Obama’s Bolsheviks Are Losing

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Obama has made a mess, he might need some old fashioned Conservative toilet paper

This is an email from an affluent, educated, Liberal female in her thirties, she has an extremely high IQ and a speed reading ability that I have never seen equaled; I know her quite well, I took her camping and fishing and taught her Algebra, Geometry, and mathematics at an age when most kids are still learning their alphabet, she is my daughter. She lives in Alberta and often flies to Maui for holidays; unfortunately, this means going through American TSA sexual fondling. She and her friends have been dedicated Liberals and they rarely agree with me on anything. As a matter of fact, they have considered me a throwback to prehistory, at least until recently. She is now taking a second look at the Myth that is Obama and his Open Society Socialism.

I am flying tomorrow with my family and am already coming up with sharp retorts to any security person who pats me down inappropriately or treats my child as a threat to national security. Realistically, I know I won’t use them and I will stand in line and not say anything because I just want to be able to get on my plane and leave this extremely cold weather and drink margaritas on a beach.

We have traveled with our children a lot. Most of the time it has been alright, but there was the time they took my daughter’s little horse away from her even though she was already upset and crying, to put it through the scanner. After they took her toy away they made her walk through the metal detector by herself, still crying hysterically. She was barely two. When I was pregnant I couldn’t go through the scanners (not that I really want to anyway) and I had to submit to pat downs in every single security line. It is degrading to have someone feel underneath your pregnant breasts to make sure you are not carrying a bomb. The inevitable powerlessness that comes with standing in airport security lines makes me want to scream in rage. I am not a criminal, I don’t want or expect to be treated like one just so that I can get on a plane. And I’m still not convinced that all of these “security” measures actually make a bit of difference. Except to give the TSA absolute control over our lives for the hour+ that we stand in line to wait for them to make sure that our children aren’t carrying explosives in their toys. Or that we don’t have suspect materials in our flip flops.

I hate all of this, but besides the total loss of dignity, what also bothers me is that I turn into a raving, foaming at the mouth crazy person when I start talking about it. I raise my voice. I don’t like this; I prefer to be civilized.

All of this for an illusion of security.

F*ck security.

You Useful Idiots are throwing away your dreams of a Socialist Open Society by allowing the arrogant Narcissism of Obama destroy any and all gains you have made. People are realizing, that they are surrendering their freedoms to Obama:

Except to give the TSA absolute control over our lives

You are now alienating huge segments of once loyal believers, followers, and sycophants. Unless Obama can destroy or neutralize the Constitution in the next two years and consolidate his power and control with these backhanded methods of rewriting Constitutional Law, that force semi-law enforcement types to ignore the Fourth Amendment and conduct illegal searches that deprive Americans deprive Americans of Constitutional Rights and expose individual agents to prosecution for following illegal orders, (assuming we hold them to the same standards as our military) Obama is toast in 2012. Obviously he must go for broke by usurping all the power and control possible, since he is losing support at an unprecedented rate.

Perhaps TSA agents should consider that orders to perform illegal acts does not make the acts legal. Your boss can tell you to rape a young girl, but guess what, you are guilty of rape. Sexual fondling is sexual assault, guess what, You are guilty of sexual assault. You are supposed to be smart enough to not follow illegal orders!

The National Socialists didn’t get away with “Orders From Above” pleas: they were hanged and shot on a wholesale basis for their complicity in crimes against humanity. Are these sexual assaults against children and women crimes against humanity? I have a feeling we will soon find out.

The most ironic thing about this assertion of Totalitarian control by Obama is that he is defeating himself, thus he makes our job so much easier. Of course, next year he will be arguing that we would have lost several airliners if we wouldn’t have surrendered our Fourth Amendment Rights and submitted our women and girls to sexual fondling by the TSA. Like the jobs he saved, it is a hard point to argue, ambiguity will always be ambiguity nothing less, nothing more.

Someone tell this soldier her baby needs to be sexually fondled by the Obama/Napolitano agents.

Citizens, record the agents’ names that fondle your intimate parts, report all assaults to the police immediately and report the assaults to airport security. We will put these individual agents and their supervisors behind bars and then we will go after Napolitano and Obama.

