Clueless Joe Strikes Again

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In every community there is a guy who doesn’t seem to be wrapped too tight or whose bubble is a little off center. In the Peace county we had one of our own: everyone called him Clueless Joe and he seemed to enjoy the nickname, as if he felt validated. Joe inherited a great ranch, but within 20 years of poor business decisions, the stock, the equipment, and most of the land was gone. Instead of being a wealthy rancher, he lived on 160 acres of stumps and willows and survived with a small garden and a few chickens. The old homestead house had fallen into disrepair, mainly because couldn’t fix anything or he was just too lazy, but when the spring rains came, the roof leaked so bad there was no getting around it, the house had to have a new roof or it was going to collapse.

The funny thing about roofs, you need to wait until it stops raining to repair them; that is one of those things nature does for us, she makes us so miserable with a leaking roof, that we are more likely to remember to fix it when the rain stops. Sadly, there are those amongst us who see no need to fix roof if it isn’t leaking. Thus the leaking roof is ignored for several rain cycles, until it is out of control and the whole roof needs to be replaced.

Joe was at that point. There was a sale in town and Joe loaded up on asphalt shingles. As a rule, a rancher can build or repair almost anything, but if they avoided work while growing up and neglected their practical education, they don’t have the practical knowledge that allows them to study a project they have never done and then put it together in a professional and workmanlike manner.

Poor Joe studied his roof and the shingles and began nailing on shingles. He worked with a fierce dedication and finished the roof after a week of hard labor. When you put on a roof, it is imperative to start at the bottom and lay on row after row of shingles. Joe studied the job and started at the top and laid on row after row of shingles in an upside down position, so that the water couldn’t flow down the roof: instead it was trapped in tens of thousands of little openings between shingles so that it was forced onto the plywood and into the house. Joe realized his error during the next rainstorm and then laid roll roofing over the shingles, it is an inferior type of roof, but this time time he started at the bottom and worked his way up and the roof didn’t leak.

That my friends, was why Clueless Joe was called Clueless. Joe left this world years ago, but his legacy lives on. We now have a vice president, who is coincidently named Joe and in his own way, deserves the nickname Clueless.

In Egypt, there is increasing violence to bring down the regime of President Mubarak. Eight protesters and one policeman have died during the demonstrations.

The US provides $1.3 billion/year in military aid to Egypt; obviously, we have a vested interest in supporting the dictator, President Mubarak.

The regime has shut down the internet, and the use of instant messaging on cell phones: while organizers of the protests are calling for massive demonstrations after the noon day prayers on Friday, thus calling for an end to Mubarak’s reign.

The reaction to this latest call for protests may or may not end the regime, time will tell.

NewsHour’s host Jim Lehrer asked our Vice President Joe Biden, if the time had come for Mubarak to step down:

Biden answered: No. I think the time has come for President Mubarak to begin to move in the direction that – to be more responsive to some… of the needs of the people out there.

Asked if he would characterize Mubarak as a dictator Biden responded: “Mubarak has been an ally of ours in a number of things. And he’s been very responsible on, relative to geopolitical interest in the region, the Middle East peace efforts; the actions Egypt has taken relative to normalizing relationship with – with Israel. … I would not refer to him as a dictator.”

In typical Clueless Joe fashion, seemed to be unaware of the demands of the protesters: an end to police torture, freedom, democracy, and a committed effort by the government to address the poverty that is afflicting the people of Egypt.

Biden urged non-violence from both protesters and the government and said: “We’re encouraging the protesters to – as they assemble, do it peacefully. And we’re encouraging the government to act responsibly and – and to try to engage in a discussion as to what the legitimate claims being made are, if they are, and try to work them out.” He also said: “I think that what we should continue to do is to encourage reasonable… accommodation and discussion to try to resolve peacefully and amicably the concerns and claims made by those who have taken to the street. And those that are legitimate should be responded to because the economic well-being and the stability of Egypt rests upon that middle class buying into the future of Egypt.”

The demands of the protesters may seem to be counter productive and outrageous to our current administration, for they are calling for an end to poverty, an end to the authoritarian police state, and the establishment of democracy it is no wonder that Joe can’t recognize these claims as legitimate.

After listening to Biden, if the protesters are willing to listen to someone as clueless as Biden, they must be wondering which of their demands are illegitimate, as they listen or read the words of Biden and see the equivalent of a roof with the shingles on backwards.

Hillary weighs in on the situation with her lack of insight and emotion.

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What kind of tranqs is Hillary on, anyway???
She needs to get some life in her.
Maybe a man?

