Valerie Jarrett: Obama is sleeping through his Presidency [Reader Post]

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Barack Obama and his gang think you’re an idiot. The sad part is that they are 43% right.

Byron York reports on Valerie Jarrett’s recent appearance on Meet the Press during which she made quite apparent that she and her boss really believe Americans are blatantly stupid. Jarrett shared this thought:

On “Meet the Press” December 26, top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett said President Obama’s “biggest regret” is that the severity of the economic crisis forced him to “spend almost every waking hour in Washington focusing very hard on solving that crisis” and thus kept him from traveling the country to connect with the American people.

Every waking hour. If Jarrett is to be taken seriously it means that Barack Obama has slept through a significant portion of the last two years. In addition, Obama says he needs to spend more time outside of Washington.

There’s a problem with that, according to Mark Knoller.

But it turns out Obama has already spent nearly half his presidency outside Washington. As of January 2, Obama has been president for 712 days. According to figures compiled by CBS News reporter Mark Knoller, who serves as a sort of unofficial White House record-keeper, Obama has spent 339 of those days — nearly 48 percent — outside Washington.

According to Knoller, Obama has spent 176 days on domestic trips, 70 days on foreign travel, 58 days on vacation, and 35 days at Camp David. (You can add a couple more vacation days to the total before the president returns from his break in Hawaii.) Nevertheless, Jarrett claimed that Obama has had to spend “almost every waking hour in Washington” since taking office. The truth is more like half of that.

And let’s not forget that Obama has played 57 rounds of golf, which is more than some PGA producers.

Whatever the number, John Kim, a coordinating producer at, chimed in with this: “That’s more than me! But then my job is …golf. Wait, that doesn’t seem right.”

Kim’s post was re-tweeted by Miller, who added this: “Obama golfs more than a PGA producer?!”

Obama has to be the first person ever to become President in order to improve his golf game and take more time off.

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I think Obama’s real problem is his over-dependence on his teleprompters.
He ping-pongs his big head on his thin neck back & forth between the two teleprompters even when he’s talking to children!
His sing-song-y voice adds to the hypnotic effect, causing some in his audience to fall asleep even when they KNOW they are on camera!
Too bad he couldn’t learn how to speak on his own.
He has a friendly face and a warmth to his face when he is posing for pics.
People wanted to like him.
Even now, although I despise his policies, I find him likable as a person.
A long time ago I thought he and his family were making a mistake by living so ”high on the hog.”
That appears to have backfired on them.
Americans are not into living vicariously through the lavish lifestyle of their leaders.
Maybe North Koreans or Zimbabweans appreciate that in their leaders, but not us.

I have mentioned before that I don’t think Obama reads his speeches before he gives them. If you rehearse a speech, you practice when to raise and lower your voice for emphasis. Has anyone ever heard Obama’s voice change? Remember when he read someone else’s speech and didn’t know it, even after he was done? This is one reason he has so much time to spend on what he wants to do. All he has to do is appear, read, leave. I guess you could say he is our first A.R.L. president.

The good thing is that since several states are writing laws that make it mandatory a candidate for president prove that they are a citizen, Obama won’t even run for reelection.

I would like to see a constitutional amendment that makes it mandatory that a person’s parents and all four grandparents were born here before they could run for ANY Federal office, not just president. That way the third generation has a better chance of absorbing why the USA puts so much importance on the freedoms we have.

Please let’s impeach this fraudulent jackass.

I would not Trust Jarrett in an Outhouse with a Muzzle on.

She is a Seasoned System Player and very possibly a Felon for wasting Tax Payer funds on her schemes in Chicago on Re-Development of Slum Properties and restoring them to Slum quality after she made a Fortune at Tax Payer Expense.

Any Close Obama Advisor/Associate is just a player. The Tax Payer is their Mark.
Not different than Al Capone, just smoother, slicker and more polished as Crooks, Liars and Thieves..

if we could keep him out of washington a bit more we have some luck. he is an idiot and we know it so he is doing what he can to try and make it look like he is being picked on, yeah, wht ever.


Last year Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times, almost every other day.

White House officials have been telling reporters in recent days that the Democrat doesn’t intend to hang around the White House quite so much in 2011.

