Of Afghanistan, that is.
Janet Napolitano has traveled to Afghanistan to show them how secure their borders. She’s going to show them how it’s done here.
WASHINGTON – Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (neh-pahl-ih-TAN’-oh) has arrived in Kabul, Afghanistan, to spend New Year’s Eve with U.S. troops and the Homeland Security officers who have been working with the Afghan government to try to secure that country’s porous borders from militants, as well as weapons and drug smugglers.
Violence along the US border is increasing:
The first bullets struck El Paso’s city hall at the end of a work day. The next ones hit a university building and closed a major highway. Shootouts in the drug war along the U.S.-Mexico border are sending bullets whizzing across the Rio Grande into one of the nation’s safest cities, where authorities worry it’s only a matter of time before someone gets hurt or killed.
At least eight bullets have been fired into El Paso in the last few weeks from the rising violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, one of the world’s most dangerous places. And all American police can do is shrug because they cannot legally intervene in a war in another country. The best they can do is warn people to stay inside.
“There’s really not a lot you can do right now,” El Paso County Sheriff Richard Wiles said. “Those gun battles are breaking out everywhere, and some are breaking out right along the border.”
More than 30,000 have died in the drug war since 2006, 13,000 in 2010 alone.
The backdrop:
The violence is spilling into the US:
In May, the Texas Department of Public Safety reported several incidents of pirates shaking down U.S. boaters at Falcon Lake, a reservoir and bass fishing haven that straddles the Rio Grande. In November, a U.S. couple riding personal watercraft were fired on by gunmen presumed to be Mexican drug operatives, striking the husband in the head and chasing his frantic wife into U.S. waters. In September, bullets from cartel fighting in Matamoros grazed a building at the University of Texas at Brownsville campus. The campus was locked down after one particularly bloody clash on Nov. 5, prompting classes and homecoming weekend events to be canceled or moved off campus.
Police officers in US border towns are warned against interfering with the drug trade:
The threat stems from a marijuana seizure made this month by two off-duty police officers riding on horseback in an unincorporated area east of Nogales, a city of roughly 20,000, Police Chief Jeffrey Kirkham told FoxNews.com.
“The word was that these particular officers would be targeted if they were ever in that area again and were not on duty and intercepted any drug trafficking,” Kirkham said. “It said they should look the other way.”
Americans really don’t appreciate how vicious these cartels are. Decapitation has become a preferred method of dispatching the opposition.
The preferred form of cruelty by drug cartel henchmen is to capture enemies and behead them, a once-shocking act that has now become numbingly routine.
Since March 22, authorities have come across four separate grisly scenes of beheaded bodies, in one case with several heads placed neatly in a row.
Dozens of people have been decapitated in recent months, most of them apparently members of rival drug gangs locked in turf battles over narcotics routes, betrayals of loyalty and territorial influence.
Napolitano can share with the Afghani’s how to be really effective at border security.
First, she can tell them that borders cannot really be secured.
Next, unarmed National Guardsmen are sent to the border, but they are not to interfere with the flow of illegals or drugs.
A Border Patrol agent, who requested anonymity, says that the well-armed intruders were drug traffickers who are fully aware US National Guard troops are prohibited from carrying any type of weapon and have been ordered not to confront lawbreakers coming across the border. The Guard troops are not allowed to apprehend illegal entrants, as well.
Then the government should sue the most effective border security official in the country.
Finally, if a state attempts to do what the federal government should be doing, that state should be reported to the UN for human rights violations.
Then course, the leader of the country should refer to any of his fellow citizens who disagree with him as “enemies.”
Then it can be claimed that the border is more secure than ever.
Happy New Year!

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
This is perfect timing. A real one-two punch with repeal of don’t ask, don’t tell. The troops will simply grope any Taliban and AlQuida they find. Of course, to prevent cries of profiling, they will also have to grope each other. Does that qualify as a group hug?
My only question is how Ms HufnStuf plans to get all of these wild eyed murdering tenth century retreads to stand in line that long.
say how is that multi billion dolar fence that you wanted working out ?
What part of “HOMEland” does that fat incompetent twit not understand about her job description?
