Tim Pawlenty goes after Obama during this interview on Fox…making the point that Obama has entered campaign mode, meaning….he is making NO decisions other then voting present: (h/t Hot Air)
Obama has all this soaring rhetoric but the fact of the matter is he’s chicken when it comes to the real issues.
The WSJ wrote an editorial a few days ago pointing out the very same thing:
The deficit is awful and must be cut, entitlements are unsustainable and must be addressed, the tax code hurts growth and must be reformed, and government should be smaller and more efficient, but don’t look to Mr. Obama for ideas on how to fix any of this. Go ahead and cut spending and Medicare if you want, Republicans. The President will get back to you with his reply as time and politics allow.
After you, Congressman Ryan.
As political strategy, perhaps this will turn out to be shrewd. Republicans will advance their budget and spending cuts, Democrats will attack them, the voters will sour, and Mr. Obama will ride to re-election. It happened in 1996.
As leadership, however, this is an abdication that contradicts Mr. Obama’s rhetorical flourishes about a new bipartisanship and the need “to merge, consolidate and reorganize the federal government.” Beyond his welcome if vague support for reducing corporate tax rates in return for closing loopholes, Mr. Obama offered not a single new idea or spending cut. The bulk of his address was devoted to his familiar priorities that he said Republicans should spend more on. Green energy subsidies. High-speed rail!
At least the address had good timing, because less than 12 hours later the Congressional Budget Office released its annual budget review and exposed how deep the fiscal mess really is. Even CBO dared to call it “daunting,” which for these budget gnomes is a primal scream.
Eighteen months after the recession formally ended, the federal deficit for fiscal 2011 (through September) is expected to increase once again, this time to $1.48 trillion, or 9.8% of GDP. That’s a share of GDP topped since World War II only by the 10% reached in Mr. Obama’s first year in office, when at least the recession was an excuse. The annual deficit in the 1980s never exceeded 6% of GDP.
Is Pawlenty now running for President? Not sure, don’t care. What is official though is that the current President has already started running for another term. He gave a SOTU speech filled with that oh so familiar Obama rhetoric about trains and green energy but didn’t say much, if at all, about the real problems we face. We’re standing on a ledge here and one strong gust of wind will send our country down a financial cliff. Millionaire’s tax? Canceling oil subsidies? Tax tax and tax some more?
Even if we put all that into place it wouldn’t make a dent, most especially after all those taxes ensure our economy grows as little as possible.
And what do we get today from our President?
As much of Washington kept its gaze on protests in Egpyt on Monday, President Obama’s Cabinet sought to turn attention to “Startup America,” the administration’s new campaign designed to put the focus on jobs and inspiring Americans to think like entrepreneurs.
More slogans…more rhetoric.
Punt the tough decisions and come up with some cool slogans.
Ace is behind Pawlenty calling Obama a chicken and believes he needs to go further. Obama is a coward:
He’s a coward. He has abdicated leadership on this issue, entirely, and feels that it’s best if he does nothing at all about these things, because doing so might cost him the 2012 election.
But what is the point of a presidency if the president intends to just mark time for another four years as the nation spirals further into fiscal chaos?
“We do big things,” Obama said. A pity Joe Wilson didn’t speak up to say “You lie!”
It is time to call a coward a coward, and call him that early and often. The 2012 season is upon us, begun by Obama in his signature voting-present, say-nothing-interesting-and-hope-to-get-by-on-demeanor style.
~~~So what’s Obama’s excuse for inaction? Even as far as the only thing that’s important to him — ego, bragging rights, being the center of attention — an attempt to do something good and right won’t end up hurting him much.
A coward is a coward. With two years left on his term Obama has already decided to be a lame-duck because that’s the path of least resistance. His allies in the media will carry him, he figures, praising him for boldness and transformational effect even when he demonstrates none at all.
We have to fight that. He’s a goddamned coward and he’s destroying this country just so he can be remembered as a two-termer. A do-nothing two-termer, but who cares? As long as he gets to keep reading words off a TelePrompTer.
What tough decisions has this President made? None, nada, zip. He punts and punts so that all will like him. We don’t need someone likable who can give a good speech as our leader, we need someone who doesn’t give a damn if he is liked and who will make the tough decisions that are needed.
We’re standing at the edge of a cliff here and what do we get? “Startup America”

See author page
Florida judge declares ObamaCare unconstitutional.
The entire law must be declared void!
26 states are happy but a higher court will be hearing this.
It worked well for Clinton.
I want some high-speed tar and feathers to go with the high-speed rail.
“Startup america.”
Sigh, indeed.
Thinking like an entrepreneur is JUST the start.
One needs a several month cushion of savings to start up an business.
One needs a lawyer just to sift through all the hoops and red tape involved in starting up a business.
