Suave Democrat about town, Rep. Jim Moran, Virginia 8 th District, commits a serious crime according to Sharia Law by touching a Muslim woman, at the very least a boorish undiplomatic move by reaching out to fondle the Muslim woman’s arm in an expression of intimacy that will enrage men all across the Muslim world. His coarse actions only set the stage for him to blame the 2010 election results on racism and the supposition that Southern men resent being governed by a half Black man, whether he is a Democrat or a Republican.
This classless buffoon spoke out after the State of The Union Address and set the stage for race and culture conflict with the old adage that criticism of Obama is only racism disguised as criticism; yet, carrying it to a new level by comparing it to the causes of the Civil War.
To make his despicable and vulgar comments and actions even worse, he performed his race baiting routine for Arab TV. If you listen carefully through the Arab translation you will hear him speaking.
It happened for the same reason the Civil War happened in the United States. It happened because the Southern states, the slaveholding states, didn’t want to see a president who was opposed to slavery.
In this case, I believe, a lot of people in the United States don’t want to be governed by an African-Amerian, particularly one who is liberal, who wants to spend money and who wants to reach out to include everyone in our society….
We, “a lot of people in the US” now are considered racists because we resist Socialism; however, I suggest to Mr Moran that he might consider very carefully any future trips to the Middle East, if I am not mistaken, the penalty for touching a Muslim woman is the loss of a hand or maybe the arm. His intimate and charming manner of a drunk lounge masher will not be appreciated by Islam and his message of race baiting will lose some of its effect over him wanting to pull the pretty woman closer, it might work well in DC pubs and country clubs with admiring interns, but not so much in the Arab World.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
The touching of a muslim women by an infidel man is usually considered to be a violation of her person . . . rape. Of course, the incidence of prosecution for rape under sharia law is very limited, however, the punishment for a male convicted of rape is death. Since the female in the video “did not resist the touch of the male infidel” the opposite may be inferred . . . that she WILLINGLY allowed the infidel to TOUCH her . . . so the charge under sharia law would become “Adultery” . . . what is entirely possible is that the younglady in the video may find herself on the receiving end of punishment by muslims. Clearly the lady is not wearing appropriate muslim attire . . . the fact that she is not will enrage a the more radical muslim and there is in all likelyhood already a charge of violation of muslim law somehwere in the muslim world. The women KNOWS clearly that she is a target for the more radical of her religion . . . the enactment of any “sentence” by the muslim will be dependent upon the perspective that muslim’s are allowed to “mislead” the infidel . . . thus she may have “dispensation” from the sentence as long as she continues to perform the duties to advance the muslim religion.
Ultimately, the touch by the Moron may and probably will be forgotten in the muslim world.
What can not be forgotten is the stupidity of the Moron’s racial remarks . .. wake up America . . . we are being destroyed by these Morons!!!
Great as always. You and I, not only as race trackers (which some folks would call the dregs of society, LOL!) but also having been in Cicero in the 60’s and 70’s where real racism was openly put on display have some understanding of this. We approach it as it should be. The fact that so many people in fact throw racism out for every problem rather than face the truth is indeed sad.
This buffoon should be thrown out of office for is treasonous remarks.
I’m willing to bet this moron only used black and white crayons in his
childhoodcoloring book.Note to those not from Virginia:
This creep is not called “Jim Moron” for idle or empty reasons.
He is stupid.
His faith is that the voters will not remember how dumb he is and re-elect him.
You wouldn’t expect him to show respect for another person, would you?
Moran’s race-baiting is insulting to majority America who voted Obama into office in 2008 (wasn’t he just as “black” then as he is today?). But I really don’t understand the need to use this Al Hurra interview to bash Muslims in general with a cartoonish stereotype (and yes, I know you were also using sarcasm in the post) as if all Muslims are burka-loving, honor-killing, yahoos.
Nooooo…..really?! Ya think?
Skookum, I don’t think the kid in the picture stole bread. I think it’s from an Indian scene where fakirs work the crowd with tricks and illusions.
We both know if he had stolen bread they would be cutting his hand off with a sword….
Word and Tallgrass, the effect of Moran and his insult to the woman was perhaps overdone in terms of Muslim perceptions (and maybe not), but I found it repulsive for this representative of our government to assume he could reach out and be “Handsy” with this Arab newswoman who is trying to be professional. I felt he should respect the traditions of the culture she represents, especially when we are in such a precarious situation over there. An older man, approximately the same age as me, does not need to be reaching out to younger women as if they are a poor man’s Hugh Hefner. It projects a terrible image to the rest of the world, especially the Muslim world.
The picture of the boy who stole bread was to emphasize how serious the Muslim regards their traditions, culture, and Sharia Law. There was a serious of pics and it looked as though the boy’s arm made it through the punishment without being broken. For some reason I am a little more respectful of decorum and of other people’s culture than most. I m also more respectful towards women and hate to see the masher image, especially when it is perpetrated by older men in positions of power, directed towards younger women, it is extremely difficult when they are trying to make a living in a world dominated by older men who love to take advantage of their position.