F*ck Security

Epilogue: The email is from my daughter, she has believed the Liberal Party Line for years and was all excited about Obama a couple of years ago; unfortunately for you Socialists, Obama has taken a dump and has fallen back in it. While he tries terrorists in civilian court and loses on over two hundred charges, we are faced with his assurances that surrendering our Rights from Unlawful Search and Seizure is necessary to neutralize the terrorist threat, but we are to dread the day when real security profiling might foil a terrorist plot. If we defeat them it will be because we are politically correct and not because we resorted to a proven successful tactic like profiling, observation, and interrogation procedures for everyone. Like the Jihadist, I find Obama’s incompetence and self-righteous posturing about political correctness to be too funny for words; unfortunately, his bumbling and incompetence has cost American lives with his unrealistic rules of engagement and now the incompetence of his sycophant Napolitano is probably going to cost American civilian lives. If there is a bright side it is the enmity he is building among Americans: thus his reelection possibilities are becoming little more than a pipe dream.

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Ilovebeeswarzone, if only Tom would stay there. Tom is straying from Salon and the DailyBeast. I hates me some trolls.

Ilovebeeswarzone, if only Tom would stay there. Tom is straying from Salon and the DailyBeast. I hates me some trolls.

Are you saying you’d prefer a 100% echo chamber instead of a 99% echo chamber? I’ve been told by several writers here that all opinions are welcome as long as it’s kept civil. Apparently you didn’t get the memo. Not to worry. Feel free not to be held to that standard when it comes to me.

Where is that fast-trac security lane that was supposed to allow pre-screened/pre-determined non-terrorists to pass through without a search?

Yes Tom, I do prefer coming to this blog for solace. The way this country is being run into the ground by this administration and the lib party, I need FLOPPING ACES now more than ever. I just thank the good Lord I found this site.

KansasGirl, hi, good to have you in the group, and stay with us, sometimes we also have a chuckle, it could happen any time any posts anyone is free to make the others laught, bye

@ Tommy, Getting a little thin skinned here Junior? If you want to hang out here expect some very spirited discussion when offering POV stuff that may be challenging to some Folks. Opines are welcome. Just post your sources and prepare to defend your opines or sources.

This is not a schoolyard. Some of the Folks that post here have both expertise and experiences that differ from your level of cognition, education and background. Stick around. You may learn something at the least or acquire info that may help you to make wise choices on a personal or professional level.

plainjane31, hi, yes that should be ,if you have been screened before, and are ligitimate citizen,
how come ,It has’nt been done, would it be that they realy want to instigate the anger of
the people willingly, for empowering the people into servitude of their systems which will
get even more aggressing, bye


One very worthwhile comment is Old Trooper 2’s “The Airlines operate on a fairly small margin.” . . . And there’s the rub. I totally understand your concern on the speed with which a calamity might occur in the airline industry. Small margins in very capital intensive companies can very quickly tip them into the red. Unless they have strong, confident and experienced management, panic can set in, which means “stupid” is creeping in, and destructive decisions can get made. We’ve witnessed that occurrence repeatedly with companies of every size.

Given the nature of the airline industry, there are regional carriers who don’t have the depth, nor the capital to sustain an enduring drop-off in user base. Transcontinental airlines will probably suffer less impact, because it’s less likely that you’ll drive from LA to NY, but you’ll drive from SF to Sacramento, no problem. This is having impact on revenues, and it will probably lead to further consolidation in the business, favouring and strengthening the largest carriers. This is also rapidly ramping up the stress levels, not just on travellers, but on airline employees as well who are on the other side of the counter from the 3-hour-before-flight line-ups.

Current activity indicates that while the Freight business is sinking into the tank, (a worrisome indicator of persisting consumer non-confidence,) the passenger market has overall been up YTD in most North American markets – here’s one report for example: – Moodie Report. This is the past, however, and the current public reaction will have impact which will show up next month when such reports are made public.

There are many stories making the news this month with people who will take a stand on personal privacy, for good reason. It’s almost a guarantee that the stories will increase in number, and in nature of complaint. These people will probably advocate profiling, and demand effective training for the 65,000 people now housed in the U.S. Department of Transportation Security Administration. They will demand the implementation of systems that use historical/current data and probability algorithms to assess individuals coming through, as well as direct eye contact, and questioning analysis. The current system has been implemented by idiots at the executive level (government picked and paid) looking for the “expedient,” rather than the most effective. Government Bureaucracy is a thing to behold. And at the foot soldier level, I don’t know where they found some of their employees, but will bet that many of those I’ve run into, were NOT previously employed by the Armed Forces.

We’re arguing over the use of Xray technology that, while invasive and dangerous, doesn’t detect some materials and certainly doesn’t inform as to contents of “body” cavities.

I made the decision to no longer use commercial flights, not because I don’t like flying but because my last experience, which also involved SFO, was so absurd that it defied any human reasoning. It wasn’t even the groping which was the most insane, but that my wife who is blond and fair skinned was basically pulled out from the crowd four times from the moment we showed up to the moment we entered the plane, patted/scanned/rescanned. It was way too obvious that she was the token benefactor of the I-really-need-to-pat-you-down-and-check-under-your-clothes attention to keep things politically correct. It also didn’t help that after it was Xray’d, I was told I couldn’t Re-Lock my suitcase – when I picked it up at the end of the flight it had been riffled through and half emptied.

