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Happy Birthday, Marines



The Commandant and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps present a message for the 235th birthday of the Marine Corps. There are sound bites from Gen. James F. Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Sgt. Maj. Carlton W. Kent, Sergeant Maj. Of the Marine Corps, Pvt. Hector Cafferata, Medal of Honor Recipient, 1st Lt. C. E. Lee, Pfc. Rudy Meekins, Pfc. Duane Trowbridge, Sgt. John Henry, 1st Lt. Albert Bf, Cpl. Mark Kenney, Pfc Benjamin Basham, Sgt. Maj. Justin Lehew, Maj. Lauren Edwards, Sgt. Kory Kelly, Pfc. Kenneth Rollock, Maj. Todd Schroeder, SSgt. Carlos Mena, LCpl Mathew Butler, 1st Sgt. Marc Chabot, Capt. Chris Niedd, Capt. Steven Boada and Lt. Gen Walter Gaskin.

That is so awesome. Loved it

A post I did not my blog for all the branches for Valour IT, even though I am on the Marine Team


God Bless the USMC and all the military fighting men and women