But seriously, on topic.
Clueless Carter gave the world the mullahs of Iran who have been a thorn in our side for decades.
I think Obama is still trying to vote ”present.”
He has frittered away hours in indifference already.

No freezing of foreign aid ….yet.
No evacuating our embassy….yet.
Not even any OUTRAGE…..yet.

Turkey is in turmoil, as is Tunesia, Yemen and other Arab places.
The Muslim Brotherhood will end up on top at least in Egypt, if not elsewhere.
If Islamists, like the MB, win all over the place, like it looks like they will, we had better get drilling.
What’s oil selling for?
Oil went up $3.55 so far today.

Ok. If you had been interviewed by Jim Lehrer what would your answers have been? Sounds like Biden and the Administration (as other administrations have done) are dancing on the tip of a needle. The need to keep stability within an ally while simultaneously trying to encourage change, without having it all blow up in our faces.

So, what would your answers have been?

People who can get info in and out of Egypt are saying the police have all left and either changed out of their uniforms and joined the protests OR have gone to their homes.
The military is being welcomed by the protesters and there is relative peace as protesters occupy bridges they were water cannoned off of just hours ago.
If you Facebook, here is one professor from Canada.

As of 20 minutes ago, Obama is still monitoring things, keeping his position on continued financial & military assistance open, and he and Mubarak have still not spoken together.

blast, if I may, my answer would be to get to the organisators of those rallys
opposing the PRESIDENT, and demand their revendifications ,and say that he will read and make sure that he will agree to find a solution giving his solem word on it to all the people,as soon as they become peacefully reentering their homes, then he would convoke the leaders of those organisations and in a urgent debate among the 2 opposits factions, and find the no 1 most important requirement and call for a instant correction, promissing the no 2 problem to be resolve as the opposit leaders name them by rank of emergency to be resolve, that would promote instant jobs to his citizens and hope for betterness of their situations, because when a GOVERNMENT ALLOW the problems to be so degenarated,
the head of that GOVERNMENT is at risk by his own fault,and HE better move his butt fast enough
or if he can’t take the pressure get out fast, his life is at risk. you are a president,of a coutry
you better listen to thoses who forsee the problems and also forsee the solutions,
otherwise, you don’t have the hability to GOVERN

@ilovebeeswarzone: I appreciate your comment, I think in essence Biden did say that: “We’re encouraging the protesters to, as they assemble, do it peacefully. And we’re encouraging the government to act responsibly and to try to engage in a discussion as to what the legitimate claims being made are, if they are, and try to work them out.”

I don’t realistically believe the US has enough credibility with the people in Egypt to broker some sort of grand deal between the Mubarak government and the protesters. From what I have seen on TV it looks like a mob scene and near anarchy.

Interesting detail from Twitter….
Ben Wedeman, CNN’s Cairo correspondent:

Teenager showed me teargas canister “Made in USA.”Saw the same thing in Tunisia. Time to reconsider U.S. exports?

His twitter feed:

As I’ve said again and again. This administration does not have a clue. Let me pose this theory.

You know, it just dawned on me! Could all the turmoil we are seeing in Muslim countries be an offshoot of perceived weakness on the part of the United States and her allies! I for one have always felt this President is firmly on the side of the Muslim world as a whole. Certainly he is the most antagonistic President as in his stance on Israel I have ever seen. As we now are at the point in which we have elected officials telling the Muslim world this country is full of racist hate and an administration that in almost every stance is extremely ” Anti-American ideals” why should one be surpised that these radical Muslim Fundamentalists are taking their shots now? After all, the administration only yesterday as an example declared the Egyptian government was stable. No surprise from the blind mice running the show in D.C. now is it?

blast, their encouraging as too generalyse terms, where I was more specifict that is 2 diffrent comments between MR VICE PRESIDENT comment AND what I was advocating naming specifict conduct to the people’s problems, who are now to the point of DESPAIR, meaning too far out to want to listen to appeasment by the US VICE PRESIDENT.

@ilovebeeswarzone: no doubt your comment was more stern, but I am not certain if that would work, sounds like a dean of discipline instead of heads of state or leaders. My guess is there will be a coup d’etat and the military will act as the middle man. If not this crisis will just degenerate into chaos.

joetote, you put your finger on something quite realistic as many people have observed the same leaning toward those of that political inclination which are invading the AMERICAS to build their FOOTHOLE to slowly but surely attain the jobs in GOVERNMENT
‘s AFFAIR so to reach their goal to join sympathic ranks made easy for them by this GOVERNMENT
no matter if there is a seeable danger already pointing very cloose

Joe, even Osama bin Laden pointed out that people see a weak horse and a strong horse and only want the strong one.
Obama has shown himself to be that weak horse when it comes to standing up against militant Islamists.
They already knew all they needed to do in Afghanistan and Iraq was WAIT.
Obama would leave a vacuum of power and they could fill it with militants.
That’s why Muqtada al Sadr has come out of hiding (under Bush) to live and wield power back in Iraq.
Obama won’t do anything.
Do you really believe the Taliban when they say girls’ schools are A-OK with them now?
Obama does.
He’s ready and willing to withdraw support/protection of girls’ schools in Afghanistan, based on their word.

