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Is Wikileaks Real Target Hillary Clinton?

Is Wikileaks an operation to get rid of Hillary Clinton prior to 2012? There are a few writers who think so.

Don Surber wrote about the Time interview of Julian Assange where he says Hillary should resign and concludes:

The Wikileaks scandal is not that it was leaked but it is a blatant attempt to eliminate Hillary Clinton as a threat to Barack Obama’s re-election.


This is a political assassination that deserves inquiry by the Republican House come January. Forget getting Julian Assange on publishing the leaks. Find out who leaked.

We know why.

And some in the liberal left are pushing the meme. Here is Jack Shafer of Slate:

The leaked cables make it impossible for Hillary Clinton to continue as secretary of state.

A U.S. diplomat must possess patience, poise, and tact. He must also be attentive to cultural differences, a good observer, and proficient in several languages. When called upon, he must use his skills as a negotiator in the national interest. And, as the latest dump of WikiLeaks tells us, if the dip works for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, he must also be prepared to spy on his fellow diplomats.

Yeah, our diplos used to have to convince people they don’t secretly work for the CIA; now they have to convince people they don’t secretly work for Hillary Clinton. Our guys and gals are good, but are they that good?

David Corn:

Should Hillary Clinton resign as secretary of state due to the WikiLeaks revelations? My friend Jack Shafer at Slate makes a good case. His reason: Clinton, like predecessor Condoleezza Rice, signed orders instructing U.S. foreign service officers to spy on the diplomats of other nations.


…Of the many WikiLeaks revelations that have emerged in the past few days — and more are to come in the next few months, as the renegade website continues to release batches of the 251,287 State Department cables it has obtained — the news that U.S. diplomats have been turned into part-time spies certainly warrants thorough investigation.


…Yet there have not been such passionate calls for investigating the transformation of U.S. diplomats into undercover snoops. The administration’s strategy — as is to be expected — is to focus on the easy-to-demonize messenger, not the hard-to-explain message. But Diplomatgate ought to be a top priority for the oversight committees of Congress.

I’m betting we will see more of this coming up in the months ahead from the Obama faithful in an attempt to drive her out of office and ruin her chances of running against Obama in 2012 or a run in 2016.

I just don’t see her being forced out of anything tho. She won’t resign, that would be an acknowledgment of guilt. Personally, I can’t stand her but I don’t see anything wrong with her conduct. Of course we spy on other countries and their diplomats. This is a shock? I would have been disappointed to find that we weren’t doing this kind of intelligence work. If these ObamaBots are trying to make the utterly ignorant argument that other countries aren’t doing the same exact thing then they are incredibly naive.

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