Port Director: WMD’s Found In US

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Whoa boy….the below video is of a local San Diego channel and their interview with the Port Director, Al Hallor, about WMD’s coming through the port. It’s painfully obvious the man doesn’t want to lie, nor does he want to be fired, so he is trying his best to dance around the answer. He, along with that public affairs officer, made sure the words were chosen carefully…specifically denying that “nuclear weapons” had come through the San Diego port but when the reporter changed it to a dirty bomb in any part of San Diego things got interesting

The raw video of the interview can be found here. They put that raw footage up because the excuse given for his answers by Homeland Security is that he was just nervous. Watch the raw footage and decide for yourself.

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Ahem.. He didn’t look nor sound nervous to me. Sounded quite genuine as a matter of fact. Throw an excuse at a wall and see if it sticks.

No matter how the PAO spins it the Inspectors only inspect less than 10% of all containers that come into the US. That means 90% get thru without being looked at. Sooner or later it will happen, a major event will be caused by the lax enforcement we have and everyone will point fingers and blame no one.

This sounds more like a hoax than a legitimate whistle blower.

When (not if) we get attacked again, there will be no where for the traitors in this administration to hide…

I heard this interview on AM radio and was quite shocked by it. It is no wonder that they want ot keep this under wraps.

Am sure there is a lot the Feds aren’t telling the public. Don’t want the population coming down on the muzzies.

IT would also dismiss the fact that OBAMA is giving AMERICA a safe place from terrorist attacks,
by talking to ennemies tp appease them

You know, Muslims can make mistakes and have accidents where innocent people are hurt, same as anybody else.
When the government lies about Muslims who commit jihad, like Ft Hood shooter, Dr. Nidal Hassan, people can get antsy even if it WAS an accident.
Take this story:

San Diego cabbie in crash injuring 36 people said to be “devoutly Muslim”
Wizbang (blog) – ‎4 hours ago‎
The cabdriver, identified Monday by police as Sam Hassan Daly, 52, of San Diego, was released from a hospital earlier with a broken nose, but he has since returned to be treated for facial injuries, San Diego police Lt. Rick O’Hanlon said. …
Positive Prognosis for Woman Who Suffered Severe Leg Damage in Stingaree Crash Patch.com
Woman who nearly lost leg to cab crash begins lengthy recovery KUSI

The cabbie may have fallen asleep while driving.
Oddly, however, the driver had a pair of scissors in his hand and took a swing at one of the club’s managers when he was pulled out of his cab.
One thing we learned from news reports: his own roomate carries a knife at all times in their shared home.
Because he got ”bad vibes” from Sam Hassan Daly after he brougth home a female date for the first time.

So, a devoutly Muslim man from Egypt named Sam Hassan Daly slowly and methodically drives a cab into a crowd of bar patrons injuring 36 then emerges from the cab with scissors in hand swinging at the club’s owner.

And the story is he fell asleep at the wheel.

Wanna buy a bridge?