Mohammad said, WAR IS DECEIT.
There are lots of examples in the Hadiths and Sura to show he was all for sneaking around until you were in a position to kill enemies of Islam.
See a few of them here.

The Saudis wahabbists and the Muslim Brotherhood are just two of the strongest, best financed militant, expansionist Islamists on earth, but they are not the only ones.

The imam that was almost accidentally found at the CA side of the USA/Mexican border is also militant and desires Sharia here.
What will Obama do about him?

Egypt’s speaker is claiming the opposition party is going to be allowed to simply come in and take the reins of power in Egypt.
Iran is happy.
Al Jazeera English is covering this streaming on the web.

I can’t say if that was official or just A speaker, rather than THE speaker for the gov’t.

blast, yes your right but they must find the gutts to be stern in their talk in that kind of situation where it’s so degenerated, they have the limits of the people have endured,so they hit the last stage,
and with the people ISLAMIC foundation on top of that and the police and some military joining them they have become the power to dictate,
you said it right that the military would probably take the lead to pacify the people despair.

The protestors want an end to police torture, they want freedom, democracy, action to end poverty, and lastly — sharia law, which will make all those other things impossible.

Nan, Elmasry is a “bomb throwing” idiot and the self appointed leader of the Canadian Muslim Congress. Ezra Levant and Michael Coren (Youtube) have disected this charlatan and no one in our media will interview him. He wore out his welcome and should be tried for hate speech. Facebook is about all he has and what’s he got- maybe 10 friends. He’s the cover girl for Sharia Law in Canada.

@oil guy from Alberta:
Thanks for the reminder, oil guy…
I knew his name seemed familiar.
Well, I don’t do Facebook at all so I had not actually looked it up.
Anyway, Mubarak just threw his ”Hail Mary,” (LOL!) by telling the public, in the middle of the night, that the rest of the government/his Cabinet (not him) would quit so he and a ”new” government (hand-picked by him?) might fix things.
I doubt the mobs will go for that.
Mubarak has groomed his own son to succeed him.
I have not heard a word about how the nation’s Coptic Christians are doing.
Oh, well, Obama will now weigh in.

My gut is telling me that Obama’s regime has quit trying. People like that have nothing to lose, yet so much to gain. These are dangerous times my friends.

We have seen how the world is functioning since the “dear leader” became POTUS. Obama and his minions plans are coming to fruition.


“Clueless Joe” about says it all for this “present” voting and unthinking Administration. Why is it so difficult for this Admin. to call Mubarak exactly what he is and has been for a whole generation of Egyptians? . . . A Dictator. Is there some doubt perhaps of his tactics for 30 years? Yah, let’s ask Mubarak to respect the rights of Egyptians. That strategy worked so well on the goons in Teheran during the protests. Oh, and it seems Mubarak isn’t listening, . . . he arrested Dr. Mohammed ElBaradei – good move.

Mubarak’s attempt to appear to make changes will fool no one but himself – temporarily. He has moved his cash offshore, and will do what comes naturally when you’ve been a dictator for too long, . . . he’ll order the army to control the streets and crack a few heads to teach those crowds a thing or two just for revenge, then he’ll take a flight to London or Paris where he will count his money in luxury. Much of the cash managed by “fund managers” in London, or Paris, or Geneva, comes from dictators & kings sitting in palaces of power across the Muslim world. Mubarak’s just following the dictator’s handbook.

If the crowds play nice with the military, there’s a good chance that the soldiers won’t retaliate with prejudice. Then, . . . It is entirely possible that the various factions will form a parliamentary democracy, after a period of mayhem once Mubarak flies the coop.

It’s very refreshing to see Egyptians, who have historically been somewhat apathetic toward their rulers, take matters in their own hands and take action. Perhaps the shouts for freedom and for a voice in government will not be drowned out, as they have been elsewhere.

. . . Here’s hoping.


