Glimpse Of Horizon; Updated

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[first posted on December 25th 2010]

Christmas is about family, it’s about being thankful for those you have around you and the life you live. For many it’s being thankful for their faith.

The 17 year old daughter of a member in the Department I work in, Regina Nicholson, filmed a documentary about the pain and misery of Cancer she has endured and the faith that helped her get through it all. She has always loved films and her dream is to work in the film industry, behind the camera. The documentary was featured at the Heartland Film Festival in New York this year and it was one of four runner-ups in the high school competition. The grand prize winner received $2,500 while all four runner-ups received $500.

Unfortunately more masses have been found since she made this film. More chemo and surgeries have followed and she spent Thanksgiving in the ICU. She just recently came home and another mass was found.

Needless to say its been a very tough holiday for her and her family. I do not know them personally (its a large department I work for) but her story has made the rounds and fundraisers were done.

After all expenses are paid for the new design I will be 300 dollars in the black, thanks to all of you who have so generously contributed, and if no one has any objections I would like to give that 300 dollars to her and her family for the expenses they have incurred. I am trying to find out if a fund has been set up for her via her family and will update if in fact there is one.


A more recent film from her and filmmaker Henry Corra:

[flv:reggievideo.flv 400 300]

And here is a support group on Facebook for her called The Reggie Project where she and her family update us all

The Reggie Project


I’ve gotten in touch with Reggie’s Mother who wrote:

We have not started a fund to help with medical expenses. We haven’t needed to with Kaiser because we had double insurance between Bob and my jobs. What we don’t know is what will happen in terms of out of pocket at City of Hope.

What we are trying to do is get supporters for Reggie as a film maker. She is working with a documentary director from New York on a full feature film. They have a facebook page under “The Reggie Project.”

So for now, I would ask the readers to head over to The Reggie Project on Facebook and like it. They need 5,000 likes to get a grant from Lance Armstrong’s group.


Great news!

It is 1/11/11. What a glorious day. Reggie’s new oncologist at the City of Hope asked us this am “Would you like the good news or the good news!” After reviewing all the scans and medical history from Kaiser and completing a new bone scan, CT, and lab work at COH yesterday, we met with Dr Sato this am.

The news was there is no sign of any growth of any of the tumors reidentified by Kaiser. One of the tumors that Kaiser said she had–does not seem to exist anymore if it ever did. The spots that are identified are questionable as to whether they are scar tissue or fungal growth or actual tumors.

The current plan is for Reggie to be admitted on Monday to start round 5 out of 6 rounds of ICE. The carboplatin which caused some hearing loss on the last round will be dropped. She will only be on 2 chemo drugs instead of 3 for the last two rounds. Her odd of success in treatment have moved up from 30% per Kaiser …to 65% or better (since they don’t even know it what they are seeing are tumors) with COH. Once all chemo rounds are completed the spots what ever they are will be removed.

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No objections from me, Curt. Thank you for pondering the best ways to use the excess funds we all chipped in.

Excellent idea!

My kind of Christmas Music, goes well with Curt’s gesture.

Meant to embed Handel’s Messiah, but it is on you tube. I tried.

Handel – Messiah – Hallelujah Chorus
killerecho 30 videos Subscribe

Mata note: Don’t know if Andre Rieu’s performance, posted by killerecho, is the one you want… but here it is as a courtesy embed, Skook my friend.

Good of you Curt! If you find that they have a fund established could you post the information so we can send something too?

So much damage in less than two years. A beautiful, talented young lady suffering terribly yet courageously still going on. Her documentary is outstanding, what a gift she is.

Right on the money, thanks Mata.

Sounds like an awesome idea, Curt.