Fewer illegals have been crossing the border into the United States on Obama’s watch than on Bush’s. Additionally, the rate of deportation of illegals under Obama’s administration has been markedly higher than it was under Bush’s.
That’s the reality. Deal with it.
Greg has a point (no not that one).
One way to keep illegals out is to wreck the economy! Well Done to His “O”lliness!
Consider it “Dealt With”.
The simplist and most obvious solution would be to require verification of all job applicants’ legal status, combined with serious penalties for employers who fail to do so.
Maybe the GOP leadership should as their buddies at the American Chamber of Commerce what their problem is with something that would actually work.
Two reasons why there are fewer crossing the border:
1. It’s too dangerous; the drug cartels have immunity for their R&R policies on both ides of the border, Rob and Rape, with a little murder and mayhem thrown in the equation.
2. There aren’t any jobs.
You’re damn right there aren’t as many crossing the border, why get killed crossing the border. They might as well starve at home.
Do you get your facts from illegals or Obama’s propaganda machine?
I talk to them, nearly every day. You Liberals are proud of that performance; you only have Bull Shit Propaganda, while you spin some more lies; tell your lies to some one that will believe you.
There really isn’t anything that anyone does or doesn’t do in His admin that you can find “wanting” is there?
There’s less crossing because our economy sucks, and the fact that is a freakin war-zone there.
Your idiotic and willfully blind statement about deportations shows you have no ability to be objective. The numbers were cooked…”rate” is a value that can (and is) being used to attempt to fool us….some of us (IE: you, and the sycophants) successfully.
Regardless, her job has NOTHING to do with what’s going on in ANY other country, except those sending illegals, let alone Afghanistan. She has nothing to offer that situation, and she sure as hell won’t let us use any other methods here, currently be utilized there by our military. This is nothing more than a photo-op, and a diversion to make the fools feel like their being led by someone with competence.
Maybe Napolitano wants to know how Karzai’s brother can leave the country with so many millions of our US dollars, while our boy are risking their lives and getting killed and maimed. Maybe she needs to move millions out of the country like Karzai, before the economy slides down the outhouse hole. Incompetents and thieves need to hold summits also.
Ruining the economy is one heck of a policy
to deal with illegal aliens, Greg.
@ Patvann, #6:
There’s much I find wanting. That’s been the case with every administration that’s come and gone since I’ve been old enough to vote.
What I don’t buy is the opposition’s unrelenting, 100% negativity on everything. After a while it makes it difficult to take them seriously on anything. What might be useful and valid criticism gets lost in the noise.
In the interest of giving credit where due.
1. His “O”lliness refused to sign onto a treaty to ban land mines which would have taken yet another weapon out of the US arsenal.
2. He has not bowed to the president of Mexico (at least there aren’t any pictures).
Otherwise, the guy is the most anti-American elected official since Carter, in fact, he may actually be worse than Carter, after all, he’s only half through.
In all seriousness, stop to consider the very real possibility (and in this case certainty) that the reason so many are 100% against this bum is that he is 100% wrong.
We had another thread about the extreme violence at the US/Mexico border.
One thing I am amazed by is that more Mexicans are not coming here based on humanitarian requests.
People in Mexico are fleeing the drug violence but they are going elsewhere …. not coming here in great numbers.
IF they did apply on the basis of the violence I don’t see how we could/would refuse them.
For some reason the local Mexican drug gang (I forget their name) has decided it now ”owns” our immediate area. (For drug sales purposes.)
We have had a shooting and a whole lot of rival tagging since that shooting.
Our area’s black dealers are not giving up their territory without a fight.
We see both black and Hispanic dealers operating very openly.
I have to wonder what will happen if grass becomes legal.
Whites seem to control all of the medicinal mj shops.
And we are 110 miles north of the border.
MS13 and the Mexican Mafia pretty much run the borders and control the drug trade in the US for the last 10 years.
Nan, keep your head down. I do a lot of business in the border towns (TX border), everyone I know down there is scared sh****ss.
