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Marxism has always been an excuse for Elites to control their people;when they are cruel or nuts, they always end up cruel and nuts with their absolute power, people live in Hell on earth. Yet we have never had so many Socialist Lemmings ready to jump into Hell to promote Marxist slavery.

I don’t know why I keep getting a ”Lost Connection” when I try to play this.

I did see a smuggled video from an ex-Soviet cameraman years ago.
In it he contrasted his pathetic ”luxury apartment” with that of the hovels most everyone there lide in.
(I’d seen single prison cells here in CA cushier than his NK ”luxury apartment,” BTW.)

The thing that impressed him the most was the sound of thousands of people in the early moning, walking to work.
He went down to film them and noted that no one at all looked at anyone else, just looked at the ground in front of their feet as they trudged along.

He also went to the various borders, sea, river and land.
Amazing barricades.
If we had anything like that between us and Mexico people really would call us nasty names.
But NK has them to keep their people IN.

I’ll try to see one this later.