The Same Media That Ignored Obama’s Gaffes Finds Palins Gaffe Newsworthy

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Since many of you spent the holidays with family, paying little attention to the media, you probably didn’t get the latest PDS from the MSM. This time Sarah Palin, during an interview with Beck, spoke about the Korean situation. She spoke about South Korea being an ally throughout the interview but slipped up once and said North Korea was our ally, which she corrected seconds later.

The MSM couldn’t let that pass:


Sarah Palin is drawing criticism from around the world after declaring that the United States has to stand with “our North Korean allies.”

Palin’s gaffe, made Wednesday during an interview on Glenn Beck’s syndicated radio show, was quickly corrected by her host. But it drew immediate fire from liberal bloggers, who cited it as an example of the 2008 vice presidential candidate’s lack of foreign policy expertise.

You get that? Lack of foreign policy expertise! You know, all that foreign policy expertise Obama had before becoming President.


And some more:

Sarah Palin has yet to address the controversy arising from her televised statement about standing “with our North Korean allies,” observers say.

Well, now she has:

My fellow Americans in all 57 states, the time has changed for come. With our country founded more than 20 centuries ago, we have much to celebrate – from the FBI’s 100 days to the reforms that bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system. We know that countries like Europe are willing to stand with us in our fight to halt the rise of privacy, and Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a breathalyzer, or an inhalator. I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian for that…

Of course, the paragraph above is based on a series of misstatements and verbal gaffes made by Barack Obama (I didn’t have enough time to do one for Joe Biden). YouTube links are provided just in case you doubt the accuracy of these all too human slips-of-the-tongue. If you can’t remember hearing about them, that’s because for the most part the media didn’t consider them newsworthy. I have no complaint about that. Everybody makes the occasional verbal gaffe – even news anchors.

Obviously, I would have been even more impressed if the media showed some consistency on this issue. Unfortunately, it seems they couldn’t resist the temptation to turn a simple one word slip-of-the-tongue of mine into a major political headline.

Pointless, ridiculous, Palin bashing. Obama has been one of the most unqualified Presidents to ever sit in the Oval Office and our media ignores it. Sarah slips up during a unscripted interview, corrects the slip-up immediately, and is still raked over the coals.

Naw…no media bias here.

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Two years ago Obama’s ratings were consistantly higher than……Obama’s today and they think he can still repair his image. Since there hasn’t been one Republican candidate committ to running for president in 2012, that field is wide open and things can and do change for every candidate that enters the process. Two years is a long time in politics.


OK, which Greg is this? Nice find, thanks for sharing, first time I’ve seen and read that piece.

I think after more appearences like those she did this week more people are going to see how comfortable she is and how smooth her manner of speaking is as she discusses foreign policy, energy, the economy, etc.

She did some good interviews, no uhs, ums. duhs…. she just spoke, offered her opinions on a variety of topics, listening to her was a welcomed relief after months and months of Obama.

Greg 2, #52

Jealousy is deeply rooted in remote and inaccessible regions of the insecure brain.

When you add to it a serious dose of ideological blindness, mind rot is permanent, and you get the kinds of comments that follow the DailyBeast article you quote here. Trolls have little energy left for anything but drooling venom.

Palin has a been able to do something which Obama has not been able to accomplish from his Bully Pulpit over the past two years – grow her support base.

This story is not 100% about Palin per se. It is about the well-worn machinery used by the biased media to promote statists, and to denigrate people who oppose them.

Sarah is getting the treatment because she is seen as a threat to their power. There is one thing that shall remain true whether she runs in 2012 or not: anyone perceived as an obstacle to expansion of the state will be attacked. Anyone.

@Missy: Missy, you crack me up!! Excellent retort (on post #20)!!!


Two years ago Obama’s ratings were consistantly higher than……Obama’s today and they think he can still repair his image. Since there hasn’t been one Republican candidate committ to running for president in 2012, that field is wide open and things can and do change for every candidate that enters the process. Two years is a long time in politics.

Agreed, two years is a long time in politics, a lifetime.

But Palin’s negatives are off-the-chart. I saw a poll earlier this year that had 47% of Republicans not having a favorable opinion of her.

That rating, and I still think it is in the fourties, is a death-knell to any candidate seeking the Presidency.

You know that, right? People disagreed with Reagan, but the still loved the guy. That was one of his main keys to his success-he could win over the opposition. Democrats voted in droves for Reagan in the ’80 and ’84 elections. We need a candidate who can steal votes from Obama like Obama did to the Republican Party (20% of “conservatives” voted for Obama in ’08 unfortunately).

I don’t see Palin, and she’s a good, decent person, having that gift. I’m not here to knock her, I voted for the woman and gave the McCain campaign $1,200 the day he announced her as her VP choice, but to find a candidate who can actually defeat Obama. Right now, I don’t see her doing it. Not that Mitt could mind you-he’s a waste-but I haven’t had a Palin supporter tell me how she can win.


This story is not 100% about Palin per se. It is about the well-worn machinery used by the biased media to promote statists, and to denigrate people who oppose them.

So? That’s an old complaint, as old as the hills mind you. “The media is biased against us!” our side screams! Blah, it’s ALWAYS been that way.

You need to get a candidate who can deflect the media attacks and by-pass the media.

Despite her efforts to do this, it isn’t working. Women just HATE Palin.

Ivan, don’t know where you got your stats but the last ones I heard had her approval with Republican voters at 75% and with Independents around high 40’s.

As for how she can win, I have seen postings all over the blogosphere talking about how she can do that-by touting her record and listening to the American people. No real conservative is going to get any votes from liberals. A RINO, yes. A conservative like Palin, no. And you are mistaken. We do not need their votes. We need to work on moving up those numbers of Independent voters. Considering she has not even announced she’s running and has not even begun setting the record straight on her vast experience, she’s doing just fine.