Everyone has their own idea, but I still think legalizing pot is the only rational alternative. The thugs won’t be able to compete with RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris any more than moonshinners can compete with Segrams. They won’t go away of course, but a major source of their income will dry up. The only way to stop the violence in Mexico is to let the law abiding Mexican citizens own guns and take their country back. As it is, this violence threatens to destroy the Miquela corridor which means a lot of good paying (for Mexico) jobs may be moved either to China or “shudder” back to the US. Either way, the law abiding people of MX are the losers in this.
Greg, where you looking into a mirror when you wrote that?
Do you realize that Big Sis used the word ‘terrorist’ instead of ‘disenfranchised person fighting against the Great Satan’ or whatever BS/PC phrase she came up with two years ago.
These two videos should provide some additional insight into what is going on with our southern border. Suffice to say, it appears that not everyone is coming here to pick oranges in California.
@ UpChuck.Liberals, Her use of the verbiage “Man Made Disaster” pretty much sums up in total the Current Regime as well as Her gross incompetency on Her Watch. Team Obama, the Gang that couldn’t shoot straight…the Whole Crew of His Appointees that are Political Bad Jokes and Hacks of the Highest Order. Snake Oil Peddlers have nothing on them!
Another vet, thank you for the videos, they are chilling. We will surely have Americas being killed by these terrorists in the near future while Napolitano and Obama reassure us they are doing everything possible to secure the border and that the system is working perfectly.
Let’s see how well it works when they start filling the body bags. In the mean time we are supporting a regime in Afghanistan that is even more corrupt than Obama and his Marxist buffoons. In reality, our troops are fighting so that Karzai and his brother can make their millions from the heroin trade.
I don’t support the illegal invasion, but the government is playing a game of cutesy pie with employers and illegal aliens it is all a game to keep them here until Obama can get them registered as Democrats. In the mean time we are giving up more and more land to the drug cartels and nullifying our own jurisdiction of American law, the drugs are ruining both countries and our former coke head in the White House thinks everything is just peachy.
It’s definitely a sad state of affairs when Americans who advocate securing our borders are branded as racists, extremists, and the enemy by those whose constitutional duty it is to enforce the law and protect American citizens just to get votes using the divide and conquer strategy that is typical of those who embrace Marxist ideology. Hopefully the Hispanic community in this country will see through their divisive bullshit and realize that it is in ALL Americans’ best interests to secure the border. Terrorist bombs, unlike this administration, don’t differentiate based on race, ethniticity, or socio-economic status.
In case you haven’t seen this one before, it’ll get your blood pressure up:
@another vet: #16
I’ve seen videos like this when Bush was in office and he didn’t do anything about it either. When we have a political system that depends on other people’s money to get elected you have to do or not do what the ones giving you the money say or you don’t get your reelection money. I was hoping Bush would figure he can’t be reelected after his second term, so he could do what was right, but that didn’t happen.
I wasn’t happy with Bush’s immigration policy either. There wasn’t much difference between his and Obama’s. It’s funny that while us “cons” were critical of both, the left excuses Obama’s policy by pointing to Bush as though that makes it right. At least Bush didn’t call those of us who advocate securing our borders and enforcing federal immigration laws “racists”, “extremists”, and “enemies”. There’s a big difference there in the attitude toward America and Americans.
@Skookum: #18
Most Americans are looking at stuff like this the wrong way. If you figure that Obama wants to bring down the USA, then this all makes sense. I believe this is his goal. EVERYTHING he does or doesn’t do says he is against keeping America a free country. Why are you always surprised when he does the same things he has done since he was a senator? Being president only give him more power to destroy what we stand for.
@another vet: #19
You reminded me of some posters I sent to the Tea Parties in Arizona, Governor Brewer, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio before their elections. The first one is about the SB1070 bill in your video. I don’t know if any of them were used in any of the protests in Arizona, but they went with me to Washington DC.
If she is going to teach our military how to secure the Afghanistan border, they are going to need a hell of alot more body bags, and not to put dead terrorist in. This woman is a walking disaster, she couldn’t pour urine out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel.
