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Does Obama Believe Wikileaks Treason Is a 1st Amendment Issue?

Pretty good video of Michael Scheuer, former intelligence officer for the CIA, on Bill O’Reilly discussing wikileaks and the reason why Obama hasn’t said nor did anything about the leak:

O’Reilly – So Doctor, were you surprised the President hasn’t said anything about wikileaks?

Scheuer – No, I think the President has a pretty established, pretty good record of not talking about things that would defend America. He and Holder have been very good at criticizing America about how we lost our moral compass. He always has time to talk about some has been Burmese journalists and Chinese writers you never hear of but when it comes to defending America Bill he’s generally pretty quiet.

Bill goes on to note that Holder was sent out a few days ago to say all the usual stuff…”This is bad” and all that jazz. But why, when this President has known about wikileaks for months, has he done nothing?

Scheuer – Well you have to assume, you don’t know what goes on inside someones head, but somebody who acts or doesn’t act tells you clearly what he thinks. The President, when the first announcement was made, that these things were going to be leaked, could of ordered the US military or the Central Intelligence Agency to destroy the website that Mr. Assange was going to use and prevent any leaks at all.

Why didn’t he?

Schuer – I think he thinks it’s a first amendment issue when it’s really just a matter of trafficking in stolen material. The President is clearly cheek by jowl with the ACLU, he doesn’t want to upset those people or the New York Times. Somehow committing treason now has become protected by the first amendment.

This President has done nothing about the leak while a superpower has lost the trust of its partners worldwide. It has destroyed relationships needed by this country, put people’s lives in danger, and what do we get from this administration.


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