One needs to put up with 12 to 16 hour days six or seven days a week for the equivalent of minimum wage (or less) for possibly years to start up a business.
And even with all of that, 9 out of 10 new businesses fail!
I read a study about black and gang entrepreneurs in the street drug sales business.
Most of them earn less, far less, than minimum wage for all their hours on the street corners.
All it buys them is an early grave, as a dealer’s average lifespan is less than 40 years.
So, it isn’t that Americans lack an entrepreneur’s spirit.
Americans have that.
It is just that it is very heard to succeed in business with all of the red tape government throws in front of businesses.
It is also very heard for some Americans to actually look at pleasure postponed and hard work up front as a worthwhile risk.
But Obama is good with words, just words.
Soon after the SOTUS, there was a report that unemployment took a huge spike. My reaction was as follows:
What! How can this be! President Dodo himself said just the other night we are in the middle of a robust recovery. Or is this once again another lie from an elitist who has his head buried up his ass and doesn’t think we are smart enough not to believe the lies!
He shouted “INVEST!” which basically translates to SPEND then turned and fed us the “I want to cut spending lie!
This man and his Leftist Marxist/Socialist agenda is a cancer! Cancers must be cut out! Furthermore, the entrenched scum politicians of both parties, his enablers are also the same cancers! It has to stop now!
What? When he stop campaigning? I must have blinked…
Don’t worry folks. He’ll straighten out things. He was a Community Organizer.
Yeah, and that Sarah person, hmpf! She was only a governor who denuded big oil. What does she know! I understand that she never organized one single community, that is, outside of Alaska. When the NY Times gets wind of that….well who knows what could happen to Sarah. Maybe this sweetie could be debating Obama in 2012, but will he have the TPOTUS by his side?
T shirts found after the SOTU address:
Together, We ride the rails!
I think I am going to post this where ever I can maybe even start visiting Liberal/Progressive/Democrat sites and Posting it?…
SIDE TRACK: I’d like to Know where is the OUTRAGE on the LEFT regarding the GASOLINE prices as of Late??? Why hasn’t *Savior* Obama made my gas prices lower??
In light of the fact that “Bush was Bashed” for all the High Gas prices back in 2005-2007. There is no Blaming Bush for the *Outrageous Gas Prices Now* It’s 3 Years Later, People !!
Gee, We had cash for clunkers of which the Government spent Billions ! We have better fuel efficient cars now, that should ‘run’ better and save lots and lots of GAS. So why are my Gasoline Prices Not Lower???
I though “Savior” Obama was going to make my Life so much better and save me money on my Gas??
Gee, should I still be BLAMING BUSH ???? Maybe HE’s the reason Gas Prices are so High???
Maybe the Tea Party can Protest, and Push the GOP and Democrats into moving forward ANY WAY WE NEED TO, TO GET OFF OF FOREIGN OIL DEPENDENCY!!!
Where is the Outrage!?!
Don’t forget about the tax increases coming up once again during the 2012 election; the so-called Bush tax cuts.
The Affirmative Action Presidency and His Merry Band have Never:
*Worked in the Private sector to Produce a Marketable Product
*Run any Private SectorBusiness that Made a Profit
*Understood the most Fundamentals of a Capitalism based Economic System
*Have no Concept of Foreign Trade, Energy or Domestic Policies that have Succeeded
*Have No Genuine Concept of the Importance of the Success of Small Business Owners
*Have ever Understood the Constitutional Limits of the Power of the Federal Government
But, however, have succeeded in Over Regulating the Private Sector due to ALL of the Above. Arrogance, Ignorance and Utter Economic Illiteracy will be the Legacy of this Regime and the 111th Congress.
They have pandered to Special Interest Groups to the point of Ruling and NOT Governing. If the Republic survives the next Decade it will be despite this incredible ineptitude and general malfeasance of Office
of this Regime and the last Congress.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is quite frankly delusional.
Faith, they will simply say it’s because the oil companies are gouging. They’ll claim Obama is too busy to deal with it or because those eeevil Republicans have taken over the House his hands are tied now.
You’ll notice there’s hardly any stories about the hardships people are facing because of the gas prices. This is what happens when you have a media in collusion with the government.
You folks have 2 trillion barrels of oil in your oil shales and one quarter of known coal reserves in the world. What the hell are you doing? Just the oil alone is estimated at 11 million new jobs at minimum 50k$ per annum for 200 years. Coal can even be bigger with new or standard technology. Nuclear is not even counted in this scenario. WTF (winning the future) -my ass.
I quoted from the US Geological Survey 2011. Check it out. Mind boggling
OBAMA is the president of the unions, that’s all where he get his directives,
speedtrains made by the unions employees, entrepreneur ruled by unions bosses,
and epa to make their life difficult; climate jobs done by the unions,
bail out only for the unions, waivers for the unions.
where, who is the PRESIDENT OF AMERICA?