Smorgasbord: I thought Obama was a Marxist before he was elected. The part that I find unbelievable is that so many Americans are so complacent with the loss of Liberty and Freedom in America; how many Republicans, RINOs, Democrats and regular citizens are so anxious to sell out our Constitution and traditions of America to follow Obama into an International Socialist Nirvana that will be another Hell on earth, how many of our workers, bankers, business men are ready to pick up the banners of Socialism for a chance to put a few million in their pockets as if the Elites of Obama’s Dystopia will let them lead the life of an Elite once the revolution is over. If Obama gets his way and destroys all semblance of freedom in the US and power is consolidated, he will probably be disposed of like all the other useful idiots who figure they will ride the gravy train into Socialist Hillbilly Heaven. If they studied the history of these Socialist Cess Pools on earth, they’d realize they are extremely disposable in the Socialist Thugocracy based on the Chicago method of the future. Weaklings, ideologues, useful idiots, and bleeding hearts only serve a purpose until power is consolidated; then the cold and stark reality sets in like a winter of 40 below. That will be the only bright side to the possibility of Obama’s success, watching the Useful Idiots being ground under an iron heel of the Social Justice of Socialism. LOL ROFL I don’t plan on boarding any of Obama’s Freedom trains.
As far as philosophy goes, you and I could be identical twins.
“The part that I find unbelievable is that so many Americans are so complacent with the loss of Liberty and Freedom in America….”
Without the propaganda media, it wouldn’t be possible. What the media doesn’t seem to understand is that if Obama gets his way, or should I say the ones controlling him, the media will become a REAL propaganda machine and will be told by the government what they can and can’t say.
I am guessing you are old enough to remember a Russian comedian immigrant named Yakov. He said that in Russia he had to submit his script to the government and one year later, if it was approved, he had to read it word-for-word. I see he has a show in Branson MO. Good for him.
“If Obama gets his way and destroys all semblance of freedom in the US and power is consolidated, he will probably be disposed of like all the other useful idiots….”
I guess if you are going to be an idiot, it is better to be a “useful” one than a useless one. Different times I have said that Obama is just a puppet for others who are pulling the strings and that he probably doesn’t even read his speeches ahead of time before he gives them. Remember him reading someone else’s speech and didn’t know it, even after he was done?
“If they studied the history of these Socialist Cess Pools on earth, they’d realize they are extremely disposable in the Socialist Thugocracy based on the Chicago method of the future.”
For many years the only history the liberals have been studying is how to control more people and how to spend more of our money. They won’t be satisfied until it is like Russia where the farmer harvests his crop, gives it to the government, and waits to find out how much he gets for it.
“…I don’t plan on boarding any of Obama’s Freedom trains.”
The term “Freedom Isn’t Free” means the opposite to Obama. His train is going the wrong way.
There needs to be a reaction to all of these incidents. If gun fire is coming across the border the mexican government needs to be notified that the next time it happens the US will move to secure and stop it. Any interference fromt the Mexican forces to stop or resist and they will be considered hostiles. In one years time we will have several hundred thousand troops home from Iraq with both experiance and equipment to make this a reality. To not use them to help secure this country is the real crome.
Nobody is asking for a billion-dollar high-tech monstrosity, all we want is a simple chain-link fence with barbed-wire on top, the kind you see around every electrical transformer substation and police impound lot. Add a second fence a dozen yards inside the border and let Doberman dogs run loose between them. I guarantee that will slow foot traffic. How much can that possibly cost?
The part I find frustrating is that I frequently have lunch at an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet that displays a giant photo of the Great Wall of China, thousands of miles of stone wall built by hand through the worst terrain in the world, but then I hear American “leaders” saying we can’t close our own borders because Americans lack the ability to build a simple chain-link fence a few hundred miles long.
With “leaders” like that, who needs enemies?
Buy more guns and ammo, especially you folks that live in states along the Mexican border. They will soon be of use to you.
Well, I live in the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, we now have to (almost) give a DNA sample to buy ammo in this fine State of Konfusion. The really stupid part is there is absolutely nothing stopping us from going to Oregon, Nevada or Arizona to buy as much as we can. Actually none of this is going to matter very soon, the illegals will be leaving because we won’t have any gasoline or electricity so they won’t like it and will leave.
Maybe she’s over there to warn al Qaeda and the Taliban about our risky, terrorist troops, remember this event?