The only accident in that video is Pelosi ending up serving in Congress…
14 years ago
Peliesi is simply delusional. All of those facelifts and botox shots have destroyed her brain. I am scared, simply scared for our country. She, barack, barry, steve, or whatever his name is and people like reid want to destroy our way of life and unless more of the American people get the blinding glimpse of the obvious, we could lose our freedoms – and you know the saying. ‘you don’t know you missed something until you don’t have it.’ – and by then it will be too late.
An accident.
Does she believe that anybody is ever responsible for anything?
I mean besides you and me paying for everything she wants to do.
you mean it wasn’t a man-made disaster Nancy?
If it would have been a Tea Partier doing the shooting, then it would have been an ON PURPOSE, not an accident.
I don’t believe she even read it. A staffer must have given her the highlights…
Thanks for catching this, Curt. I thought I heard her say that, but then I decided not even she is that off the rails.
KITTY – Pelosi is so off the rails she cannot even find them! Oops! Was that an uncivil observation on my part?
The only accident in that video is Pelosi ending up serving in Congress…
Peliesi is simply delusional. All of those facelifts and botox shots have destroyed her brain. I am scared, simply scared for our country. She, barack, barry, steve, or whatever his name is and people like reid want to destroy our way of life and unless more of the American people get the blinding glimpse of the obvious, we could lose our freedoms – and you know the saying. ‘you don’t know you missed something until you don’t have it.’ – and by then it will be too late.
God Bless America and may she always be free