I apologize for the downtime, site should be up now except for the pictures….having issues there but should be fixed soon.
More troubles and working them out as we go. Moving the site to a dedicated server to speed everything up and prevent the “error connecting to database” errors the site has been plagued with for sometime. As suspected, the move has been a pain. If you can get a comment up please let me know any errors you come across.

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Would like to give a shout-out and request for help from some of you legal eagles out there or maybe just an opinion.
My wife and I lived in a metropolitan area for about 11 years where the comp was great and we had a good ride. Due to her failing health we moved back to our hometown where our kids and others can help take care of her. Since the job market here is not good, I took what I could for work.
As business manager, one things I was tasked with was paying all the bills, handling payroll, tax compliance etc.
I had a blow up with the boss that was partially precipitated by his lying on an sba loan and his constant demeaning and belittling of employees.
Now that I have left he is accusing me of theft, which is complete crap but he knows I do not have resources to hire council. My questions are as follows:
1. When he applied for the first and second block of funding for an sba loan, he answered no to the question of any prior felonies. In fact he has convictions for fiduciary misapplication, grand larceny (greater than 20k), criminal trespass and retaliation. Does his answer saying no on these applications mean anything ( well I know it could be purjery, but who would go after him?)
2. He did the same things on a new mortgage about a year ago and other loans. Is this anything that I can use to my advantage? The accusation is big considering what industry and role I play in my job. Just sending this accusation in the wind can destroy my career.
3. If he used bogus numbers on his financials to get those loans, what about that? He manually filled out the information and had me complete it electronically (actually I just filled out a form in pdf and emailed it to him for him to send along to the bank).
What he is claiming is that the debit card that I used to order toner, pay bills, etc., was unauthorzed which is total nonsense because I ordered nothig that was not in the duties of my job. As a matter of fact I told him several times along with the other owner that I needed about $2200 for tax software, research software, etc, and this was verbally approved. I only had to actually order about $1500 but he is saying is was unauthorized and fraudulent purchases. The guy is a complete ass and even his own sister and son that work for him cannot stand him.
Any suggestions or ideas about what my options are?
Let it ride.
If the person is having this much trouble with you . . . there are probably much bigger problems than what you see. I would hold what I know close, meaning do not reveal anything at all. You are only asking for trouble to flop your aces to soon.
post and edit — works for me, site seems fine
Tallgrass, thinks for the heads-up. That is what I am seeing where I am finding any advice online with this type of situation. If I had known the guy had a record like he does, I would have tried to find something else to do. He seems just to be oblivious about his own issues.
He is also shacking with a female employee (supposedly her and her husband are “swingers” and the husband does not mind. She had convictions for prostitution after married along with credit card abuse, yet they are accusing me of this when I did nothing but my job. I documented everything very tight as well, so I have nothing to hide.
I take it that you have totally dissolved any professional employment with the nut case. I would keep extremely detailed records of any contact . . . including a diary of every detail . . . date, times, contact subject . . . everything . . . and i would then sign and date every page. Keep in mind that a “professional diary” when properly kept, is a legal record and such can be used in any court proceeding. If you have e-mail records, keep them . . . and put them in a secure file on cd or up load to a secure net service that is designed for secure storage. Keep in mind that you can have this come back at you for perhaps as long as 7 years. Sad that you have such a situation in your life. I would think about filing an IRS complaint againist the guy . . . You can do that online at the IRS website. I am not a lawyer, but I have been down the road a few times. If you can not afford an attorney, keep in mind that many lawyers will give you an initial conference/assessment at reduced cost or even free. Good luck
What is the strangest deal is they have me doing year end reporting and their tax compliance, although they do not know that I know that they have filed charges. Is that weird or what? There is another person that is mediating this and he was not aware that they had filed charges either.
It is sounding more and more to me like you need an attorney . .. any kind of criminal charges, especially that have the potential of felony conviction, absolutely require an attorney. Again, even if you only establish a relationship with an attorney that can be called in once el poop hits the fan. Legal aide or other such publically available citizens support groups may be available in your area, go find them. Expenditures for tools, products, materials, those kinds of concrete assets, usually are self supporting, especially if the asset is used by the company in everyday business. But that is where the attorney will be most needed. Good luck.