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I don’t think it was about “anti-war”, it was about “toppling capitalism”.

The same people are now in positions of power and taking us down using other methods.

It was all about anti-Bush obviously…. the shallow leftards…. it’s all ideology to them. They’re against the war IF a republican is in office and silent if a dem is… What was good for the 60’s was good for the 00’s. They have no soul.

@yippie21, #2:

There was no shortage of anti-war protests while Lyndon Johnson was in office.

Yup, the republican war which became the democratic war will become the republican war, again. 2012 sounds about right.

Did you hear the great news? Keith Dolbermann either quit or got the size 12 from Comcast. He had 2 more years on his contract, so it must be a huge severance or a golden bath tub or both. Damn, just when he was setting up for ” No mention of Palin month”. This war of hate has been won thanks to Comcast.

Yeah, Greg. There was, for the 60’s. Re-read what Yippie said to get a grasp of his literal meaning and understand we’re no longer in the 00’s but in the 10’s. Different Decade, bub, which means different policies and ideals to come forth (so far what has isn’t very pretty with global violent riots and calls of bloody uprisings.) Kinda like that whole 1960’s to 1970’s transition… Peaceful protests weren’t so useful in the 70’s especialy with the War concluding under Nixon.

The anti-war movement from the Vietnam era is running the country today. They were Commies then. They are Commies now.

There hasn’t been any Democrats in Congress comparing the troops to war criminals and terrorists since Bush left office either. Could there be a connection?

Back in the seventies, our local anti-war group the Mothers for Peace was without a war to protest, so they switched to opposing the local nuclear power plant. I see the frustrated old biddies are still at it.

Words cannot express the contempt I have for Code Pink, Cindy Sheehan, Bill Ayers and the rest of the hateful Left. War was “awful” when it was Bush but it seems to be ok with Obama as President. Code Pink now protests TARP and bailouts, but it hasn’t dawned on them that the Obama is 100% behind TARP and bailouts. Or it has dawned on them and they have been ordered to calm down.

The dirty little secret we have been missing here is that the Left, especially the Democrat Party is splitting in two.
Sure, there are still a goodly number of Democrats who will march arm-in-arm with commies, Azatlanders,
union thugs, earth firsters and vegans.
BUT there are a whole lot of ”blue dogs.”
And these folks are fiscal conservatives!
They want so many of the same things that mainstream America wants that they go to TEA Parties and vote with the Republicans on many issues!
The first time I went to a TEA Party was in Seal Beach, CA.
It had a sign-in sheet where there was a line for email and a line for party affiliation.
I came late and saw that ~ 1/2 of those who filled in that line wrote Democrat.
Now, I don’t know if being a Blue Dog Democrat automatically means you wouldn’t march against a war, but I’m just pointing this out: there is a schism in that party.

well the war in Iraq is coming to a close with all troops out in 11 months. But on Afghanistan there seems to be growing bipartisan support that we must ahve an exit strategy. No one believes that war is going well I guess you could say that the anti war movement has gone mainstream on that one. AS for toppling capitalism, under Obama the stock market has been going great, unlike the Dow falling from 14000 to 8000 like it did under Bush. Wall Street capitalists are VERY happy with the way things are going under Obama. The elites are doing very well and say thank you very much for extending their tax cuts. Corporate profits are at record highs, as for the workers and unemployment, well that is more something that “socialists” should worry about than capitalists Oh and of course Curt STATE workers with their lavish pension plans are doing at least OK.

Say John, I had some questions for you on the global warming thread. I provided some links and information. You’ve completely ignored them. Why is that?

Your behavior to date suggests that you will ignore any substantive reply to your unsourced, unsupported assertions.

Repeating what everyone around you is saying, and parroting what you see on TV and left-wing web sites, without links or other evidence, is not a way to hold up your end of the discussion.

Wm T, that’s why we here at FA have nicknamed him “drive by johnnie ryan”. Just does a drive thru, drops some excrement, and moves on. Wouldn’t hold your breath waiting, guy… the rest of us need you well oxygenated… LOL

I think people had a wait and see attitude with Obama and now the waiting is over. Lets revive the peace movement. Go to http://www.PeaceRally.org and lets get this going again.

When the Left realized that Obama intended to continue the wars and keep the Guantanamo facility open, they linked arms and began to sing, “All we are saying, is give war a chance…”

Is burned out old John the same as John Ryan? They seem to be different people.

@Wm T Sherman:

One in the same.

There are two big differences between the Vietnam era and now:

1. When Lyndon Johnson turned a small war into a big war, he raised taxes to pay for it. George W Bush, in contrast, cut taxes and put the war on America’s Bank of China Platinum VISA card. No pay, no pain. Out of sight; out of mind. Obama just extended those tax cuts. Shame on him, as well.

2. During the Vietnam War, there was a draft. I drew lottery number 263 in my year of 1-A eligibility. They didn’t go above 128, that year. My brother drew lottery number 12, and received his notice (GREETING…) on Christmas Eve and was doing basic training at Ft. Knox a month later.

Today, Americans aren’t stakeholders in war. We don’t take war seriously. We should.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

That’s preposterous, Larry. To pay for both the war and his new social programs, Johnson also borrowed money and began the raiding of the Social Security Trust Fund that continues to this day. Raising taxes didn’t cover it all.

The damage to the economy was reflected in the severe recession that began after the Vietnam War ended.

I’m not presenting a radical view here, it’s pretty conventional stuff.

Anti-anything movements only get funded when they are “Anti-right”.

You actually have to believe in what you are doing to do it for nothing

WM T is correct. LBJ’s so called war on poverty has been screwing this country from its inception both financially and socially. It continues to do so today but with more garbage added on by the Dems/Socialists.

so where has all the PRO-WAR movement gone ? Republicans are realizing that after 10 years Afghnaistan is a quagmire, things are not getting better. Remember 1 year ago the occupation of Marjah? and how that was going to be a litmus test? well that has reached a stalemate.