Boehner & The New House Republicans Showing Some Backbone? Doesn’t Look Like It

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Harry Reid, in all his arrogance, wrote a letter to House leaders a few days ago pleading for them to abandon any talk of repealing ObamaCare…and the new speaker did an excellent job in answering it. First the appeal:

“The incoming House Republican majority that you lead has made the repeal of the federal health care law one of its chief goals. We urge you to consider the unintended consequences that the law’s repeal would have on a number of popular consumer protections that help middle class Americans,”

And Boehners response? Awesomeness:

Senators Reid, Durbin, Schumer, Murray and Stabenow:

Thank you for reminding us – and the American people – of the backroom deal that you struck behind closed doors with ‘Big Pharma,’ resulting in bigger profits for the drug companies, and higher prescription drug costs for33 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D, at a cost to the taxpayers of $42.6 billion.

The House is going to pass legislation to repeal that now.  You’re welcome.

And then they go and do something like this:

Many people knowledgeable about the federal budget said House Republicans could not keep their campaign promise to cut $100 billion from domestic spending in a single year. Now it appears that Republicans agree.

As they prepare to take power on Wednesday, Republican leaders are scaling back that number by as much as half, aides say, because the current fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, will be nearly half over before spending cuts could become law.

Now they are calling the 100 billion dollar figure hypothetical.

And Allah points out why even this modest cut will never be possible:

Shouldn’t it be fairly easy to find $100 billion to cut in an annual budget that exceeds $3.5 trillion? Well, yes — except that the GOP’s limiting itself to cutting discretionary spending (Social Security and Medicare are, as ever, completely off-limits)

Until entitlement spending is on the table these kind of cuts won’t happen.

Instead we are treated to an endless barrage of excuses and “don’t waste a crisis” moments. Private businesses too big to fail so throw money at it. Pass the stimulus or unemployment will rise…and rise it still did. Print money or wall street will collapse. Raise the debt ceiling or the borg will take over the planet.

Yadda yadda yadda.

Hell, demolishing the EPA would save us 100 billion. Bam, problem solved, and it took a lowly blogger to figure it out.

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Ivan reminds me of a neighbors dog that would sit by the side of the road and wait for a car. That dog would bark like crazy and chase a car for about 50 feet. It did not work out so keen for that dog the day He actually caught the car. He was buried with full honors with a Cadillac Hub Cap for a headstone.

But I did not shed one tear…

@oil guy from Alberta: Each federal agency, committee, etc., should have an expiration date. Congress should have to vote to keep or close each one. Whatever the shortest term is in congress, that is how often all of the politicians will have to vote to keep or close each one. They must vote. No excuses not to. They will vote yes, no, or undecided. The items will be spread over the shortest term so they can’t be grouped and voted on all at the same time. Each one will be separate.

Each politician will be given information about the agency, committee, etc., and they must give their yes, no, or undecided vote. This way each politician will learn of all the agencies, committees, etc., in the federal government and how much money each one receives, and then they can decide if it should stay in existence.

If you like this idea, contact your Federal representatives and ask them to introduce it into congress.

Aye: Apologies, I have all this time thought you were a female. I didn’t know you were a male.

Unlike you guys, when I make a mistake I admit it.

Now, this doesn’t change the fact that our new “speaker” is unstable. Not a bad man mind you, just that I think there is something wrong with him.

“Jesus wept” – John 11:35

Yeah, he had a good reason to weep, his good friend had just died.


What is Bohner’s excuse? Luke and Laura break up again on General Hospital?


OT, memories to be cherished. Those precious little girls come with the ability to wrap themselves around that little finger. At the time they have no idea they are the stars that brighten their daddy’s and papa’s world. Heh, they sure catch on quick.

Bet your dad was doing some anticipating through those long months, always seems to take forever.

@Ivan: I V A N…You are still a L O O N and the Village Idiot.

@Ivan: I would rather have leaders who show their emotions than the one who shows no emotions at all, even in a Medal of Honor ceremony. George Bush had to stop at one.

Obama considers our military as his enemy. As I have mentioned before, Obama having to award a Medal of Honor to a living recipient is like the cheerleader who was told she had to cheer for the athlete who had raped her or she would be off the squad.

People who have never striven for greatness sure don’t appreciate when another person recognizes that he or she has indeed reached their personal pinnacle of greatness.
John Boehner will never become President or Vice President via election.
But he has attained the highest place he ever will through his own efforts.
I once met a physicist who was nominated for a Nobel Prize, but didn’t win.
He also teared up when speaking about it to our class.
Even though it was years later.
He had advanced the theories in physics through his own efforts.
If you never strive for such a peak in life you have no way to identify with one who has.

@Missy:Dad taught Jana to ride a horse at the ranch, she was 7 years old, He taught her to shoot a rifle, tie knots, groom a horse and build a campfire and make camp while I was Deployed a few times. Jana is a product of a lot of Love and when my Dad died, she got on her Horse, rode off to High Ground for 2 days, set up camp by herself alone and got her crying done in private. I related that to Mata, off forum.

That is an Old Native American Custom but Jana is just that way. That is how She dealt with Her Loss
I respected that. She is now a Second Year Air Force Academy Cadet and retained the sense of Duty that she learned at the Ranch. We feed and brush down Horses before We eat. But that is the Life that She learned.

@Aye: That’s gonna be news to my wife and three children.

I think it’s time you gave up the dresses. Ha Ha.


Yeah, he had a good reason to weep, his good friend had just died.

Uhh….that’s not what He wept over.

Why would He weep over the death of someone that He knew He was about to raise from the dead?

You should read all of chapter 11. It’ll help.

Ivan…just between the two of us…you’re really not that bright are you?

@Old Trooper 2: Keep in mind that a TRUE liberal only has emotions for themselves. They don’t know how to feel for others.

I think the “wrestling with a pig in the mud” rule applies here and it is time to stop wrestling.

@Smorgasbord: That Pig Wrestling Quote applies here WAY too often!

Watching the mud in the pig wresting contest is more interesting OT….

@MataHarley: Maybe but the dog that caught the car was a lot more graphic.


Aye, does trisomy 21 run in your family? Here, Rabbi, let me quote scripture for you:

32 When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. 34 “Where have you laid him?” he asked.

“Come and see, Lord,” they replied.

35 Jesus wept.

You may want to pay attention more in church than falling asleep.

Fall asleep much?
Jesus just had learned that his friend had died.
But Lazarus had been dead for four days before Jesus was told.
JOHN 11: 39,
“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”

@Ivan: When I saw this I thought of you, Ivan.

Courtesy embed by Mata


…does trisomy 21 run in your family?

Not too long ago someone said “the personal insult is the last act of the desparate[sic] mind.”

Wonder who that was….

You should have considered that before you asked if Downs Syndrome runs in my family.

As to the rest of your post I’ll state for you, once again…and more slowly this time, that reading the entire chapter, and establishing context for each of the verses, would be very helpful for you.

And remember…reading is fundamental.