How’s that for a carbon footprint?

Exit question: What’s in your wallet?

Answer: Less

172 flights on Air Force One is not flying “every other day.” If Obama flies to the Gulf to listen to Bobby Jindal’s dumb idea to build barrier islands, and see the Gulf clean up in process, that is two flights on AFO. When he flies down with the family a few weeks later on vacation, and has his daughter swim in the post-BP oil spill waters, then flies back, that would be two flights on AFO. When he flies to Dover Air Base to see the coffins returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, then flies back to DC, that would be two flights. When he flies to Afghanistan, with a stop in Germany to visit injured soldiers, that would be three flights on AFO. DC to India to Indonesia, etc., would probably count for five or six flights.

But the most obvious point is: so what? This is a large country and the most important economic and military actor in the world. Do you cons actually expect the president NOT TO TRAVEL so see the country or see the world, including traveling to our war zones? Are you people serious? It is part of his JOB AS PRESIDENT to travel and see this country and see other countries and represent both the U.S. government and the people of the U.S. Ditto Michelle traveling where ever she goes. She and the kids are OUR AMBASSADORS.

I am thinking this may be the dumbest anti-Obama screed yet: he travels all over the place, visiting the citizens of this country, visiting heads of state, and attending treaty, economic and trade negotiation sessions. Next I expect you to start carping about the cost of hosting Chinese Premier Hua Jintao and doing a state dinner for him.

Yep, you people have officially lost it . . . .

Simple facts about Obama

1. He is and has always been intellectually incurious. That is why you won’t see his transcripts, his contemporaries in Chicago dismissed him as a professor, his group of “Praetorian Guards” have spent years covering up his weaknesses and folly and he is now seen as a goof by all the other world leaders.

2. Narcissism is a disease that cripples the ability of the people who suffers from it unable to see reality. That is why he is convinced the problem isn’t the message but the fact “his people” haven’t heard it enough from him.

3. The gang he that got him into power did so in order to rob us. He could be the biggest embarrassment in the world, but as long as America is looking at the right hand, the left hand is free to lift America’s wallet. It is and has always been about the money.

He is not alone in history. There have been many others in many different countries. Obama is lucky he is here and now. We are still a loving and forgiving society by and large. If he were in Italy say around the 1940’s he might have ended up a street lamp decoration.

Then again, we haven’t felt the full impact of he and his radical friend’s agenda. If it gets too bad he might be calling up Chavez to see if he needs a roommate.

I wrote a novel exploring just this possibility years ago. Published it last year when I saw what I thought was a work of fiction creeping towards reality. Believe me, I’m not happy I was right.

Valerie Jarrett said President Obama’s “biggest regret” is that the severity of the economic crisis forced him to “spend almost every waking hour in Washington focusing very hard on solving that crisis” and thus kept him from traveling the country to connect with the American people.

I just read that Obama flies is on Air Force 1 every other day, on average….although sometimes it is as many as 3 times per day! (328 flights since taking office)
Obama has also been on the chopper, Marine One, 328 times.

So, if Obama was NOT ”traveling the country to connect with the American people,” in all his travels what WAS he doing?

Obama went to 40 Town Hall-type meetings, many of them filled with shills.

Obama went on 111 different domestic trips covering 176 days since taking office.

Obama has visited 38 different states since taking office.

Obama has stayed at Camp David 16 times for a total of 35 days.

Obama has played 57 rounds of golf since taking office.

Obama has gone to see a basketball game 28 times since taking office.

All numbers from:

So, maybe Obama could have made better use of his time away from work, but he had plenty of opportunity to connect with the American people had he really wanted to.

Now, how often do you think he buckled down and met with his Cabinet?
In two years Obama has only met with his Cabinet 12 times!
(This last one reminds me of the joke about Bill Clinton and the head of the CIA. Seems a small plane crash landed on the White House lawn while Bill was home. People speculated it was the head of the CIA trying to have a face-to-face with Bill. LOL!)

Remember when General McChrystal said he hadn’t talked with the president in 10 weeks? Could this be why we have lost more soldiers in Afghanistan in Obama’s first two years than we did in the eight years of Bush’s presidency?

