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I watched a NY based group of Marines do the cake ceremony.
Cut it with a sword.
Oldest man in unit gets 1st slice.
2nd slice is given to youngest man by oldest man.
Represents keeping traditions alive by passing them on to the young.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 81% of Adults view the U.S. military favorably. Just eight percent (8%) have an unfavorable opinion of the military….

In political news, if Rep. John Boehner of Ohio becomes Speaker he will fly commercial.

Semper Fi!

Happy Birthday Leathernecks.

My favorite Marine Corps quote:

“I come in peace, I didn’t bring artillery.” “But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all”.
Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders

Happy Birthday to my Marine Corps.

Happy Birthday, Devil Dogs.

“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don’t have that problem.” — President Ronald Reagan, 1985.

Happy Birthday to the Marine Corps from a retired Army puke. Worked a lot with Marine Recon in Vietnam. Have great respect. And to show I’m not prejudiced; I allowed my sister to marry a Marine. Semper Fi!

For My Brothers in Arms. I salute you. Happy Birthday. Thanks for Your Service!

USMC Marines Hymn Marine Corps Band Halls of Montezuma


But seriously guys, don’t try this SH*T at Home. My arrival at Kandahar resembled this. The Air Force drove the Bus. We jumped in and kicked the doors off the hinges there. It was my 542nd Jump and the Second Star for my Jump wings and another Star for my Combat Infantry Badge.

OEF Started there and then. We were followed by the 10th Mountain Division, the 82nd Airborne and made it safe for Marines to arrive.

Enjoy your cake. Rangers eat red meat and wash it down with a bit of Bourbon. Wow, We must have had a Wartime President back then, Huh?

Not to diminish Marines (although as retired Navy,I do that often) but google searching some of these battles, you realize America as fought over some really stupid things.

And Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday to Curt and all my other fellow Marines!

Semper Fi and Ooorah!

What a great video! Don’t need a second opinion, the Marines are super great, we owe each and every single one of them, bless them all!

Happy # 235th Birthday Marines! Curt and all others that have worn that uniform and also the fatigues, while serving our country, you probably agree that your dress uniform is pretty sharp. Have a story about a young Marine wearing that awesome dress uniform, probably told it before in here. He was home on leave, wasn’t from our area, was looking to buy flowers for his gal and buzzed into Shopko to ask for help. Hubby and I were at the check out and gasp, he asked us. I was in awe at the sight of him but did send him to the right place as soon as I got over that meeting a rock star thing. 😉

And a Blessed Veteran’s Day to all our troops that have served this great nation!

Got to call my uncle tomorrow, WWII vet, Philippines just like my dad, different destroyer….gratefully, he’s still with us, go Navy for Uncle Ray, dad(he’ll hear it), hubby, my brother and my son, heh, busy phone day.

And will call Uncle Jack and Uncle Dick, both Army, Korea, thank you! Lost Uncle Ted last year, he was a Marine, Korea, will thank him too, no phone necessary. Granny had three sons that fought in that war. Her oldest son, Air Force, flew missions out of GB in WW II, survived the war but lost his life shortly after he came home, oh granny.

What they did, what they saw, what they suffered, for us to be free, better respect that and appreciate it. Also those that stood ready to face what they were trained for and committed to, please accept our appreciation for your sacrifice and service.

Why are women and girls having their genitals groped by TSA Perverts, while our Southern Border is left open for illegal Aliens and Terrorists to invade our country.

Napolitano is a national embarrassment and a disgrace, before you even consider the fact that she is an incompetent nitwit.

Everyone should stop flying until Napolitano is replaced along with these new sexual assault methods that tickle her libido are done away with.

My father served in WWII in the Marines. He quit high school and lied about his age in order to join up. It is said that he wrote “18” on a piece of paper and put it in one of his shoes so that when they asked him if he were over 18, he could honestly answer yes. I am not sure if that is true and Dad refuses to say.

However he served honorably, in the initial invasion of Okinawa and he saw heavy action. Many of his buddies never made it home and Dad finally opened up to me earlier this year and told me how he had to kill a few of the enemy. I am 47 years old and up until this past summer he never talked about his war experiences.

I too tried to join when I was 18, but due to my congenital heart defect I didn’t make the cut.

When we talked this year, I asked him if Truman did the right thing in dropping the two Atomic bombs on Japan. He said that his unit had already received their marching orders for the invasion of Japan’s mainland and that his superiors told them to look at the guys next to you, because odds were that 2 out of 3 of them wouldn’t make it home. He said that those bombs saved lives on both sides. From where he was, they saw the mushroom clouds and felt the earth tremble, but didn’t know at the time what had happened.