Know what that girl and her family are experiencing. Lost my best friend, love of my life and Household 6 on 2 Dec due to complications from Lupus. My wife was the most courageous person I ever met as she was in pain most days of her life yet kept on pushing until the disease finally got the best of her. Wife was in ICU from 6Nov until she passed. Had five surgeries during that period. Reggie and her family need to stay positive, keep praying and hopefully things will turn out for the best. Wish them well and may God bless them all.

minuteman26… please accept my condolences for your loss. Does tend to put a blanket of sadness over the holidays. I wish you well, and that you will rejoice in your many happy memories.

minuteman26, yes ,please know that I am sorry to read of your sadness ,
during this time of rejoicing for most,

minuteman – Knowing that a loved one is in a better place helps, but there is no substitute for having them with you. You and your family will be in my prayers, God Bless you.

Minuteman there aren’t words adequate for this situation, that I am aware of, but please know that you and your family are in our thoughts here at FA. You may trust that G-d needs those with stout hearts next to him during these trying times.

Thank you all for your condolences. My wife too was Catholic and took her religion seriously. Many masses were said to ask for her healing. However, the Lord has his own agenda and we have to go along with His decision. As I said, I know how that family feels and hope everything turns out for the best.

I clicked on the “Like” button. I have often thought that if the world were at peace, and countries didn’t need armies, look how much money, people, and other resources could be put into finding cures for all of the illnesses.

SMORGASBORD, hi, not likely, did you read about those gangs of anti war movement are attacking the military recruiters, they are showing their peacefull ways by attacking, our soldier,
what a cowardly way to protest, give us the TEAPARTYERS ANYTIME AND
BYE, DID I whish you the best year 2011/

@minuteman26: I am so sorry for your loss. She was blessed to have such a loving husband, and you to have such a loving wife. After all, isn’t that what we all strive for? God has blessed you.

@ILOVEBEESWARZONE: I hadn’t heard about the gangs, but I heard about the Wesboro kooks wanting to protest the 9 year old girl’s funeral, so the town passed a law that said they had to be 300 feet away and the community said they were going to do their part to keep them away from the funeral.

I wonder what our far left commenters have to say about that. Are the kooks exercising their right of free speech when they want to protest at a 9 year old’s funeral? What does she have to do with what they say they originally were protesting?

I was across the street from them when they protested at Arlington National Cemetery. The best part was that each time they started shouting over their loud speaker one of the motorcyclists would rev up his engine so they couldn’t be heard.

Right after I posted this I read where the Westboro kooks agreed not to protest “…in exchange for live interviews on radio shows in Canada and Arizona.”

@Smorgasbord: did you also know that the minister from Westboro is a demoRAT? Funny how this is ignored by the media.

SMORGASBORD, THERE is many goofys that have no work and get bored at home doing nothing
to get a job,they need to belong to a group to make them feel worthy. and some like to play that game for the wrong reasons, but they have a reward and get to like it and get paid by organisations,
who make money promoting stupid causes, only to show their right to yelled or cause havocs to good people, those organisation are not there for the cause for sure,

@KansasGirl: #17

This is news to me. I was told that they make their money by instigating people to attack them and then sue them. I don’t know if this is true, but their saying they were going to protest at a 9 year old girl’s funeral makes me think it could be.


In a free society we have to put up with them.

@Smorgasbord: not suprised that this is news to you. The state run media would never report inconvenient facts concerning Westboro Baptist Church…it wouldn’t help their agenda. Instead, they try to show this fanatical group as knuckle-dragging, hateful, gun-clinging conservatives.
The truth be told, these people are the “white” version of the “Rainbow Coalition”.

KansasGirl – Thank you. He(God) truely has by allowing me to be with her for the past 18 yrs. Hope the rest of you are able to know the happieness we had in your own lives.

Glad to hear that young girl is improving.

minuteman26, hi, you’r saying what I believe to be possible to happen, any time in a life,
even when one has gave up hope, it comes like if an angel came to you with a gift,
a gift coming from far up, so extraordinary that one get speechless for a while, contemplating,
the impossibility of it coming from human’s hands. one marvel at the precious time,
the precious timing also to claim the gift of love.

Great news, Curt!

Ref24-Bees- I believe your on to something.


I wish healing for your heavy heart knowing that your love is free from pain and resting in peace. Good guys have great wives, 18 years of memories to cherish and a bit of them to share, thank you.

Curt, if miracles are deserved. Thanks for the good news!