Let me get this straight:

In your mind, traveling to 30 odd states, doing 40 town hall meetings, and 111 public trips does NOT count as meeting with the people? OK.

A better question: what are you cons complaining about, exactly? Are you saying 40 town halls in two years (i.e., one every three weeks or so, on average) is too many, or not enough? Is 111 domestic trips to Cleveland, Elkhart, Indiana, the Gulf of Mexico, etc. . . . is five trips per month, on average, too many trips and a waste of jet fuel, or a sign of a president in a cocoon?

Make up your minds, cons: either he is wasting money traveling when he should not, or he is isolated and needs to get out among the people. It can’t be both.

Where were you when bush snoozed us into the worst economic disaster since the depression…….You know the first thing I do is not play the race card….and everyone acts like they are terrified to ..but let me be the first to say………you are a racist…plain and simple….name one black person you have had dinner with in your home…name 1/2 of one…and you think most black people can’t spot you…Yes we can spot any of you in a second in any crowd……,.

umm, ray, about that… you are delusional! if i am racist may god strike my children dead. that seems to be the stock answer for all liberals. nice try though. in my town we have maybe 15 black people i know several from my job, and i really don’t invvite to many people into my home because i am around people all day and want quiet. so does that make me racist because i live in a town where there really aren’t any black people? now, if you asked me how many hispanics i have had to my home i could tell you a great many. there are almost as manyn of those as there are white people.

Now Ray…first you say this:

You know the first thing I do is not play the race card

Then you say this:

let me be the first to say………you are a racist…plain and simple

Both of those glittering jewels come from your very first post here on Flopping Aces.

Well, Ray, let me be perhaps the first to tell you today that you, sir, are a liar. You’ve proven that with your own words.

You know nothing about any of the authors on this site. Nor do you know anything about those who comment on this site. Yet, you make accusations.

If you searched for days, even weeks, you’d have no luck finding anything racist on this blog unless, of course, you deem mere disagreement as racism which is obviously the case from your very first post here.

Ray, thank you for providing us with an extremely enlightening, and disgusting, glimpse into your psyche as well as a perfect textbook example of projection.

Turns out that you were good for something after all.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

It’s not my fault I was born the wrong color! Nobody asked me what color I wanted to be.

You can find anything you want if you look hard enough. Maybe you should quit LOOKING for racists and just mingle with the non-racists. It works both ways. I have been around blacks that hate whites, so I just leave them alone.

Try taking Morgan Freeman’s advise when he was asked how to end racism. His answer was just four words: “Don’t talk about it.” If you want to help end racism, “Don’t talk about it.”

I would like to see a “Don’t talk about it” day declared once a year on his birthday (June 1). If it worked out OK, maybe it could be expanded to two days a year, then three, then four, then five,….

Poor Ray!
You think any critic of Obama’s policies MUST be racist, do you?

Both hubby and I are each of mixed racial heritage.
My family is quite mixed.
We have Mexicans from Mexico, blacks from Missouri, Asians from India and what used to be Mongolia, also Jewish blood and Romanian, Russian and German.
Hubby’s own family includes blacks, Native Americans from the Kansas and Missouri area, orphans who have no idea, German, Anglo-Saxon, and French relatives. His extended family includes Nigerians, Kenyans, South Africans, more Native Americans, and even a Taiwanese woman.

Our city is multi-cultural.
Wouldn’t live where we are not ALL welcome.
Our gatherings include people of every race, creed and color.

My former priest who was transferred to Missouri when my friend and I took him out to breakfast. So sad that you libs are still playing the race card just because we don’t like the man. Give me Allen West any day. It’s NOT the color of his skin stupid. That is the ONLY reason you voted for him. That makes YOU the racist!

Day-UM, Ray, way to say “Hello.” It was the equivalent of a 350 lb. man running (and I use that word loosely) naked past a restaurant yelling “LOOK AT MEEEEE!”

The end result: A handful of folks are startled and annoyed, but the vast majority just think “What a total nutcase” and go back to their meal.

By the way, I’ve never had dinner with half a person of any ethnicity. How would that work, exactly? Would it be the top or the bottom half, or simply the right or left side? Would they be the entrée? Or would they be some sort of Zombie dinner guest, and I’d be the entrée? Ah Ray, you’ve left us with so many questions.