IF events have not already passed the point of no return, this might well work. Certainly it has the merit of finding a nonviolent solution to this grave & volatile impasse – and virtually anything is preferable to having yet more messianic crazies equivalent to the Iranian mullahs (as the MB most certainly is) take power in any more nations. Down that path lies the death of the planet in the name of the mad 6th Century pederast.

And thank you for expanding my vocabulary! Even if it were misspelled, I had never encountered the term “revendications” before. Always appreciate collecting a new word. Thanks again.

1. Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance
to the State.

2. It is a matter of life and death, a road either
to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry
which can on no account be neglected.

3. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
factors, to be taken into account in one’s deliberations,
when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

4. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
(4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.

5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

7. Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat,
times and seasons.

8. Earth comprises distances, great and small;
danger and security; open ground and narrow passes;
the chances of life and death.

9. The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom,
sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.

10. By method and discipline are to be understood
the marshaling of the army in its proper subdivisions,
the graduations of rank among the officers, the maintenance
of roads by which supplies may reach the army, and the
control of military expenditure.

11. These five heads should be familiar to every general:
he who knows them will be victorious; he who knows them
not will fail.

12. Therefore, in your deliberations, when seeking
to determine the military conditions, let them be made
the basis of a comparison, in this wise:–

13. (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued
with the Moral law?
(2) Which of the two generals has most ability?
(3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven
and Earth?
(4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?
(5) Which army is stronger?
(6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained?
(7) In which army is there the greater constancy
both in reward and punishment?

14. By means of these seven considerations I can
forecast victory or defeat.

Considering the first 14 chapters of Sun Tzu there only remains the emergence of the “Second General” . . . there is little doubt that the second general will be from the military . . . clearly Mubarak is ALREADY a looser. I would think that what is happening right now . . .”Egyptian military delegates are negotiating with the “third parties” . . . Most probably the third parties include: Turkey, Iran, Saudi, Russia, China, EEU, UN and the weakest of all (Morally) the US of A.

We will see a new government in Egypt within the next few days. Do not expect the USA to have much influence . . . they know OUR money is worthless . . .

iconoclast, < hi, I left the syllables "fi" to revendification, thank's for noting it,
if I want to make my point , I will try a word that is from french language to see if it will fit in,
some are the same as english I thought,, bye

Clearly an arms war is possible . . . all it takes is for the army of Egypt to raise them in a single moment of loss of control. If that happens, Katy bar the door, the entire earth will disintegrate again into the chaos of war. Willl it happen . . .. NO. For there is one aspect that every nation on earth clearly realizes . . . the US of A will whip their asses . . . but for how long? War today is not the war of yesterday or even of that of 25 years ago. The power of instant damage is not the power of long term conflict. Even Stalin realized that “quantity will win over quality every time.” Thus the US of A is a marginal player. We have only the power to Isolate ourselves and prevent the foreign invader from winning . . . we do not have the power, the gold, nor resources to withstand the guerilla war that exists in those countries . . . we can not even protect ourselves from the single minded terriorist.

We are witness to a profound change in the demographics of the nations that speak Arabic. The greatest confusion in the US of A is to think that all the nations where Arabic is the spoken language are Arab nations. They most assuredly are not Arabic. To call an Egyptian an Arab is similar in nature to calling an African American the “N” word. No one in this country realizes that or there are few that do realize it anyway. So we see a vastly different demographic, from Tunsia to Turkey to Iran . . . all closely tied via the concept of Heaven, Morals, Earth, strong Armies (considering the regional limits) and we have one of two things . . . a new Confideration of Languagistically Allied Countries . . . or we see the chaos of No Joy.

The influence of the Western world has kept those lands in the No Joy chaos for nearly 100 years . .. with many of the independent nations only becoming so after WWII. Thus, the evolution of alligences say . . . either come together as a loose organization or degenerate in to chaos and war.

Either be reborn or die.

TallGrass, hi, I beleive you have it right on, THE BARRACKS HAVE underestimate the power of
those laws of having the people beleive in their inner goal to serve the people
as they swore on at the beginning of their instalments in that highest position,
they neglecte to check their own ignorance on what the requirements demand from their brain ,
and delegate without checking if the person can do the job, but instead delegated to a friend ignorant of the task, and eventualy moving to have lost the confidence of the people

TallGrass, another thing that come to mind, Is that in AMERICA we are the target of the explosion of their population who are getting choked by the number of them pushing each other in a land that they are shrinking because of it, and they target THE AMERICA to relocate bringing along their religion and politics as to continiue what they have been program to never leave behind,
SO we should be very weary of the constant arrivals and fast pace of it, It is IMPERATIVE to keep that fact on check, even now that IT has cross the MARGINAL LINE OF NO RETURN.