Good News! As More States Join Lawsuit Against ObamaCare The House Votes To Repeal It

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Quick post on a story everyone has already read about. The House passed the repeal of ObamaCare

House Republicans passed a bill to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care plan Wednesday, taking their first major step toward rolling back the massive overhaul that has dominated the American political landscape for almost two years.

The vote was 245 to 189, and unanimous GOP opposition gave the vote the same partisan feel of the March vote to pass the law, underscoring once again the hardened political lines of the health care debate. Only three Democrats backed the repeal, a smaller number than Republicans had once predicted.

The bill will head next to the Senate, where Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has promised to block it.

In the meantime another six states have joined a lawsuit against ObamaCare bringing that total to 26 states. Half of the country:

The six additional states, all with Republican attorneys general, joined Florida and 19 others in the legal action, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said.

“It sends a strong message that more than half of the states consider the health care law unconstitutional and are willing to fight it in court,” she said in a statement.

The states claim the health care law is unconstitutional and violates people’s rights by forcing them to buy health insurance by 2014 or face penalties.

But don’t look now….those daring to disagree with the government forcing all citizens to buy something they don’t want are now Nazi’s!

Political rhetoric in Congress doesn’t get much nastier than the words of one House Democrat during the debate on repealing the health care law.

In an extraordinary outburst on the House floor, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) invoked the Holocaust to attack Republicans on health care and compared rhetoric on the issue to the work of infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

This is that civil tone we were supposed to have after Tucson?

Oh, I forgot…only Conservatives are supposed to stay civil silly. Sit down and shut up you Republicans!

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Hussein Obama has been CRUSHED. We’ll see how symbolic the vote to REPEAL Obamacare really is when Republicans GUT the outrageous socialist plan. A clear majority of voters DO NOT like the way Obamacare was written. Remember the November Shellacking? This is America and America’s infrastructure is NOT socialist. As youngsters, and especially during the Cold War, we were taught and trained to REJECT Socialism and/or Communism. Our core is Capitalistic, Entrepreneurial, and Freedom of Choice. Our history over the past 70 years represents the success of our form of government. If what it takes is replacing most of the Democrat Senators with Republicans and Independents, that’s what America will do. We have seen the socialist, racist face of Obama, and we reject it.


What continues to baffle me is that so many people fail to recognize how unregulated corporate capitalism can also represent a serious threat to the freedom and well-being of the individual. If you take away the regulation that moderates the activities of private interests to balance them against public interests, and then dismantle all of the progressive social programs that most people have come to rely on over the course of the past 70 years, you’ll eventually find out just how much concern enormous concentrations of wealth and power actually have for the common man. You’ll be valued only to the extent that, and for however long that, you’re a useful producer of profit or a useful consumer of products. Beyond that point you’ll be of no value to the system.

Sorry. That’s not my own idea of what America is all about. Without much that you seem to define as “socialism”, I think that’s where we would already be.

Yes yes, let’s hammer that dreaded big ol Capitalist free market system without any understanding that the current, “Big Business” that currently dominates American industry is under ownership of Foreign ownerships of people or Governments, in this case mostly Government. A large portion of goods consumed by Americans within the borders of the United States are imported in by China. Hardly a true free market supporter People’s Republic of China under such, “enlightened” Socialism policies have strict work tables for people, even tighter pay scales with people seeking higher wages generaly terminated (by bullet to brain to this day still), Local and International press told not to report on worker conditions or face prison or death penalty (reporters who exposed FoxConn worker conditions are wanted for various crimes by Chinese Officals), and have been aggressively seeking United States Real Estate to acquire and to choke off USA domestic competition of Chinese State sponsored goods. What is in America Domesticaly now for large business now is not free market Captialism, it is a form of Facisism that is called Corporatism. It’s a far different ideal than Captialism where in Corportism Government and Business groups directly intermingle with each other, Democrats are as guilty as the Republicans for the last 120 years for practicing this, by giving select business groups select contracts and upper hand against rivals while at the same time making legislation that hurts rivals and boons the business partners of the sitting Government . The Railroad companies that were formed in the late 1800’s are a prime example of this by the rather dirty intermingling of a Congress freshly redominated by Democrats after failed Republican Reconstruction Congress that rewarded millions in gold and tender to two major Railroad companies, Union Pacific to name one of them, to squelch out rival firms from building a Pan-American railline. While one could argue the advantages of a railroad system like this, the monies collected and spent were deemed scandalous by the Citizens especialy after the Railroad companies formed a partnership and then later a Trust that was legaly backed by still Democrat dominated Congress to set their prices. It took a little known fellow by the name of Sherman to set in motion to break up such a Trust as it was economicaly damaging to the Citizens to have a Government backed Trust (an early example of Socialism within the USA) put prices far too high than what the citizens could even afford.

