You really can’t make this stuff up! But why would one be surprised? after all, these are the same fools who stand by the piece of scum form Mass. that went after an under aged male page. One thing about politicians of all stripes. They stand behind their own, literally. This was an offense that in my book called for expulsion. He broke the law! Yet, a bipartisan, half Dem and half Rep only called for what in effect is a public rebuke for a CRIME that you and I would go to jail for. Prostitutes all. doesn’t matter what party they are. A sad commentary on the complete lack of moral standards as evidenced by career politicians.
Old Trooper 2
14 years ago
Rangel: I don’t deal in average American citizens
The incredible and inexcusable arrogance of Incumbency
Al Capone got Prison Time for Tax Evasion
14 years ago
Why is Duke Cunningham in prison and Rangel in Congress?
Our government is so corrupt, they are damaging this country faster than any of our previous enemies.
Why are certain Elites above the law?
Rangel is upset over censure so he gets a standing ovation for what, beating the rap?
This man and the government that excuses while praising him is a disgrace to our country. America is so much less because of Rangel and our government.
You really can’t make this stuff up! But why would one be surprised? after all, these are the same fools who stand by the piece of scum form Mass. that went after an under aged male page. One thing about politicians of all stripes. They stand behind their own, literally. This was an offense that in my book called for expulsion. He broke the law! Yet, a bipartisan, half Dem and half Rep only called for what in effect is a public rebuke for a CRIME that you and I would go to jail for. Prostitutes all. doesn’t matter what party they are. A sad commentary on the complete lack of moral standards as evidenced by career politicians.
Rangel: I don’t deal in average American citizens
The incredible and inexcusable arrogance of Incumbency
Al Capone got Prison Time for Tax Evasion
Rangel: I don�t deal in average American citizens
The incredible and inexcusable arrogance of Incumbency
Al Capone got Prison Time for Tax Evasion
Why is Duke Cunningham in prison and Rangel in Congress?
Our government is so corrupt, they are damaging this country faster than any of our previous enemies.
Why are certain Elites above the law?
Rangel is upset over censure so he gets a standing ovation for what, beating the rap?
This man and the government that excuses while praising him is a disgrace to our country. America is so much less because of Rangel and our government.