Leftists behead Ronald McDonald [Reader Post]

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The Food Liberation Army describes itself this way:

As citizens we have lost faith in the political system and its values; politicians who are allowed to do anything and still remain in power. As consumers, we are tired of making a difference by our purchasing decisions, as well as faceless companies whose only value is money. We want our lives back.

We gathered a group of people who think alike.
And Food Liberation Army was born
It has a simple task:
To liberate man from systems bigger than him or her.
Fight the power where the power does not belong.
Return decisions on our own lives back to us.
To move from words to deeds.

The FLA is a group based in Finland who campaign for ethnically produced food. In early February they “kidnapped” Ronald McDonald to protest various alleged food offenses. In a video they declared their demands.

Their demands went unmet and consequently they “executed” Ronald. They beheaded him.

Although this is supposed to be a spoof, it’s not funny. Not at all. There are likely more than a few people who would find this in extremely poor taste. The images they created are a painful reminder of another terrible incident.

The FLA reproduced the grisly scene right down to the cowardly cloaked faces. It was a publicity stunt but it is highly likely to backfire, with the FLA earning only the enmity they richly deserve.

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Then make your own fookin sandwich, ya morons. My favorite is tuna with a dash of dolphin.

Just as we saw with the exploding children video the Warmista’s put out recently, it is all too obvious that the NeoFabians have deep psychological problems. They are isolated from reality, hear nothing but the echo of their own, and they really DON’T see how offensive they are.

I ate at McDonald’s today. The kid who took my is order looked like a twelve year old & probably violating some kind of labor law by working there. I told him “ill take a big Mac, and a coke” then I got serious looked at him straight in the eye and Carefully and slowly mentioned “no pickles…” I got my big Mac, sat down at a table, opened up the yellow wrapper, took a big bite right into my meaty big Mac. After one quick chew I had a mild dry heave before spiting the rest onto my food tray “pickles?!” I was so mad! Even if you scrape those suckers off they infect the rest of the burger with what can only be described as a lingering “yuckynes”. It was awefull!

However does a few pickles give me the right to resort to violence? NO! Its just wrong! No matter how bad they messed up my order.

All theatrics aside other socialist groups will likely copy these idiots. I would not be surprised if there are more of these videos turning up online in the future. The whole scenario is unfortunate. These guys are just a few french frys short of a happy meal, if you know what I mean.

In the 1970’s Carl’s Jr. had a sandwich called the California Roast Beef Sandwich.
It was shaved roasted beef, a whole mild California green chile, a slice of Swiss cheese and a chipotle/mayo sauce.
They don’t make it anymore…..
But I do.
Had it tonight.
Added grilled onions.

Thing is, if MickeyD’s made anything I really liked I would duplicate it at home.
Have you ever really watched those young kids who do the cooking in fast food joints?

Nan G: I never have, and I never want to. I don’t drink or smoke but never pass up a meal high in fat, sodium and cholesterol. Greasy food is my only vice. I’m a distance runner so I don’t gain weight, even though I eat a high calorie diet.

You are a better cook than I. Just reading about your sandwich is making me hungry.

All the leftist talking points were buzzed. Like short-sightedly maximizing owners profit; And, added other sympathies: Unethical Actors, illegal immigrants, animal rights, ethically produced meat. Typical commie ploy.

Isn’t it interesting: How “retro” thee execution practices we’ve been seeing of late: beheading; And, there does seem to be a rebound in the interest of the guillotine? Looking at the device, it ain’t no antique. It looks to me like there are plastics in it. I wonder whose building ’em for whom, and for what? It just doesn’t look like a one-off. Of course, we should expect that there is no profit for the folks building them, eh?

It “ain’t” about food, but this is the first time “I” have seen Patvann lately, don’t know you but have missed seeing your name and reading your comments. It seems so different here since the new face. Of course I was without my fix for five or six months, guess change takes place when you’re not looking.


Thank you for the kind words! I’m pretty much done with my projects for now, so I’ll be here more often; overflowing with my usual esoteric verbosity, and cold-blooded snark. 😉

I even got a Gravitar!

Encouraging a regular diet of Mickey D products might be one possible solution to the Social Security retirement program’s long-term solvency problems. The downside it that it would likely accelerate Medicare’s bankruptcy in the process.

I have mixed feelings about the video. It is poor taste. On the other hand it makes a point about the absurdity of fanaticism. The more young people that view extremists as idiots instead of role models, the better.

This is a SNL skit right?

I hope janet napolitano doesn’t decide we need to be body scanned and groped prior to eating at McDonalds because of this.


The problem is’ that the “young people” will NOT see this as the work of extremist idiots. The reason is what’s called, Overton’s Window.

That’s how this sort of stuff get’s made in the first place….Young (“idealized” is a better term) people trying to out-do the last, (or latest) group they identified and agreed with. If it isn’t broadly rejected, and in-fact accepted by society, it becomes the new “normal”.

Perfect example of hate speech being ignored by the state run media.