The best thing to happen since Nov. 2nd!!! 😆 😆 😆
oil guy from Alberta
14 years ago
Its 2200 days since George Boosh declared the war over in Iraq. OK, I’ll state that’s its over a year that the Sultan of New Deli has received the Peace Prize, and over a year that Ted Kennedy has stayed sober. Good night, (camera pans left) and good riddance.
Remember from the Bible:
” And on the third day he rose again!”
oil guy from Alberta
14 years ago
kEEF laying on a marble slab. A little green around the gills. Two knobs, one on each side of his throat. A huge scar on his right side of his forehead.
” Calling Dr. Frankanstein”. Marty Feldman ( Igor) shows up with the electric paddles.
” Clear”.
14 years ago
As of Sunday evening, there were already 280,000 names on an online petition to end Olbermann’s suspension.
14 years ago
MSNBC has announced that Keith Olbermann will be returning to his regular time slot on Tuesday, November 9.
Based on past dem fraud, I’m betting 10,000 of those signatures are legit. 😆
The return of Queef Uberdouche. My brother, the Chomsky and Al Franken reading, Chris Matthews and Madcow watching, Green Party member will be thrilled.
Greg, please take offense – err, I mean no offense to this, but I just cannot trust you on this or just about any other point that you raise. You have been caught in too many lies and made too many unsubstantiated claims for me to take you at your word.
The best thing to happen since Nov. 2nd!!! 😆 😆 😆
Its 2200 days since George Boosh declared the war over in Iraq. OK, I’ll state that’s its over a year that the Sultan of New Deli has received the Peace Prize, and over a year that Ted Kennedy has stayed sober. Good night, (camera pans left) and good riddance.
Remember from the Bible:
” And on the third day he rose again!”
kEEF laying on a marble slab. A little green around the gills. Two knobs, one on each side of his throat. A huge scar on his right side of his forehead.
” Calling Dr. Frankanstein”. Marty Feldman ( Igor) shows up with the electric paddles.
” Clear”.
As of Sunday evening, there were already 280,000 names on an online petition to end Olbermann’s suspension.
MSNBC has announced that Keith Olbermann will be returning to his regular time slot on Tuesday, November 9.
Greg’s hero returns!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Based on past dem fraud, I’m betting 10,000 of those signatures are legit. 😆
The return of Queef Uberdouche. My brother, the Chomsky and Al Franken reading, Chris Matthews and Madcow watching, Green Party member will be thrilled.
Hey Greg – got a link to those 280,000 signatures for Olbermann?
You can trust me on this. The report of the count has been traced back to an anonymous but reliable government official in Mumbai…
I wonder what Keef Olberbite (Bathtub Boy) had to say about Juan Williams being fired for contract violations.
Well, courtesy of Johnny Dollar and The Daily Caller we have the answer:
Irony and hypocrisy served together.
Greg, please take offense – err, I mean no offense to this, but I just cannot trust you on this or just about any other point that you raise. You have been caught in too many lies and made too many unsubstantiated claims for me to take you at your word.