The Liberal Obsession With Sarah Palin Reaching New Heights

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Charles Krauthammer is his usual awesome self here during a segment on PBS in which he points out how the show he is visiting, and liberals in general, are simple obsessed…mind-numbingly, compulsively obsessed with Sarah Palin:

I know none of you need any evidence of this obsession since we see it daily, but here is just one very recent example. “Comedian” Sandra Bernhard laying into Sarah and her daughter, calling Bristol a hooker: (h/t Newbusters)

What a nasty bunch that was. Strong symbols for feminism they are not.

I always find it humorous how the left insists that Sarah Palin has no credibility, as a person or a politician, but freak out, I mean just FREAK out with any Sarah news nugget. Whether it comes from Todd, their kids, or Sarah herself.

If she has no credibility then what the hell are they worried about?

What a sick demented bunch these liberal’s afflicted with PDS are.

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He probably wouldn’t be so mean if Bristol was a poor inner-city black girl collecting welfare!

NoFear “Sarah Palin is our image of royalty” Really? You made my day with that one.

I said “version”, just like “Ocra”, and O bomb us – they are all over the news, and Enquirer, etc. Nothing is wrong with that, people need some kind of role models they can relate to. Those “images” are just that – not the real people, we don’t know what they are like off camera away from their “handlers” (only their accountants know the truth). Yes, they all have big egos, and work 24/7 for their money and power… a different breed from us armchair bloggers. Critisism bounces off them. The moral is: WORK HARD – GET RICH!