Happy Birthday Marines and God Bless you for all you have done for this country.

Semper Fi!

I just returned from a mildly successful elk hunt. I shot an elk about 3 miles from any road. As I walked up on the road to get some help, a current Marine volunteered to help drag the animal out. This was no light duty he was volunteering for! He was on leave and could hardly walk with out a limp. ( He injured his knee in Iraq.) I tactfully thanked him, but asked him to get well before he tore it up again!

Randy, in one of the Louis Lamour novels, the hero skinned the elk, put the hind quarters in the hide and threw it over his back like old St. Nick and then walked several miles so his girl friend could cook him a steak. The pack would have weighed about four hundred pounds.

That’s was my last Louis Lamour novel; I came to the realization, he had never done some of the things he was writing about.

Shooting the elk is the easy part, packing it home is serious work. Please continue with your saga! its not fair to leave us hanging in suspenders.

Skook: I got my briother and another elderly man and we dragged out the animal! I was touched by the Marine whom I had never met before. Meat is at the processor. I am getting too old to go through all of that meat cutting and wrapping.

Well Randy, it might not have been heroic, but you got the job done, that’s the main thing.

Young Marines always seem to be ready to help and have a nice disposition, actually all our young service people seem to be like that.

That cutting and wrapping is quite a chore. Keep us informed of special meals and recipes

CAIR tells Islamic women that for religious reasons and for possible detection of explosives that Muslim women can only submit to the head and neck being groped sexually. Well, if the TSA can only sexually assault non-Muslims, what is the purpose? Let’s see 100% of terrorists have been Muslim, why doesn’t the TSA sexually assault all Muslims and only sexually assault the occasional non-Muslim that tickles their libido?

Fire Napolitano by not flying. She is incompetent and dangerous to the security of this country.


For all of you who do not think that man is making the globe warmer, you need to watch this video. The chicken Little and the Michael Mann look alike complete with hocky sticks are really funny!

I read a post that mentioned that pogues in the VA were promoting Obama and trashing Bush. We should be able to bring charges against those employees ad insist on their dismissal ad a cash settlement for any vets who are forced to listen to this bullshit just to receive the benefits they are entitled to.

There are a myriad of charities, perhaps those of us who are patriots of the past can have drives to raise money for non-political VA hospitals and better facilities. we need lawyers who are patriots to bring charges against VA employees who subject patriots to Obama propaganda and we need to improve services and facilities. Count me in for a few hours a week, I can’t give money at this time of my life but I can use this machine and the phone. Perhaps we can shame the American people into standing up for our American patriots. For f*** sakes it is the very least we can do.

It’s for damn sure that Obama and his Marxist sycophants aren’t going to do a damn thing.

Tell them it is Skook who is antagonizing Obama to the best of his ability; yet, Obama is nothing more than a pimple on a whore’s ass. Forget him for the time being, he is an idiot; we need to take care of out patriots, who put it on the line for us!

If you think that is rough, wait until you read my next story!

Rumor has it, that I may be huggin the stuffings out of my favorite Marine this Thanksgiving. 😀

(Got your message Skooks, response coming soon. )

I am happy for you and your family, PV. A real American family.


Rumor has it, that I may be huggin the stuffings out of my favorite Marine this Thanksgiving.


That right there is the best news I’ve heard this month.

Yep. That’s even better than the results on Election Day.

PATTVAN: hi, very happy for you and your wife, a very special day to be thankful.
PLEASE take some pictures, bye SR

SKOOKUM: hi, YES, I hate to think that some are using their position to feed any propaganda
to the VETS, IT clearly remind me of the FORTH HOOD SUPPOSE PSYCHIATRIST who was feeding his MUSLIM beliefs to the VETS before he commit those murders,
the VETS in hospital don’t need to be fed any of that for sure. It’s enough that they have to accept the presence of those workers acting stupidly, they can find something to say to please the VET instead, THAT IS ALSO PART OF THE TREATMENT, NOW DO YOU’all in there GET IT?

Looking forward to watching Sarah Palin’s Alaska tonight. 1900 Mountain time. Now, all she needs to do is to make a move with a chimp and she is in!

Hey Randy –

Now, all she needs to do is to make a move with a chimp and she is in!

LOL, I hope you meant movie! 😛

Just kiddin around.

CURT: hi, I love this, that’s the way to go, thank you to all who participated,
WOW, WHAT A GROUP, SAVING the FLAG with that boy,

Loved that video Curt!

That boy’s a Yankee Doodle Dandy!