It was my intention to show respect not disrespect, I am a gentile with no relationship towards the woman; it is conceivable that some Muslim men felt the same revulsion as I did. If that is my crime, I stand guilty as charged. I am the guy who will occasionally stop the abuse of a woman or a child with a huge right hand that lands like the broad side of an ax. It is a part of me that I can’t deny, I stand for the weakest among us.
Unless I missed something in the video, I didn’t see anything “handsy” in Moran’s gesture. And in regards to “the traditions of the culture she represents”, isn’t this the U.S.-funded Alhurra reporting? I’d say she’s representing the democratic freedoms that the U.S. represents to the various cultures and people of the Middle East.
I am referring to Moran reaching for her with his right hand repeatedly in the beginning of the film. I assumed that the reporting was a ME enterprise, representing the ME. It is a logical assumption for most of us.
The Muslim woman did not respond to his efforts to pull her closer to her credit, but few women would. It was not for his lack of trying. If he isn’t reaching for her what is he doing with that right hand that is reaching in her direction.
There is not ”one” sharia Law.
It varies by the nastiness of the ruler of any particular Islamic area.
For instance, in Somalia, watching TV, listening or playing music, wearing a bra, being a female uncovered to the slightest degree are all punishable, some by death!
But in, say, Turkey, Muslims are musicians, have TV shows, wear bras, go out in public with a mere scarf over most of their hair …. all without fear of beatings, much less death.
In the UK there are Sharia courts but no one can be amputated or executed legally.
(A British Muslim have been ordered by a Sharia court to pay the family blood money for killing a man, and the secular courts dropped all charges after the agreement was met.)
So, while some countries under Sharia do amputate a right hand for stealing, others take off both the right hand AND the left foot, yet others imprison the thief.
So what happened to the floozie? Did she get stoned? After all a MAN touched her. Ewwe. Did he have cooties?
Democrats, please find a candidate to oppose this Congressman in the next primary. He’s in one of those “safe” districts, the GOP should also take him on but my gosh, Dems…don’t let this man get a pass, your party can do better
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights’ interim report on the New Black Panther Party voter-intimidation case is now available on the commission’s website.
The bottom line?
The evidence shows that a racial double standard prevails in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.
It dismissed the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party because of hostility to the idea of enforcing the Voting Rights Act against black defendants.
220 pages in PDF here.
Before you take what Skookum says about Sharia Law too literally–which ultra-conservatives tend to do–I suggest you take a look at the site from which the following quote was taken, and learn something about Islam:
“Sharia law has been adopted in various forms by many countries, ranging from a strict interpretation in Saudi Arabia and northern states of Nigeria, to a relatively liberal interpretation in much of Malaysia. 1
Sharia law is intended to be only applicable to Muslims. Christians and other non-Muslims are supposed to be exempt from the provisions of the law; this is a provision that is not universally followed..”
@Nan G, #14:
The federal voter intimidation lawsuit that was filed against Pat Rogers, an attorney for the Republican Party of New Mexico, and Al Romero, a private investigator that he hired to investigate registered Hispanic voters, was also dismissed.
I think Rogers’s and Romero’s actions can be interpreted as voter intimidation as reasonably as those of the two New Black Panthers, who were essentially just standing around posturing. (One actually had poll watcher credentials. Maybe there should be a poll watcher dress code.) If the legal threshhold for what constitutes intimidation is set too high, there at least seems to be some consistency in its application.
Skookum et al…..I am a Virginian (transplanted some 20 yrs ago)….this idiot Jim Moron…is in a Northern VA district whose population he finds it easy to manipulate…its up by DC and is as liberal progressive as it gets so he can almost do anything and get elected…suffice to say the rest of us in central VA would be glad to take out behind the barn and fix the matter. Race really doesn’t matter anymore but behavior really does and that is why Mr. Obama is not thought of as a good President. If you have been watching his antics, and what he says and does you know what I mean. Now if you want to talk Walt Williaqms or Thomas sole it is a different story…Sharia law after 911 I made myself somewhat educated on the Koran, sharia law and arab/muslim customs….While I am a conservative/libetarian I find that whole “religion” to be a social construct to control a subject people….dressed up as a religion for other purposes…definitely not my cup of tea.
Larrry, in the days before 9/11, I worked in the area that began at Falls Church and west to Upperville and Middleberg and then Southeast to Charlottesville. The people I worked for were usually liberal in their political thinking, but it is hard to imagine electing someone as crude and stupid as Moran. No matter how liberal Proressive you are, there must be a level of dignity or decorum that you will not cross or at least I though there was, especially in that affluent community.
I try to respect all religions; although, I am afraid the Muslim religion is easily used to manipulate it’s followers, for two reasons: the Koran has a lot of militant passages that can be used to justify bloodletting and a great many of the followers of the religion are uneducated with no hope for the future; consequently, becoming a martyr offers the chance for a quick exit from this life of despair and if the afterlife is going to be so wonderful, why delay paradise. That spells trouble for the world of the Infidel; especially, when we have a president that is viewed as a spineless diletante by the rest of the world.
Uncouth morons like Moran contribute nothing towards a positive image of the US, instead he and others like him perpetuate the “Ugly American” image of the 50’s and 60’s.