I saw that live the other day.
Lately I’ve seen Alan a number of times.
He seems a tad out of control of his emotions.
On the Fox Business Channel he was interviewed and really hyper.
He made a simple point and was refuted.
He simply got loud instead of trying to make a counterpoint.
He just repeated the old point as if saying it louder made it stronger.
Now, take a look at this video.
I bet no one here has seen it, but it is incredibly powerful.
It is Austrian MP Ewald Stadler’s powerful address to Turkish Ambassador.
What a shame our President Obama kisses up to Turkey’s Erdogan.
“…this country is not exclusively made up of tolerance romantics, there are also people sick and tired of the one-way street tolerance babble.”
Why can’t we have a President with that kind of backbone?
Of course, Turkey still hasn’t owned up to the Armenian Genocide; nothing they do surprises me.
Nan G
14 years ago
RT, not only has Turkey not owned up to the Armenian Genocide but Obama gained many Armenian votes by promising to acknowledge that Armenian Genocide as President then he broke the promise once in office.
I saw that live the other day.
Lately I’ve seen Alan a number of times.
He seems a tad out of control of his emotions.
On the Fox Business Channel he was interviewed and really hyper.
He made a simple point and was refuted.
He simply got loud instead of trying to make a counterpoint.
He just repeated the old point as if saying it louder made it stronger.
Now, take a look at this video.
I bet no one here has seen it, but it is incredibly powerful.
It is Austrian MP Ewald Stadler’s powerful address to Turkish Ambassador.
What a shame our President Obama kisses up to Turkey’s Erdogan.
Alan Colmes is a waste of airtime.
Nan G., what a great video clip.
Why can’t we have a President with that kind of backbone?
Of course, Turkey still hasn’t owned up to the Armenian Genocide; nothing they do surprises me.
RT, not only has Turkey not owned up to the Armenian Genocide but Obama gained many Armenian votes by promising to acknowledge that Armenian Genocide as President then he broke the promise once in office.