The Banking scandal that lead to the mortage collapse and massive toxic credit flooding the market was a prime example of Modern Day Socialism of Democrat engineering of the loaning industry to give advantage to Freddie/Fannie Mae and to Goldman Sachs over competition in the market. These three groups are still around, recieved millions in Federal monies (and still getting), were at the center of fraud of the 2007/8 collapse, but have forced out many rivals out of business (which in turn have helped increase the count of Foreclosures.) If what you say is true, then you can keep your Socialism to yourself. Nations such as Greece, Spain, Britian, and Italy are having chornic outbreaks of violent riots by Socialists because the money needed to pay their bloated programs is gone.

Goldman Sachs owns Hawker Beechcraft while Textron owns Cessna Aircraft, (I can not recall who now owns Boeing, Canadian conglomate Onyx I think). These two parent companies are finalizing plans to withdraw from Kansas in the following years. Beechcraft to Louisana to void I.A.M. Union contract payments legaly even after voting in a 10 year contract that gives advantages to Goldman Sachs. There’s even rumors running about that Goldman Sachs may just jump Louisana altogether and seek to go to Mexico with Beechcraft to avoid EPA regulations, Healthcare regulations, new Federal tax systems on businesses, and Unionization of workers. Cessna is seeking movement to Mexico with eventual sell of ownership and control of the business to the Mexican Government if Textron seeks plans to sell off the Business (so far no known American side investors/buyers coming forth) for reasons shared by Goldman Sachs to terminate expenses. These are two, “Big Business” examples of yours Greg that you so much fear that are ironicly going to be either too weak to be such a “threat” or will be in Foreign control.

As for the Nazi point of Cohen’s suggestion, apparently he has failed to understand that the German Nazi political party sought to force all German citizens to purchase and consume only Government authorized materials. I do not see how dismantling a Government mandate to by a product that by 2014 will be strictly handled buy the Government is being a Nazi.

Let me know the next time a corporation sends armed officers to drag someone off to prison for not buying their product.


The idiotic thing about your arguement is that you fail to recognize this: “There is NO better a system”. I will readily admit that UNREGULATED corporate capitalism does indeed have and has produced bad consequences. Let me remind you we do not have an UNREGULATED system . . . I submit we have an OVER-REGULATED system. Just as if you muffle the breathing of the fast race horse that horse will without a doubt finish last or never finish at all. It is people who presume to know and thus profess the “wonderful attributes” of the other system who fail to know the benefits/costs of the system that we have. This attitude of “knowing better” is ultimately the very first recognizable characteristic of any social uprising . . . and it does appear to be that you have chosen to be part of that uprising. Keep in mind that by a very large percentage people in the US of A are centerists. Sure there is left and right, but centerists just the same. I will say again, that the most productive and beneficial events always occur at or near the median value, within a standard of deviation. Nothing good happens when the extremes are consider or are in control. I will listen to you and I will comment, but whether you be far right or far left all that will happen is that I will resist and protect, I will rise up and replace those that threaten the characteristics of this wonderful country. As dictated by the Declaration of Independence and Consititution per-words of the forefathers.

Yes, Greg just throws that “unregulated” canard out there.

Go think about what you did, Greg.

A study guide:

Unfortunately, the way regulation of an industry works in the modern era serves only to regulate small competitors of the largest, richest corporations out of any competitive position. It also stifles innovation which threatens established profitable industries. Regulation serves those with the deepest pockets and the most lobbyists.

I once had a friend who devised a low pollution, low energy method for inexpensive cremations. It seemed like a winner of an idea until he ran into a wall of regulations designed to protect the powerful funeral lobby in California. Regulation is the method used to protect the current model of “state capitalism”. Try developing a new automobile today and see the effect of regulation on industry.

Regulation gives the power of concentrated wealth the force of law.


Unregulated capitalism does not exist in the industries that have caused systemic problems. The banking industry, for example, is so heavily regulated that any blow up was allowed to occur by the regulators. That is not “free markets” or “unregulated capitalism.”

With regard to healthcare, it too is overly regulated at both State and Federal levels. We need less regulation, not more. OK, the result will be that some people don’t get expensive healthcare. But where does it say that people are entitled to have Rolls Royce healthcare that OTHERS have to pay for? That is the “social justice” part of healthcare that requires regulation (or rationing).

Don’t like health care insurance? Don’t buy it. Then see how you feel if you get a catastrophic illness. But the more government interferes and regulates, the worst it gets.

It sounds cruel, but we used to live with the understanding that bad things happen and families took care of the problem the best that they could. Now it has morphed into illegal immigrants getting free health care, abortions on demand, transgender sex changes, etc.

I am a Libertarian. That means that I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your home. Just don’t make me pay for it!

“It Takes A Village” to destroy a country.

26 states are fighting this monstrosity in the courts.
Good on them!
I hope a few more join in.

I used to have a family doctor.
My mom was his nurse.
We got a cut rate and were not insured at all.
Many of his patients made payments over time.
As an observant Jew he ”forgave” all money owed him after the person had paid over 1/2.
That was just how sweet he was.
He considered a patient who carried insurance to be a burden,what with the paperwork and all the hassles.
But you would not believe what great care he gave.
Those were the days.


