Two European Space Agency observatories combined forces to show the Andromeda Galaxy in a new light. Herschel sees rings of star formation in this, the most detailed image of the Andromeda Galaxy ever taken at infrared wavelengths, and XMM-Newton shows dying stars shining X-rays into space.
ESA’s Herschel and XMM-Newton space observatories targeted the Andromeda Galaxy, the nearest large spiral galaxy, which like our own Milky Way contains several hundred billion stars. This is the most detailed far-infrared image of the Andromeda Galaxy ever taken and clearly shows that more stars are on their way.
In this image, Herschel’s infrared image of the Andromeda Galaxy shows rings of dust that trace gaseous reservoirs where new stars are forming and XMM-Newton’s X-ray image shows stars approaching the ends of their lives. Both infrared and X-ray images convey information impossible to collect from the ground because these wavelengths are absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere.

See author page
An Open Thread lends Opportunity for Good News as well. A recently elected Congressman offers
his Views on things.
This is an Open Letter to His Constituents. Does Your Guy or Gal in Office have these things figured out yet? If not, then the way forward will be a trip uphill and cluttered with baggage from the Failures of the past Congress. Thank God that some Elections did have consequences.
OLD TROOPER 2, hi, is in it the first time we get to read a speech that make sense,
the one who said it should be quite respected by the others and taken seriously,
that’s what AMERICANS want to hear,to start paying attention at the government,
very well capture by you constantly searching for who will bring the emphasis on the urgency of correcting the situation which became anarchist at a desperate timing
Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.
Leviticus 25:10
Allen West is a Patriot.
West/Cain for 2012
“No one talked about the fact that in this year under the Obama administration you’ve seen the highest casualties in Afghanistan. And the fact that it took him almost 90 days to figure out what his strategy is going to be was absolutely appalling.”
-Allen West
First Zac, welcome to FA. I was remiss in saying that to you when you first started posting.
I have enjoyed your postings so far and look forward to many more.
In your post above you reference Leviticus 25:10.
In your studies you’ve probably already found the connection between that scripture and American history.
If not, here’s a hint:
Thank you, Aye. I try to add to the conversation, when I am informed on the subject at hand. Of course I rather enjoy the verbal “slap upside the head” I’ve seen you give a few kool aid drinkers here.
You are also clearly knowledgeable about your own country’s history and or the bible (both are good).
-The rest of the inscription on the liberty bell as follows
Zac, hi, and thank you, I was curious to know the rest
Your welcome. Its always a pleasure to inform the public.
Spelling mistakes: I am an expert; no, not on spelling, on making mistakes. I look up the same words over and over, we are not talking about a few times but hundreds of times. Bureau and sovereign are two of my most flagrant offenders,they have been attacking me all my life. I have dropped to one knee in fights, but bounced up and delivered holy Hell to my opponents, sometimes in a blind fury. This is the type of punishment I intend on passing on to these words that have bedeviled me for so long. This is my personal battle and I will fight on and eventually claim victory, other than that I make the occasional error with the their, there, they’re, type words; I know the words and their usage parameters, it’s just that my typing is so lightening fast (LOL) (sarcasm/extreme) that I make the inevitable mistake as most of us do occasionally.
The interesting part of this spelling deal is to observe those who use a phonetic type of spelling system that is perfectly programmed for their brain, but at odds with those of us that don’t understand the problem. I helped home schooled four children, the two girls could spell and understood the system with its rules without incident: the two boys used a system that I considered highly creative and I often admired the genius that allows you to present or write a word with an original spelling. With a young mind that is reaching out to learn the possibilities are limitless. It’s true, the unique spelling would fail a spelling exam or an English composition, but when the unique spelling is phonetically correct, which student has shown the most creativity?