Just as I thought the first one to Scream…..are the ones that know I’m totally correct…..Just be the Best you can be…don’t hide behind…jokes!!!

Actually Ray’s post isn’t hypocritical, he’s saying “I don’t normally play the race card *first* but…”

So in effect Ray admits that “reductum ad race card” is in his debate arsenal, but that he normally reserves it for when he’s losing…err desperate…err…hmmm…well for some special situation. However, he decided that what he was reading was soooooooooo racist that he had to slap that trump spade on the table asap to win the trick!

Anyway, it’s all Bush’s fault. Bush hates black people, he used the Top Secret Weather Machine ™ and an Army Corps of Engineers conspiracy to kill black people in New Orleans. Bush “snoozed” us into economic collapse, even though he and the GOP tried to fix the problem but were as effectively blocked in their majority by the Dems and Barney Frank’s committee as the recent Dem majority was thwarted by the GOP minority.

Ray, less kool-aid…more intellectual honesty…and you might even get educated along the way.

The Long Term Unemployment Problem May Be About To Look Much Worse

The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced changes to rules on how it calculates long-term unemployment Tuesday, according to The Hill.

The changes will expand the BLS’ ability to calculate unemployment for those beyond 99 weeks. Now, there will be a new box to tick, one saying 260 weeks or over unemployed.

This new stat is likely to give a much better view of the structural unemployment problem than the 27 week chart we have right now.

There’s the OLD chart here along with this story.

Gosh, it looks bad enough the old way!

It is a sad day in America when our President has a slum lord for a “top advisor.”

Valerie Jarrett’s Grove Parc Fiasco: The Rich Got Richer

“In 1987, U.S. District Judge Marvin Aspen had appointed Habitat to oversee construction of all public housing in Chicago as part of the historic Gautreaux case, which found that the CHA had failed for decades to integrate housing. At first, Habitat’s job was to desegregate housing by building “scattered site” units in more affluent white neighborhoods across the city. But the effort had little impact. The company built about 1,800 units, mostly in lower-income Hispanic neighborhoods before the program ended.”

They were eventually able to convince Judge Aspen to allow development where “CHA and Habitat could show that the neighborhood would become ‘revitalized’ through large public and private investments that would lead to racial integration.” This came as a result of CHA’s and Habitat’s desire to tear down the Henry Horner Homes, across the street from the United Center, where the 1996 Democratic Convention was to be held. It led to the implementation of the “Plan for Transformation” that would replace existing public housing with developments that included public housing, affordable housing and market housing. This began in 2000. As of July of last year “under the Plan for Transformation, the city ha[d] lost more than 13,000 housing units for the poor at a time when low-income families face one of the worse housing crises in recent history.

After years of neglect and abandonment, many residents doubt that Jarrett and CHA officials have their interests at heart. ‘They was going to do what they was going to do,’ said Carmen Hart, who moved to Stateway Gardens [public housing] in 1960 and has been waiting three years to go back.” Only about one in three residents was able to return to redeveloped projects.

Meanwhile, “Habitat has earned $6.8 million in fees and $10.8 million in administrative expenses since the plan started in 2000, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The company also earns millions as a property manager for the CHA,” while Jarrett has lived very comfortably at her lakefront apartment, while pulling in a six-figure base salary plus hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for serving on boards.

Jarrett Allowed Grove Parc to Become Uninhabitable

One of the most glaring of the examples of neglect was Grove Parc Plaza. It was managed by the Habitat Company and is located in the district that Obama represented for 8 years in the Illinois legislature. “About 99 of the units are vacant, many rendered uninhabitable by unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage. Mice scamper through the halls. Battered mailboxes hang open. Sewage backs up into kitchen sinks.” Residents have been complaining for years to little avail. “As late as 2003, a routine federal inspection still gave conditions at Grove Parc a score of 82 on a 100-point scale.” By 2005 that had dropped to 56. Finally in 2006 Grove Parc received 11 out of 100. Jarrett’s only comment about this gross mismanagement under her leadership was about how hard it is to manage something you don’t own.