They could end it by not allowing an increase in the debt ceiling, but they will go along with the Democrats and raise said ceiling.

Therefore, nothing with change.

A thought crossed my mind, if Greg is so fearful of, “Big Business” then shouldn’t he avoid using the following:

Any Personal Computer
Planes both Public liner and Private
Celluar Phones
Smart Phones
Operating Systems both Open Source and Closed Source
Movie Theaters
Grocery Store chains
Applicance Store chains
Entertainment Services such as Cable/Satlite TV broadcast
Internet Service Providers
Credit Unions

The Health care debate and ensuing law that came out of a year of partisan bickering reminds me of a labor dispute between two parties who have different goals and agendas. One side in power Democrats, (we’ll call them “the Management since they were the duly elected and in the majority at the time by vote of the People) wants to make changes and the party not in power Republicans (we’ll call them the bargaining unit since they were not the elected majority during the Health care debate) was opposed to any and all changes from the present except for wanting some tort reform and selling across State lines.
If the bargaining unit (Republicans) refuse to acknowledge legitimate concerns or participate in any negotiations or offer any meaningful proposals, the management (Democrats) will at some point implement their proposals. Obviously the bargaining unit will not like this, and will tell their membership how evil and terrible the management is for shoving this down their throats and try to deflect all responsibility for the bargaining units failure to acknowledge or participate in what the management told them and they knew was inevitable, that problems existed and changes were going to happen.
A work slowdown is often a good method of putting pressure on management, basically working to the letter of every rule, thereby slowing down the managements ability to efficiently produce, all while never crossing the line into breaking rules that would cause termination. The rules in the Senate are a perfect vehicle to slow down or stop anything so that time is bought to inflame the bargaining unit against the management.
Often the bargaining unit leaders will whip their members into a frenzy, blaming management for all the unreasonable circumstances they face. Since the issues are very important and involve things that will have a direct and serious impact on the bargaining units families, the bargaining unit leaders know that is it not hard to inflame passions with hatred for the management, and this can be used as more leverage to insulate the bargaining unit leaders from scrutiny for their failure to even engage in any way with the management when they came to the table with legitimate issues that needed addressed.
In fact, those who incite the most passions and hatred often become revered within their group for their perceived leadership and even as the bargaining unit and the whole collective organization itself becomes hurt and damaged, the “leaders” benefit from their abdication of responsibility, refusal to represent the best interests of the members and lack of engagement in the process.
They often use their “leadership” platform as a way to elevate themselves to higher positions and better incomes withing the structure of the group, while the members they serve blame “the others” for their own worsening situation and exalt those who could have mitigated the damage to them by earnestly representing their concerns and working to improve the terms that would inevitable be thrust upon them.
While all this plays out over time, the other companies (or countries if you will) exploit the situation to improve their market share and undercut the company that is functioning poorly and burdened with the dispute.

Those who use their leadership positions as a means to pander to the fringe radicals of either side of the issue to gain fame and enrich themselves are not leaders at all, but lazy cowards who would abdicate their oaths to serve the people and elevate themselves at the expense of others. The truth is, the radicals of either side are always the most vocal, but almost never in the majority of the membership or management.
Here in America, we are mostly a Nation of good hard working people who love and want to provide for our families, not radical warriors. You can inflame those good folks into a frenzy easily, but I doubt you can sustain that frenzy long term before they look at their families and realize their main concerns are the welfare of their loved ones. It may occur to them that perhaps the partisan warfare against having a better health care system for their families is not really what they want after all. They might see some good parts of the Healthcare Law and want to retain those parts, not repeal them.
At some point soon, it would be a service to the people if both sides could work on the existing law and fix it’s problems and address the concerns of the American people who are not radical partisan warriors and make their lives better in doing so.

As the lefties are crying Nazi or Armageddon, I’m thinking of the Monte Python skit- ” bring out the dead” .

I think the new AG in Florida is Bondi. She said that 2 more states may join to make it 28 or they may go it alone like Virginia. Saw this on Greta’s show on Fox.

The REAL socialism problem occurs when the government picks winners and losers in the formerly private sector. The evil begins when business and government collude, supporting each other with no outside controls such as the free market system to moderate them. Witness what is happening with GM, GE, Monsanto, and other companies who have a special relationship with the Democrats and Obama administration. Today, GM announced it is exporting 1000 “green” jobs to Mexico. Do you think any Democrat is going to object to that? No, because business and government are becoming one big happy socialist family. You think “unregulated capitalism” is a nightmare? Wait until you get a load of the horrors of “unregulated socialism”.

I like Michelle Bachmanns titel for this healthcare boondagle “The Jewel of Socialism”.

I was wondering where I saw Congressman Cohen before. He’s the partisan Gestapo hack in the movie”Raiders Of The Lost Arc”. Remember that Dr. Goebbels and Dr. Mengele believed in death panels.

Such wonderful legislation. Not one democrat used it for electioneering. 222 politically favored exemptions from this monster( waivers in political speak). This legislation oozes hypocrisy and there are not enough garbage bins for it.