The average college graduate has been shown to have a vocabulary of 4 to 5 thousand words: a statistic that has aroused indignation and disbelief among some of my younger professional friends. Hopefully, they can spell most of those words, but you can graduate from college these days days with 4 to 5 thousand words in your vocabulary. Shakespeare is said to have had one of the most vast vocabulary estimated at between 40 to 60 thousand words. He had distinct advantages over the rest of us, spelling rules were only vaguely defined and he made up words on a regular basis; especially, when the known vocabulary proved inadequate for the expression of his message. He also had the advantage of having a free rein with punctuation, since it was only conceived of a few decades earlier by a printer in Germany.
Now if anyone ever asks me, I doubt that anyone ever will, but you are reading; punctuation is considerably more important than spelling. The creative speller can present his message, but the writer who doesn’t know punctuation can leave a mess. For example, we should analyze these two sentences: A woman, without her man, is nothing. And. A woman: without her, man is nothing. Clearly, punctuation is important if a writer wants to define his message.
Now if we consider that the bible was written without benefit of punctuation and in the case of Hebrew without vowels, many doctrinal arguments are dubious at best. Consider these two verses. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of the Lord. And. The voice of him that crieth: In the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord. From Isaih. Or we can compare these huge doctrinal differences that use the comma as a fulcrum. Verily, I say unto thee, This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise. Or. Verily I say unto thee this day, Thou shalt be with me in Paradise. Great religious debates are created over punctuation that didn’t exist when these lines were written. Yet most of us avoid accurate description by avoiding punctuation and only writing simple sentences.
Thus we forsake perspicuity for the sake of convenience and the reluctance to learn punctuation; yet, we are quick to be prideful of our spelling skills, skills that were obtained in the primary grades. Verily, I say upon ye, punctuation skills are far more critical than memorizing a few spelling rules.
SKOOKUM, I will take notes, on that lesson given with subtel flair,
I notice that our friends Like MISSY and OT, and Zac, to name only a few, are using POETRY
in their COMMENTS, where the words match to another, IT’s very nice but!!! are they alowed that liberty
on our FA? HAH, I think yes I guess CURT IS ONE OF them too, just check ANDROMEDE
it’s very telling
Skookum I shall work on thine punctuation! I don’t yet have the grammatical ability to write contents for Obama’s teleprompter (But I think it would be funny if I did!).
Verily I say unto thee; ye authors who hath not grammar can be learned, yet ye authors who have neither grammar nor intellect shall be doomed to a life of perplexed reviews.
Bees, I push the envelope on poetic license and I have sailed without censure or ridicule and have avoided the breakers of humiliation; therefore, you can rock and roll here at FA, when the muse has you cornered and you feel desperate, don’t hold back. With me it is a mental disorder, I tend to think and speak in lyric stanzas if I allow myself the freedom. I’ve never heard of the problem before, but it restricts your ability to express yourself; consequently, I only allow myself poetic liberty once in a while. Besides, people tend to think you are nuts if you speak in poetic verse during normal conversation. If you want to write a poem on a subject, I will write a follow up for fun. Just make sure I see the poem by putting it on one of my articles. Poetry is fast and easy for me, too bad you can’t make a living writing poetry.
Bees: The semi-colon ( ; ) almost always is preceded by a complete sentence and followed by a sentence that gives more information or explains the first sentence. It can also be used after a series of comas that need to be broken up or to make a more dramatic interruption for the reader to get his air. It is frightening for most writers and I don’t know why. It is fun and you can keep a sentence floating forever if you want to by leading from one thought to another. You and Zac need to distinguish between the different meanings of there, their, and they’re; I can’t think of the other words that you two confuse, but I will write them later. It’s not a big deal, the majority of people can’t explain the differences, but why use that as an excuse. You haven’t had an English lesson in a long time, so there you are.
Words; there all almost the same.
Words; they’er all almost the same.
Words; their all almost the same.
@ Skookum, Down in the hollers of West Virginia some folks will argue that they speak the Queens English, despite their brogue or accent. The same in the hills of North Carolina that border the Smoky Mountains. If you can “cypher” their Speech, you can only wonder about their writing skills but they kept Robert Byrd in Office for decades. Hmmm…
In short, some folks speak and write the way they Think. Kinda like Folks buy Dogs that look like them.