The squat brick buildings of Grove Parc Plaza, in a dense neighborhood that Barack Obama represented for eight years as a state senator, hold 504 apartments subsidized by the federal government for people who can’t afford to live anywhere else.

But it’s not safe to live here.

About 99 of the units are vacant, many rendered uninhabitable by unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage. Mice scamper through the halls. Battered mailboxes hang open. Sewage backs up into kitchen sinks. In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale – a score so bad the buildings now face demolition.

Grove Parc has become a symbol for some in Chicago of the broader failures of giving public subsidies to private companies to build and manage affordable housing – an approach strongly backed by Obama as the best replacement for public housing.

. . .

But a Globe review found that thousands of apartments across Chicago that had been built with local, state, and federal subsidies – including several hundred in Obama’s former district – deteriorated so completely that they were no longer habitable.

Grove Parc and several other prominent failures were developed and managed by Obama’s close friends and political supporters. Those people profited from the subsidies even as many of Obama’s constituents suffered. Tenants lost their homes; surrounding neighborhoods were blighted.

Some of the residents of Grove Parc say they are angry that Obama did not notice their plight. The development straddles the boundary of Obama’s state Senate district. Many of the tenants have been his constituents for more than a decade.

“No one should have to live like this, and no one did anything about it,” said Cynthia Ashley, who has lived at Grove Parc since 1994.

. . .

Among those tied to Obama politically, personally, or professionally are:

– Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to Obama’s presidential campaign and a member of his finance committee. Jarrett is the chief executive of Habitat Co., which managed Grove Parc Plaza from 2001 until this winter and co-managed an even larger subsidized complex in Chicago that was seized by the federal government in 2006, after city inspectors found widespread problems.

– Allison Davis, a major fund-raiser for Obama’s US Senate campaign and a former lead partner at Obama’s former law firm. Davis, a developer, was involved in the creation of Grove Parc and has used government subsidies to rehabilitate more than 1,500 units in Chicago, including a North Side building cited by city inspectors last year after chronic plumbing failures resulted in raw sewage spilling into several apartments.

– Antoin “Tony” Rezko, perhaps the most important fund-raiser for Obama’s early political campaigns and a friend who helped the Obamas buy a home in 2005. Rezko’s company used subsidies to rehabilitate more than 1,000 apartments, mostly in and around Obama’s district, then refused to manage the units, leaving the buildings to decay to the point where many no longer were habitable.

Campaign finance records show that six prominent developers – including Jarrett, Davis, and Rezko – collectively contributed more than $175,000 to Obama’s campaigns over the last decade and raised hundreds of thousands more from other donors. Rezko alone raised at least $200,000, by Obama’s own accounting.

. . .

Jarrett, a powerful figure in the Chicago development community, agreed to be interviewed but declined to answer questions about Grove Parc, citing what she called a continuing duty to Habitat’s former business partners. She did, however, defend Obama’s position that public-private partnerships are superior to public housing.

“Government is just not as good at owning and managing as the private sector because the incentives are not there,” said Jarrett, whose company manages more than 23,000 apartments. “I would argue that someone living in a poor neighborhood that isn’t 100 percent public housing is by definition better off.”

. . .

One of the earliest public-private partnerships of the type supported by Daley and Obama took place in the Woodlawn neighborhood, a checkerboard of battered apartment buildings and vacant lots just south of the University of Chicago.

Grove Parc Plaza opened there in 1990 as a redevelopment of an older housing complex. The buildings had a new owner and a major renovation funded by the federal government. Even the name Grove Parc Plaza was new.

The owner, a local nonprofit company called Woodlawn Preservation and Investment Corp., was led by two of the neighborhood’s most powerful ministers, Arthur Brazier and Leon Finney. Obama had relationships with both men. In 1999, he donated $500 of his campaign funds to another of their community groups, The Woodlawn Organization.

Woodlawn Preservation hired a private management firm, William Moorehead and Associates, to oversee the complex. In 2001, the company lost that contract and a contract to manage several public housing projects for allegedly failing to do its job. The company’s head, William Moorehead, was subsequently convicted of embezzling almost $1 million in management fees.

Woodlawn Preservation hired a new property manager, Habitat Co. At the time, the company was headed by its founder, Daniel Levin, also a major contributor to Obama’s campaigns. Valerie Jarrett was executive vice president.