Fortunately, I have the luxury of flexibility, and primarily move up and down the West coast from top to bottom regularly using four wheels. Not everyone is so lucky. So while I appreciate some of the comments here that suggest its your prerogative to fly or not – that’s not realistic for those who have no choice and must travel to create income.

We should clamor for some intelligence to be applied in the deployment of the system that is supposed to keep us from harm. Preventing harm does not equal loosing personal rights of privacy, and the technology exists and the knowledge exists to make travelling safe without the burden of stress. I think it is advantageous that the POLITICALLY CORRECT approach is being proven to be ineffective and flawed. The question is really – is there the will to implement what is right?

And BTW, Skook, there will always be trolls Ready Willing & Able to scream, and nitpick when you attempt to make a point with emphasis.

Thanks ilovebeeswarzone, when I found this blog I was immediately smitten. I do feel like I have found like-minded folks. Seems like this old world is coming unglued. (sigh)!

@ Tom, Ever run a Private Sector Business? Ever done any Customer Relations work for Your Business that You must run to make a profit to pay taxes, meet payrolls, earn Customer Loyalty through both Quality of Product and Quality of Service?

I do and have. You probably have not but feel free to respond but do so with some rebuttal that answers those questions that I asked as a start point. OK?

KansasGirl, hi, that’s what happen to me when I first step in FA , 2 years ago,
you will love the group and the authors, bye

This is not a schoolyard. Some of the Folks that post here have both expertise and experiences that differ from your level of cognition, education and background. Stick around. You may learn something at the least or acquire info that may help you to make wise choices on a personal or professional level.

OT2, thank you for the invite. I appreciate your willingness to entertain my level of cognition.

@ Tom, Ever run a Private Sector Business? Ever done any Customer Relations work for Your Business that You must run to make a profit to pay taxes, meet payrolls, earn Customer Loyalty through both Quality of Product and Quality of Service?

I haven’t, but i think, under the Constitution, I’m still able to run my mouth off and voice my opinion. I guess we’ll all find out who is right in a month’s time. The clock is running.

BTW, I am well aware of your history of being a successful rancher and a military hero. Helpfully, you’re in the habit of reminding us all on a regular basis. Thank you for your service.

TOM, and you have the bad habit to pick on people here, and that is most annoying,
don’t expect to make any friend here,


I have no trouble distinguishing progressivism from Bolshevism. Unfortunately, many on the right seem to have lost the ability to distinguish predatory plutocratic capitalism from traditional American capitalism.

I find it surprising that most polls state 85% are fine with the body scanners. I must be one of the 15%, I guess.

The simple thing is, there are people like me who will have to endure whatever stupid rules the TSA puts in place. But, what it does affect is how much travel I will do. For example, anything under 3-4 hours drive time is now just a coin flip for driving or flying. Years ago, I would have just flown.

It’s not that all the people will stop flying, but it will change the behavior of the traveling public. I did look at Amtrack from Little Rock to Dallas, but it is nearly 8 hours and leaves at 2 in the morning, or something like that. I would like to take the train sometime, just for the experience, but I can’t be disconnected for that long.

For many of us, depending on meeting time, it’s just easier to drive. I get to make my schedule, avoid high traffic hours, and listen to my satellite radio the entire way. And I am not forced to pay that stupid 9-11 fee.

I so which more airports would opt out. I believe parts of SFO are, as last time I went through, they weren’t TSA.

As for airlines being crushed, I can’t say it will happen in 30 days. But a sustained attrition of customers will eventually affect them.

@ Tom, Yes you can run your mouth. The First Amendment defines that Right. I am no hero but I have fought alongside many of them that I hold in great respect. I’m a third generation rancher in Montana when some Dumb SOB’s Foreign Policy is not in need of rescue.

Been recalled from Retirement twice since 2005. I raise and sell a premium product that has buyers world wide. I directly employ over 40 folks, indirectly several thousands, considering suppliers, transportation assets, folks that sell me goods necessary for my business, folks that provide services, health care for my stock and employees and I have acquired that knowledge by competent management of people, land and stock over several decades.

My background is known to you. Good. You did some homework. Yours is unknown to me but your commentary lends me to understand that your business knowledge is somewhat limited and your long suit appears to be asserting your 1st Amendment Rights with no offering of substance but someone else’s ‘talking points’. It is obvious that you have never done a P&L statement nor do you understand the relationships involved in Business at a level of much responsibility.

