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I think the key point comes at ~5:10 in this video:

”We are not printing (money) toward prosperity, we are printing (money) to survive….”

My mom was a nurse.
Her fellow nurses on other shifts would do all they could to keep a patient alive until their shift ended.
There was a lot of paperwork and cleaning involved with a death on the ward.

I think we are seeing the same thing here with printing paper money.
A staving off of the disaster for as long as possible.
And why?
Exactly as the video said: so that those forewarned could become fore armed.
What does one need to do in preparation for a time of hyperinflation?

We all know.

Next week, for our forty-something’th anniversary we are heading to Alaska to make our property there ready to live in…..permanently.

Spot Gold = $1409
Spot Silver – $27.72 (up a full dollar from Friday)

This guy is talking the sort of sense that neither the democratic nor the republican party establishments want to hear. Nor do they want the public to hear it.