Superbowl Superscrewup [Reader Post]

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“the twight’s last leeming” (twice)

“that our flain was still there…”

“What so proudly we woss…”

What a freaking joke. Pathetic. Too much soul. Too little brain.

This is good.

But this is the one that does it for me.

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You missed one: “Home of NO brave.”

Maybe if Engrish was the first language?

One question…Was She sober?

I found her rendition so repulsive I missed her mistakes. The only good part was when she quit singing.

You know what it reminded me of?
Go to 4:41 in the video and keep watching.

Old Trooper asks the right question. The wife and I hit the mute button as soon as the bitch started screaming.

This stands out as the All Time most disgusting butchery of the National Anthem.

perhaps she wants her own tosh.o web redemption

I don’t see the problem “Leeming” is a suburb of Perth Australia.
Obviously these people are chosen for looks and volume, not not brains or ability. Fortunately I missed the live version but have been subjected to the replays several times. Embarrassing! If I performed as well in my profession I’d be sued! But it is good for laughs.

Sadly I was at Yankee Stadium when the great Robert Merrill flubbed the words to our National Anthem. At least he apologized.

These Classless Celebs could take a lesson from this 8 Year Old. Despite a microphone fail, She carried on and did it with dignity…when the mic died the Audience came through.

Elizabeth Hughes, 8 years old, National Anthem, Norfolk Admirals Game, Scope Arena

@Old Trooper 2:

OT, that’s a good one.

Personally, I don’t think anyone does it better than Leann Rimes.

(pure version)

This is the best I’ve heard, and I was there both times she did it:

This is how the Anthem should be performed! Dynamic and stirring. Not as a rock concert, nor as a scream fest, but a tribute the the nation.

A matter of taste and nitpicking–sort of like what the new Republican House of Representatives is doing, instead of solving the jobs issue.

You will love these girls’ performance of the National Anthem:

It’s people like her who keep the ‘blonde’ jokes alive and kickin’.

If she would have just sang our National Anthem straightforward, instead of putting the ‘vocal spin’ on it perhaps she would have remember the words… I noticed a lot of the players with puzzled looks on their faces when the camera panned around the field….like huh? Whaaaaattt??? Hmmmmm?

So pathetic. Boy nothing like having people like this (and others) keeping the ‘Americans are Dumb” mantra alive and kickin…. So So Sad…

It was embarrassing to watch. I am nearly deaf, but I could tell she sounded like crap, but the fact she blew the lyrics was unreal. Note to NFL. Enough already. Hire someone who will sing the National Anthem in a traditional way, and who KNOWS the lyrics.

Love the Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye versions!