Nancy Pelosi has been elected to lead House Democrats in the new Congress despite presiding over the loss of more than 60 House seats in the midterm elections.
~~~In a sign of Pelosi’s strength, Democrats voted 129-68 to proceed to a vote earlier in the day over objections from those who sought a delay in order to have more time to mount a viable challenge to Pelosi.
In making his case to the Democratic caucus today, Shuler said the Democratic Party needs to be a “big tent” party. He argued that it can’t take back the majority without a change in leadership, according to a Democratic aide who was in the room. Utah’s Jim Matheson, a Blue Dog who argued “it’s time to shake things up” in the wake of the midterm losses, nominated Shuler.Pelosi has argued that she should remain in the leadership in part because she knows how to lead Democrats out of the political wilderness, having done so four years ago. She also argues that she is the most effective fundraiser for members of the caucus. She blames the party’s losses on the country’s lingering economic troubles and high unemployment rate, not her leadership.
Politics as usual….get ready for another couple years of seeing that mug on TV, especially in ads coming from the right side of the aisle.
Right on you Democrats! I love it!

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Some people just never learn. Sometimes a whole state never learns…
Next to 0-bama and the Democrat leadership getting historically rejected this past election, having Pelosi retain her leadershiop is the best thing that could happen to Republicans. Her failures will continue to shine from the swamp.
Loss of your super-majority in the House of representations . . .
Loss of assigned airplane to make round trips to your District . . .
Presenting the face of the Obama failures daily for all the country to see . . .
La Pelosi – the gift that keeps on giving!
THANK YOU Dem idiots!!!
This is actual good news, let the implosion continue!!!!
What _does_ she have over them??? blackmail? Hypnotism??
I’d _sure_ like to know how she keeps them _all_ in line…!
We love ya Nancy. Welcome back, now get out there and tell the press that Charlie and Maxine are good people that just made a little mistake..
I was afraid they would elect someone who would be effective! Guess they want to lose another 30+ seats in the next election. We can only hope that Harry Ried continues his brillant career!
This is the best possible thing that could have happened for the Republicans, the Tea Party, and conservatives everywhere!
Please excuse my while I do a little dance and spin around in my chair!
I’m allowing a small bit of gloat time… but we can’t let up – there’s still a whole bunch of RINOs and Democraps that need to find another line of work. My particular goal is to retire Bob Casey!
Move her office to the Ladies Room.
Proof that idiocy exists among the supposed ‘learned’ leadership in DC. May she continue to spout off about “having to pass the bill to see what’s in it” and all of her other imbecilic remarks.
$10 that she tries to continue the use of AF transportation in her role as minority leader.
@FedUp: #10
Right now Casey is my senator, but I am moving to the northwest part of the country soon, so I won’t get to help vote him out.
The democratic part has been digging their own grave for years. Now they are saying that if they keep digging the way they have been they will come out on the other side eventually. All I have to say is , “Keep digging. Do you need any more shovels?”
I’m waiting to see just how popular the new House majority remains a couple of years down the road. They’ve promised spending cuts and fiscal responsibility, but they can’t even seem to get enough volunteers to fill their slots in House Appropriations Committee.
Now that’s what I call a serious level of commitment.
In other news, the RNC as given Pelosi the “Best Damned Reason to Solicit GOP Contributions” award…
JohnGalt it is going to be interesting to see if the republicans are going to put their feet down and say no to the excesses of Queen B*tch Pelosi and her drunken flights at our expense. That and many other more important things are going to be on the agenda. If they don’t have the cajones to stand up to the Lib Machine, they will have short careers! Pelosi will feel she is entitled to the Air Force jets because Obama has designated her as an Elite: now, will Boehner be the one to tell her, the days of wine and roses are over? He better!
@anticsrocks: #16
I was hoping Spector would win his party’s nomination so I could help vote him out. I guess it was better that even his party doesn’t want him any more. I did help keep his successor from being elected.
My guess is that the Dems decided that Pelosi will make a great scapegoat, and since she so willingly volunteered to take the hits, they are letting her have the place of “a hem” honor. They are going to let her be the bulls eye, while they lay low, do what they want and blame her and hope to get reelected. That is my theory.