Residents say the complex deteriorated under Moorehead’s management and continued to decline after Habitat took over. A maintenance worker at the complex says money often wasn’t even available for steel wool to plug rat holes. But as late as 2003, a routine federal inspection still gave conditions at Grove Parc a score of 82 on a 100-point scale.

When inspectors returned in 2005, they found conditions were significantly worse. Inspectors gave the complex a score of 56 and warned that improvements were necessary. They returned the following year and found things had reached a new low. Grove Parc got a score of 11 and a final warning. Three months later, inspectors found there had been insufficient improvements and moved to seize the complex from Woodlawn Preservation.

After negotiations with tenants, the government agreed to allow a new company, Preservation of Affordable Housing, a Boston-based firm, to replace Habitat as the manager of Grove Parc. The company is negotiating to buy the development, which would then be demolished and replaced with new housing.

Officials at Woodlawn Preservation say the government didn’t give them enough money to properly maintain Grove Parc. Habitat’s Jarrett declined to comment on Grove Parc in particular but said it is hard to manage something you don’t own.

But other Chicago developers and housing activists say federal subsidies can be adequate if managed properly. They say Grove Parc stands apart for how badly it fell into disrepair.

Preservation of Affordable Housing has assumed responsibility for numerous subsidized complexes across the country.

“Grove Parc is quite an exception to what we’ve normally done because it’s in such bad shape,” said the nonprofit’s chief executive, Amy Anthony. “These complexes are often tired, they’re always denser than today’s philosophy, but they’re not usually anywhere near as deteriorated.”

(The Boston Globe 6/27/08)
Jarrett, Rezko & Company are Fine examples of Obama’s associations from Chicago…
Throw in his America hating Pastor and you have the picture…

Ray, it was never about RACE. It is ALL about a lack of integrity, honesty and ripping off the Tax Payer so get off the Race Card business.

I bet every person that these people victimized voted for the Pretender in Chief simply because of his color, even after all they did to the area. It amazes me that people will continue to vote for candidates that are not helping them do anything but remain poor and on welfare.

The Obamas hoodinked the nation into getting them into the White House and now they’re taking full advantage of the situation. Both he and Michelle are off enjoying themsleves and spend our money as if was growing on trees. (Actually his political agenda assumes that money is in fact growing on trees!) The presidency is their toy. Hopefully they wont be playing with us after 2012!

He hoodwinked America? Wow . . . I thought he ran a two year campaign, ,raised more money than any candidate in history, used the internet in a way it had never been used, won previously Red States like North Carolina, Virginia, and Indiana, and won purple states like Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Wisconsin and Iowa, and turned all those pieces parts into an electoral college landslide. But if that is what a “hoodwink” is, then the GOPers need to find someone who can do the same think in 2012.

Here’s a hint, cons: in case you are wondering, your savior ain’t a certain former half-term governor from the smallest population state in the union.

He disabled the AVS for his contributions so we have no idea from where (saudi) $280 million (hamas) came (soros).

But you have a point. Obama said he would make our electric rates skyrocket. He said he would unilaterally disarm the US. He destroyed Grove Parc.

The media kept telling Americans that none of that was true and that Obama was really a moderate. He turned out to be a moderat.

In 2012 Obama will have to prove he is a US citizen, so he won’t be running again. He knows that and is getting all he can now at our expense.

Tomorrow after the reading of the Constitution…the Congress needs to make demand for the Birth Certificate…as proof “O” is in compliance with the Constitutional natural born requirement.

If “O” refuses or fails to comply within one day…start impeachment proceedings against him. When the impeachment vote comes to the floors of Congress and the Senate…those politicians voting to preserve “O” will also be removed for their failure to “support and defend”.

@Silly Bob: You said:

He [Obama] hoodwinked America?

Well, let’s look at what he said while on that “two year campaign,” shall we?

He promised to cut federal spending by 10%
He increased the federal budget by over 20%

He promised to reinstate paygo
We all know how that has gone

On taxes: “I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 per year, will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.
— Candidate Barack Obama, Sept. 12, 2008, Dover, N.H.
Yeeeaahhh right, Barry so the “tax” on the individual mandate won’t happen? How many other taxes did he raise?

