

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