Zac: I love the smell of laughter.
Aye Zac, there be no doubt of poetic license
That doth dance within your head so intense
And with such Liberal cerebral measure
You have in thine brain pan a treasure
We bid you, to not give in to sloth or leisure
For there will the devil take his due measure
Exercise fair gray matter for lofty endeavor
And there be secrets, being ever more clever
I always enjoy Skookum’s lessons because he teaches what I’ve forgotten… so I read what he writes and then forget it again, but, thank you so much Skookum. I used to dread it whenever I was given a phone number because I never, ever forgot numbers or birthdates, my brain was clogged with numbers. Now, I no longer have retention problems….at all I rarely retain anything.
Now, something interesting happened that I don’t understand. Yesterday I sent Governor Walker an e-mail of support, today he shows up in my Facebook and so did that band that was on Huckabee, RiverBilly….hubby looked them up on the net after he watched them, perhaps he saw their facebook page and clicked something he shouldn’t have. But, my e-mail was sent to the governor’s contact e-mail, aren’t these computers really smart, now if Governor Walker could just get his computer to forget about me and find those missing senators.
Seriously, does anyone know why these things are showing up in my Facebook?
Their words are all almost the same….Words; they’re all almost the same.
You are too much fun Mr. Zac, you fit nicely among my favorites at FA!
I found the people of West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky to be very interesting, their music awakened the drums of my ancient Celtic DNA and I had that in common with them. I found them to be an ingenious people who were isolated during most of America’s growth. I think that had good points as well as draw backs. It did encourage a self-reliance that we Conservatives hold in high regard and their attitudes probably are or were more representative of early 19th century America than any where else; unfortunately, I am afraid that the modern age combined with the Victim syndrome that is critical to the survival of the Democrat Party, has been used along with their poverty to destroy the idea of self reliance of these rugged mountaineers. Oh there will always be the toughest of the tough within those hills, but the weaklings flock to the city and the protective umbrella of Progressive Socialism, thus a culture is weakened and destroyed forever. Yes I loved to watch the mules working the sorghum mills and tobacco fields and I could understand them and they could understand me; much more so than waitresses in New York and New Jersey who would ask me to point to menu items rather than try to understand my English.
OT, I have published pictures of my dogs and people often say they are sure ugly looking dogs, but they are my dogs and I love them, that is for sure. They certainly have some of my personality, they love to draw blood and fight to the death when the neighbor’s Rottweillers dig under the fence, but as far as looks, I’d be pleased to think I looked as good as my dogs.
Thank you Missy. I ether contribute to an argument if I am in any way knowledgeable on a subject, have a question, or just want to cause a stir with a snappy one liner. No secrets there. Or they’er. Or their. You know what I mean.
Zac, hi, I think there are words almost the same
and their words are almost the same
and they have words almost the same
I dont know or understand the meaning of they’er
bye, I love games
SKOOKUM, since the beginning you have teach me and save me many errors there;
and I as wondering why you haven’t been there to give me more, I thought you had lost hope on me,
but I appreciate every one lessons their help where very substancial , they where there for me when
I was in a critical situation trying to find which “there or they or theire to put on”
but what on earth is they’er, I can’t find any place to put it in my elaborate vocubulary
I see that Christie is setting up a presidential exploration committee. He may be the person we are looking for! (Rich, I ended the sentence with a preposition!) Maybe with John Bolton as VP? Could be interesting and productive pair.
It’s(it is) a contraction. They’re(they are) sometimes confusing even for those who’ve(who have) grown up speaking English.
MISSY hi, it’s they’er who’ve sound funny to me,as I already us IT”S
I refuse to use the they’er and the who’ve,thank you for the lesson
I might try them sometime in the near future who’ve know they’er a possibility
-not for those with a weak stomach
-A history lesson for you socialists.