From –

Obama broke this promise barely two weeks into his presidency by signing a bill that included a 156-percent increase in the federal cigarette tax, which not only hits the nonwealthy but is one of the most regressive taxes around. By ATR’s count, the health care bill Obama signed last month includes another seven tax hikes that affect the under-$250,000-a-year crowd. In fact, since four of these changes will increase people’s income tax bills, they violate even the edited version of Obama’s pledge that he presented on Saturday. For example, as Peter Suderman noted last week, the law raises the threshold for deducting medical expenses from 7.5 percent of income to 10 percent. As a result, people with substantial medical expenses will pay more income tax.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor…

So yeah, if you look at the promises made by candidate Obama vs. the realities of President Obama, then it is fair to say he hoodwinked the electorate. Hell, even the left is accusing him of this, only on the opposite end of the spectrum.

On taxes: “I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 per year, will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.
– Candidate Barack Obama, Sept. 12, 2008, Dover, N.H.
Yeeeaahhh right, Barry so the “tax” on the individual mandate won’t happen? How many other taxes did he raise?

I think I heard my cue.

Democrats Have Increased Taxes by $670 Billion and Counting…

Then there’s the increase in tobacco taxes…which disproportionately affect those who earn less than $250K per year.

Nah….Obie’s not a liar. Not at all.

B-Rob , Yep, He lied for those 2 years, has broken things that never needed fixing and you as usual do not have the integrity to admit it. Your continued Defense of the Worst Administration ever is just prevailing proof of your inability to be honest or objective.

The Guy with the Blank Resume, Hidden College Transcripts and his Economic Illiteracy really impresses you. You, Robbie, are the one that got “conned”. I did not. The fact that He “Conned” 53% of the Voters does not change anything. Being a part of the “conned majority” should make you very proud. You got “conned”.

Yep, HE “conned” you…Big Time… now Own Up to it.

Oh. and by the way, Club GITMO is still up and running. Open for Business.
Wasn’t that another ‘promise’ that was made? Closing GITMO?

There are many others to be cited but He has had Two Years to get that accomplished between lavish parties that would put Foreign Royalty to shame, World Apology Tours that included an entire Air Craft Carrier Battle Group, Foreign Trade Agreements that He got PUNKED on as well as a Deficit that He has added to, greatest in the History of the Planet.
Unemployment Numbers that rival those of the 1930s, shutting down the Oil Exploration in the Gulf Coast while sending Tax Dollars to Brazil to Drill practically anywhere…

Yep. He lied and made bad decisions. What is not to Like about the Guy?

But, Old trooper, Obama has not been above using Executive Powers to regulate when the US Congress tries to legislate something he doesn’t agree with.

And Gitmo is no exception…..

President Obama’s legal advisers, confronting the prospect of new restrictions on the transfer of Guantánamo detainees, are debating whether to recommend that he issue a signing statement asserting that his executive powers would allow him to bypass the restrictions, according to several officials.

If Mr. Obama were to issue such a statement, it could represent a more aggressive use of unilateral executive powers than what he exerted in his first two years in office.

Last month, while still under Democratic control, Congress included the detainee transfer restrictions — which would make it harder for the administration to achieve its goal of closing the prison at the military base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba — in a major defense bill it sent to Mr. Obama.

He could act on the measure by the end of the week.

One provision bars the military from using its funds to transfer detainees to the United States, making it harder to prosecute them in federal court.

Obama is considering a signing statement — a formal document recording a president’s interpretation of a new law for the rest of the executive branch to follow — asserting that he has the constitutional power to disregard the restrictions.

Obama would assert that as the head of the executive branch and commander in chief, his prosecutorial discretion and wartime powers would allow him to lawfully bring detainees into the United States for trial or to transfer them to other countries as he sees fit.

More here:

(I’m getting tired of noting what a liberal outlet the New York Times is. It appears they can’t sell papers unless they tell it like it is about Obama. LOL!)