Yup, run your mouth but there are consequences. When someone smells BS in your rant, some folks may call you on it.

Read more and rant less and you may learn something here.

Certain Airlines have failed in just this decade alone and were either merged with a direct or bigger rival in the market with their name either maintained or scrapped in the merger or flat out pulled out of certain(or all) Airports across the Nation due to decline in customers/rise in operation costs. Private and Public aircraft manufacturing industry is already on the ropes and about ready to call it quits with America, with examples of Boeing considering in relocating most of its Washington operation to a Right-To-Work state in the South or flat out relocation to Mexico which would join Hawker-Beechcraft and Cessna Aircraft in the prospect of building a Mexican aircraft industry. Air-Bus’s level of “quality” craft have left Airline companies a bit shaky on buying new Air-Bus’s for their fleets and the prices demanded from Boeing for the newest model would force Airliners to jack ticket prices up well past the point of most fliers wanting to pay for in a very strained economy.

Now add to this situation a TSA whose in the prospects of alienating Airline passengers by violating their rights and treating even children as convicted criminals just to board an aircraft and you will soon see a growing set number of lawsuits and a decline of casual passenger traffic. Lawsuits are the more damaging element to Airliners at the moment, especially if it stems from the Pilot’s Union (who is considering a plan on having all pilots not operate for a day as an option on the table). The decline in airline business will be marginal as it will be mostly casual fliers that will halt their interests while business fliers must maintain their travels for the sake of their jobs and most Airliners barely thrive off of business traveling as is. Private aircraft industries could have relaxed Business traveler’s griefs about TSA, but the industry took a radical hit below the belt in 2008 by Congress when the big three automakers flew in to Congress on private aircraft to discuss the deals of their bailouts (for this, me and about 7,000 out of some 10,000 Cessnan workers were laid off from 2009 to today due to buyers shutting down their financing of new crafts which gutted out the budget of the company for the strict planned budget Cessna had put in place for the following year based on collected sales from the creditors of buyers.) So as of now there is not much of a market for a private jet for business sales, so public aircraft traffic won’t greatly diminish as it is the main option affordable to business fliers from companies with very thin budgets, but the lawsuits will put the screws to the Airliners and in some cases be the death toll if the amount of suits pile up and the court fees exceed company budgets. And with the stories of TSA abuse growing faster than weeds in a carrot garden, I would rather bet that lawsuits will be coming and boy will they be expensive.

@ Mr. Irons, #68:

And with the stories of TSA abuse growing faster than weeds in a carrot garden, I would rather bet that lawsuits will be coming and boy will they be expensive.

How many such stories are there, really? A few, which are presented and endlessly repeated with increasingly heavy doses of sensationalist hyperbole that’s calculated to create outrage against a government agency that is primarily concerned with keeping air travel safe. Basically this 99.9% political. It’s a matter of generalizing about an entire organization based upon the unacceptable conduct of a tiny minority of individuals, and generalizing about a policy based upon a tiny number of annecdotal incidents. What’s called for is dealing with those specific individuals and incidents.

Polls indicate over 80% of the public supports electronic full-body scanning at airports. If I’m going to ride in a thin-walled, pressurized aluminum tube filled with jet fuel at an altitude of 3-5 miles with 120 total strangers, I’m happier knowing that we’ve all been screened for concealed explosives, detonators, and weapons. As far as I’m concerned, they can add passenger profiling to the mix as well.

The invasive “pat-downs” are intentional. The sole purpose is for the masses to accept the walk-thru x-rays. So get with the program folks, and enjoy it to boot.

Greg, have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years? If so, how about doing a bit of google work to make yourself look less of an ostrich with your head in the sand and someone a bit informed? There have been cases of abuse reported since 2002 and even lawsuits pressed against the TSA, it isn’t all that hard to google it up. Seriously. Are you lazy? Do you need someone to point this out to you with links? Oh my, what fun.

Most recent example of abuse: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/tsa-pat-down-leaves-bladder-cancer-patient-humiliated-crying-soaked-in-urine/

As for polls, that was a CBS poll and if you had half the brain you claim to have you should have noticed that CBS’s polling samples are utterly skewed to support their message’s agenda, and on top of it are not scientific polling (which discredits its findings further). CBS has not hidden their support for Napolitano with many fluff pieces in their online works and TV broadcasts trumping her up as some thing grand. So using the “polls” as an example you claim is on very thin ice when there’s only one poll out there about screening machines. Until the likes of Rasmussen or Gallup have such polls, that is a strawman point you’re attempting to use.

Anon, just saw a poll where support is down to 64% for the scanners. Guess as people learn more, they say heck no to them.