Spoken like a true socialist! Obama to Chamber of Commerce share your profits
obama-duhAnother “spread the wealth around” moment for Obama. In case Obama and his far left loon ideology doesn’t already know, those “big, bad, evil” corporations already “share profits” with their workers. You know it’s its called? It’s called worker’s salaries.
“If we’re fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They have to be shared by American workers, who need to know that opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line.”
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February 7, 2011 · Filed Under General Politics
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Joetote [Moderator] 3 hours ago
Obama said the following today:
“If we’re fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They have to be shared by American workers, who need to know that opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line,”
And to think I and others are vilified for pointing out the fact that this moron is a Marxist/ socialist wannabe dictator. He openly spews his Anti-free market and then has the co-opted media lie about it so as to fill the electorate with false hopes and lies. Class warfare at it’s finest courtesy of a Marxist pig!
This is obviously something with which Reagan would agree.
Old Trooper 2
14 years ago
His brand of Socialism is like a type of Cancer that must be removed.
14 years ago
Taking bets if Arianna heeds her socialist leaders call and redistributes the $$$ from her AOL gains to us “workers”. Shall I hold my breath?
Nan G
14 years ago
Where do we find the T. Rex today?
Only in museums.
Where do we find the Concord Jet today?
Only in museums.
Obama wants socialistic redistribution of wealth either voluntarily (bosses sharing it with workers) AND/or through government coercion (taxation).
And what does he want to do with all the cash?
His latest, the ”High-Speed Rail.”
If this were financially wise private businesses would have done it here.
In tiny Japan and France (both smaller than Texas and yet denser than NY City) they make some sense.
But not being feasible is no obstacle to socialists.
Government subsidizing is what France and the UK did for the non-profit Concord.
And no one but the super-rich ever traveled on them.
So, they “died.”
If Obama picked the most feasible spot for a high speed rail system, say between NY-Washington DC and Boston, the costs (including special rails, tunnels under rivers, land acquisition, lawsuits, construction, maintenance, fuel and labor) would bring the price up to $50 million a mile!!!!
Passengers would have to pay over $100 one-way and stand with at least a fellow 10 million passengers per year just to cover the Interest on this!
Obama wants socialistic redistribution of wealth either voluntarily…………….
High speed Rail
If this were financially wise private businesses would have done it here.
Spoken like a true socialist! Obama to Chamber of Commerce share your profits
obama-duhAnother “spread the wealth around” moment for Obama. In case Obama and his far left loon ideology doesn’t already know, those “big, bad, evil” corporations already “share profits” with their workers. You know it’s its called? It’s called worker’s salaries.
“If we’re fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They have to be shared by American workers, who need to know that opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line.”
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February 7, 2011 · Filed Under General Politics
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Joetote [Moderator] 3 hours ago
Obama said the following today:
“If we’re fighting to reform the tax code and increase exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses for those at the top. They have to be shared by American workers, who need to know that opening markets will lift their standard of living as well as your bottom line,”
And to think I and others are vilified for pointing out the fact that this moron is a Marxist/ socialist wannabe dictator. He openly spews his Anti-free market and then has the co-opted media lie about it so as to fill the electorate with false hopes and lies. Class warfare at it’s finest courtesy of a Marxist pig!
This is obviously something with which Reagan would agree.
His brand of Socialism is like a type of Cancer that must be removed.
Taking bets if Arianna heeds her socialist leaders call and redistributes the $$$ from her AOL gains to us “workers”. Shall I hold my breath?
Where do we find the T. Rex today?
Only in museums.
Where do we find the Concord Jet today?
Only in museums.
Obama wants socialistic redistribution of wealth either voluntarily (bosses sharing it with workers) AND/or through government coercion (taxation).
And what does he want to do with all the cash?
His latest, the ”High-Speed Rail.”
If this were financially wise private businesses would have done it here.
In tiny Japan and France (both smaller than Texas and yet denser than NY City) they make some sense.
But not being feasible is no obstacle to socialists.
Government subsidizing is what France and the UK did for the non-profit Concord.
And no one but the super-rich ever traveled on them.
So, they “died.”
If Obama picked the most feasible spot for a high speed rail system, say between NY-Washington DC and Boston, the costs (including special rails, tunnels under rivers, land acquisition, lawsuits, construction, maintenance, fuel and labor) would bring the price up to $50 million a mile!!!!
Passengers would have to pay over $100 one-way and stand with at least a fellow 10 million passengers per year just to cover the Interest on this!
Yet Obama is really pushing this greendoggle.
Obama wants socialistic redistribution of wealth either voluntarily…………….
High speed Rail
If this were financially wise private businesses would have done it here.