OK, Nan…the issues here can be summed up briefly…

US Federal Court is NOT the Venue for Trials of this nature. By the Geneva/Hague Conventions, Military Tribunals ARE. The fact that neither Obama, his Political Hack Attorney General and Others that furnish totally bad advice do not understand the GCs
is the real issue. They have exercised very poor judgment in interpretation of the US Constitution on all issues as well.

The NYT, in my opinion is a rag that is only fit for lining the bottom of bird cages or wrapping yesterdays fish. They have knowingly leaked Classified Information that amounts to both Treason and Espionage in my book.

The GCs Specify explicitly the Crimes, the Venue for Trial by International Agreement, of which the USA is a SIGNATORY. Obama’s ignorance of that is just simply additional proof that HE is unfit and unqualified for the Office of the Presidency. Ignorance or arrogance compounded by ignorance is just no excuse.

Sorry to be blunt here but that’s my take on it.

In fact the GC says explicitly that the disposition of non-protected persons is wholly up to the discretion of the holding country…without any allotted recourse.

Good points, Old Trooper 2.
You certainly make a strong case for Obama’s ignorance of the way things work.
It reminded me of a related issue that highlighted Obama’s stupidity.
(No, not ”corpseman, LOL!)

Remember his 2008 promise to “call my Joint Chiefs of Staff in and give them a new assignment and that is to end the war?”

In truth, the Joint Chiefs are not part of the chain of command.

Indeed, they are specifically by statute not part of the chain of command but instead serve solely in an advisory capacity to the president.

Obama is committed to defeat in Iraq.
He just had to put his foot in his mouth before he found out he’d actually have to confront the real Generals and Admirals if he was going to quit the battle.
Or maybe that was what one layer of Czars was for.

In FACT, a great many of the Club GITMO residents squarely fit the Definition of War Criminals, having committed Crimes that are addressed by the GCs. Trying them in US Federal Court by Federal Judges that ARE by and LARGE unfamiliar with those charges, in front of Juries that are equally unfamiliar with those Charges is patently absurd. The Learning Curve on that is HUGE.

Also, releasing them to their Countries of Origin in most cases is simply not possible. Their Countries of Origin Do Not Want Them Back.

Nan, I’d like to send 100% of his Czars to GITMO but I do not have that authority and would never subject Our Service Men and Women there to that type of “Cruel and Unusual” punishment!

The Japanese Ended World War II by signing off on Surrender Documents on the deck of a US Warship. It ended for sure but they did not win it. The Paris Peace Agreement Ended our Involvement in Viet Nam but North Vietnamese Tanks crashing into Saigon Ended that War. Neither the Government of South Viet Nam or the US Won it.

That is Obama’s Vision of Ending Wars. You just Quit Em. Great Commander in Chief.
you don’t Win, You just walk away and let the chips fall.

Can anyone say they weren’t warned?

Another one:

Oh, my!
People have resurrected Obama’s own strong statement against his own use of ”Signing Statements” from back in 2008.
Of course, that cherry has been popped.
On March 11th, 2009, Obama signed a ”Signing Statement” with regard a spending bill.
So, his doing it again with regard closing Gitmo would be even easier for him.

Here’s one version of that video:
Title: Obama’s Broken Campaign Promise on Presidential Signing Statements

Found an avatar for brob.


Then I looked to see what photos reuters had for Ltc. Allen West,

Doesn’t seem to be any that quite compares.


I think that you are correct about Obama most of the time simply reading a speech prepared for him (although he certainly writes portions of his own speeches).

Recall when he spoke about inflating tires and how this alone would make up for all the additional drilling for oil in the United States. His voice went up in pitch, as if he were questioning it.

@Ray: Yes Ray, it’s all Bush’s fault. Yes Ray, just because we don’t agree with the policies that are bankrupting this country it’s because we’re racists. Yes Ray, I have never had a black friend and especially never had one over for dinner. Yes Ray, all of the problems in this great country are because of racism, not because of people not taking responsibility for their own actions. My most humble apology Ray for my great-great grandparents not being slave owners so I could feel guilty that you had the misfortune of being born black and it was all my fault. Ray, please grow up and stop whining. Be a man for a change.

@Alericc: It’s sad that AAs were brought over against their wills as slaves, worked hard, learned skills, were freed, and live like lazy slaves still.

Housing? check Food? check Job? not applicable