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Media Upset That The Obama “Transparency” Hasn’t Appeared

Hilarious… Dave alludes to in this post, the MSM is begging to help Obama out but the man, and his administration, just won’t let them.


White House reporters criticized President Obama on Wednesday for providing too little information and access to the media during the crisis in Egypt.

In a letter to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, the White House Correspondents’ Association said its reporters have been left in the dark too often in recent days.

“Prior to the president’s statement Tuesday night, the press corps had not received a substantive update from the White House all day on the situation in Egypt,” the letter read. “In addition, the press corps did not have an on-camera briefing, or an off-camera gaggle, with you yesterday to ask the White House about its decision-making process during this major foreign policy crisis.

“Now for two straight days the full press pool is being shut out of events that have typically been open and provided opportunities try to ask the [president] a question.”

If you hadn’t heard. The Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, is history….Dana Milbank isn’t holding out much more hope for his replacement:

President Obama chose Carney in part as a peace offering to an aggrieved White House press corps that has spent two poisonous years with Robert Gibbs, to Obama’s detriment. But if Carney and his bosses are not careful, the appointment could have the reverse of its intended effect.


On paper, the 45-year-old Carney fits the part. He doesn’t come from the war rooms of political campaigns, and his long career with Time, some of it on the White House beat, means he’ll know how to do the care and feeding of reporters that his predecessor neglected.

But those who think the former Moscow correspondent will usher in an Obama glasnost could be disappointed. Carney, if he feels pressure to prove his loyalty to Obama, may be even more guarded with information. In fact, the preferred candidate of many in the press corps was Bill Burton, Gibbs’s deputy. Burton, because of his unquestioned loyalty to Obama, may have been looser.

There’s a suspicion among some of Carney’s former colleagues that he’s almost been set up to fail – much like Bill Clinton’s first press secretary, Dee Dee Myers, who had the title of press secretary but none of the necessary clout. Not only does Carney report to communications director Dan Pfeiffer (a decade his junior) but so does everybody else in the press office.

Not like it’s going to matter. This is the candidate that touted the improved transparency he would bring to the White House….and we’ve seen none of it. In fact, quite the opposite. The lefty CNN talking head Jack Cafferty called him and his administration out a year ago, and it’s getting worse.

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