The NYPD arrested 7 men for playing chess in a city park. A Boston School Superintendent bans pink shirts from a pep ralley. A Sacramento School prevents a kid from riding to school with a US Flag on his bike. The EPA wants to control CO2 an non hazardous gas. Congress attacks food safety while not addressing a federal budget that has hamstrung federal agencies for several months. Arresting two boys for selling cup cakes with out a $350 permit. This is just a few of the recent “dumb” things the government has done.

What ever happened to setting priorities? Have we as a population agreed to do only the easy things while not addressing the critical, harder issues. I am sure there are no more dangerous criminals than the chess players in NY City! I wonder if the schools are better in Sacramento and Boston because the kids are not taking flags to schools or wearing pink shirts. Kids in Colorado are prevented from wearing a rosiery to school. Where is the common sense that our parents had?

Way to go Eric Holder on your test case! 224 people including 12 Americans died in the bombings and the 36 year old terrorist gets convicted on one out of 285 charges, o.n.e.

Holder’s Justice department is pleased:

“We respect the jury’s verdict and are pleased that Ahmed Ghailani now faces a minimum of 20 years in prison and a potential life sentence for his role in the embassy bombings,” was the most positive thing Justice spokesman Matthew Miller could muster Wednesday night.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2010/11/18/2010-11-18_ahmed_ghailanis_acquittal_on_nearly_all_counts_in_embassy_bombings_case_his_big_.html#ixzz15f4r26oU

Oh yeah, potential life sentence from the judge that refused to allow the witness that sold Ghailani the explosives to testify. He could be out of prison by the time he’s in his 50s all reformed. 🙄

Ghailani had been among 14 “high value” detainees held in secret prisons by the CIA before they were transferred to Gitmo to face military tribunals. He was quietly transferred from Cuba to New York City a little more than a year ago by a U.S. Marshals special operations team to stand trial for the deaths of a dozen Americans and hundreds of Kenyans and Tanzanians in the twin bombings 12 years ago.

The Obama White House made it clear that they would not seek the death penalty.


Death penalty, pfft!

Rep. Peter King:

“I am disgusted at the total miscarriage of justice today in Manhattan’s federal civilian court. In a case where Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was facing 285 criminal counts, including hundreds of murder charges, and where Attorney General Eric Holder assured us that ‘failure is not an option,’ the jury found him guilty on only one count and acquitted him of all other counts including every murder charge. This tragic verdict demonstrates the absolute insanity of the Obama Administration’s decision to try al-Qaeda terrorists in civilian courts”

@Missy, RE #31 –

I am sure all the usual suspects here at FA will declare this a victory for Obama and Holder…

(Usual suspects = Gaffer, Silly Bob, Tom, etc…)

Should have held the trial in Utah. We’d see him convicted on all counts by people that have common sense. Liberals don’t even know the definition of it.

Antics, they’ll declare it as victory for democracy. It isn’t, but for them it was all about their egos and not justice.


They just might, it all just sickens me. The “baby-faced” terrorist smiled when the verdict was read. Of all things to mention in a news article. 🙄

MISSY, It was expected, with the back up of important people on high level who
have shown their affiliation with them from day one, that where the AMERICANS MUST BE AWARE OF AND ON GUARD FOR THEE,


You are so right, so many advised that this would happen, and it did, they shouldn’t be giving these war criminals trials.

Randy on 16 video, yes very funny, thank you, and I am happy to be able to watch
all those goodies links video, with my brand new laptop, after the other 8 year old had is last crash on me, OF COURSE I AM TOLERANT, BUT TOLERANCE HAS A LIMIT, FOR ALL.

Rides A Pale Horse, hi, yes, that quote wil go in history, very unique, I like it too,
I thought, I would see an picture like only you can make on the subject,

The U.S. and Kazakhstan have complete a secret transfer of nuclear materials, making safe enough previously unsecured material to produce over 770 nuclear weapons. Oddly, the story hasn’t even made the evening news.

Also off the media radar: Republican resistance in the Senate has resulted in a failure to ratify the START arms treaty, which would reduce deployed U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons by 30%. Because there has been no ratification, U.S. and Russian arms inspection teams have been barred from one another’s nuclear facilities for almost a year.


@ ilovebeeswarzone, #40:

It’s no secret at this point. An official announcement was made after the transfer was completed. Apparently the media doesn’t consider it to be important news.

I fault Senate republicans for blocking ratification of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. In my opinion, they’re putting partisan politics ahead of the national interest. They should listen to Senator Dick Lugar.

Greg: You should look at how many billions of dollars Obama is giving away over the years to make this treaty. Just because a new START treate is a good idea, doesn’t mean that this one is!