We don’t know for sure that Obama won’t be challenged and knocked out or further damaged in dem primaries. Rasmussen has him at 28% strongly approve, 42% strongly disapprove.

We don’t know if Palin will run, and I think there may be a few other Republican candidates tossing their hats in that are interesting, I want to see some competition.

As of November 5, 2010, things aren’t looking so bad for Palin among GOP voters:

GOP Primary Voters Like Palin Best, With Romney, Huckabee Close Behind

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of those voters finds that 82% have a favorable opinion of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the party’s vice presidential nominee in 2008, while just 17% view her unfavorably. That includes 50% with a Very Favorable opinion and eight percent (8%) with a Very Unfavorable one.

Seventy-nine percent (79%) have favorable views of both Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, and ex-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Seventeen percent (17%) hold an unfavorable opinion of the two men who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008.

The three are in a dead heat if a primary were held at this time, but I predict the field of candidates will be much larger than the three.

Another thing to think about is what happened in our last primaries, McCain was chosen before I even had a chance to vote in the primaries. Guiliani and Thompson ran rediculous campaigns, Huckabee conspired with McCain to the disadvantage of Romney, Gingrich and that “let me know if you want me” nonsense. Blech, who knows how anything will shake out by then, it’s to soon to be concerned with the three making noises now.


And it was a 22 pounder, while he was carving it our 7 month old great-grandaughter was hanging onto his leg. He’s amazing! 😉

Holiday or non-holiday I haven’t listened to the propaganda media for years and I haven’t missed much. I still say that if it weren’t for liberals and conservative shows and bloggers the propaganda media wouldn’t have ANY listeners or viewers. It would be interesting to have the conservative world set a month not to go to ANY propaganda media and see what happens to their rating. I am guessing it would drop quite a bit.

The more the propaganda media tries to put Palin down, the more popular she becomes, and the more money she is making. If the propaganda media would have left her alone after the election she probably would have faded away. I don’t know if she intends to run for office or make as much money as she can off of the publicity, but the propaganda media might put her in the oval office all on their own.

Given the strategic location of Alaska in the Pacific Theatre, and with the Republic of Korea being a trading partner with Alaska; Governor Palin is well-versed on North and South Korea.

This is clearly a slip of the tongue, given in the previous sentences she was identifying appropriately North Korea as the enemy in this situation. It’d be different if throughout the discussion she thought North Korea was our ally.

Let’s just go back to Sarah Palin’s public comments about North Korean Missile Testing on April 6th 2009

(CNN) – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s office reacted Monday to North Korea’s missile test with a statement that “reaffirmed Alaska’s commitment to protecting America from rogue nation missile attacks.”

Palin herself criticized proposed Obama administration cuts proposed to missile defense programs. “I am deeply concerned with North Korea’s development and testing program which has clear potential of impacting Alaska, a sovereign state of the United States, with a potentially nuclear armed warhead,” she said in the statement. “I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that we continue to develop and perfect the global missile defense network. Alaska’s strategic location and the system in place here have proven invaluable in defending the nation….

Remember when Sarah Palin said there were 57 States , pronounced corpsman as ‘corpse man and believes Europe is a country.
Oh wait, she didn’t say that, it was Obama who did!

The formula is clear. When Palin makes a verbal gaffe, she’s stupid. When Obama makes one, he just made a mistake.

Timot: on your 63, I am so glad when well read commenter come in with the other of the group
to emphazise the extra line that will make the opponant feel ingnorant and try to swallow their own words of nastyness toward SARAH PALIN: SHE sure was right to return fire, and show more

I’m going to preface these comments by saying that I have listened to Sarah Palin, and I am not impressed with her. To me, she smacks of a political opportunist. But – that is just my opinion, and I don’t care if anybody agrees or not.

And this is why I have to question Ivan’s claim that

Despite her efforts to do this, it isn’t working. Women just HATE Palin.

Really? I happen to know quite a few women who happen to like SP, including several LIBERAL women who are politically astute and not given to letting others speak for them.

Admittedly, most of the talking heads in the media and entertainment industries don’t like her, but that’s hardly proof of anything.

Sorry, Ivan; it may be your opinion that “Women just HATE Palin,” but it really is nothing more than opinion.


@JVerive: #65

Liberals don’t usually like successful anybody unless the successful person is a liberal and donates a lot of their money to the liberals. Sarah is successful, a conservative, and donates to conservatives, so she has three strikes against her from the liberal point of view.

I’m like you in the sense that I don’t know if Palin is going to try for political office or just make as much money as she can. One thing I know is that if it weren’t for the liberals and the propaganda media keeping her in the public eye she wouldn’t be doing as well as she is.


Agreed, the poll from the Republicans I saw was probably a year old.

Still, America pretty much hates her. We nominate her and the Dems will come out like you’ve never seen before. We also won’t get the independents. You’ll lose a lot of Republican seats in 2012 if we nominate her.

It is just days before TLC’s heavily hyped Sarah Palin’s Alaska debuts, and Gallup released a new poll today which showed that 52% of Americans have a negative view of Palin. She has a negative rating of 83% among Democrats and 53% with Independents. Republicans gave Palin an 80% approval rating, but it is awfully tough to be president or even a reality TV star, when over half of America hates you.

Gallup, November 12th:

November 12, 2010
At 52%, Palin’s Unfavorable Score Hits a New HighAmericans remain split in their reactions to Tea Party movement

PRINCETON, NJ — More than half of Americans, 52%, now view Sarah Palin unfavorably, the highest percentage holding a negative opinion of the former Alaska governor in Gallup polling since Sen. John McCain tapped her as the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee. Her 40% favorable rating ties her lowest favorable score, recorded just over a year