No clearer message has been sent that the Democrats, and Obama, have not received the message of Tuesday more than this news. Nancy Pelosi is going to run for minority leader of the House. Un-freakin-believable:
House Republicans expressed jubilation on Friday over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) decision to stay in Congress and seek the job of minority leader.
GOP figures, who had spent the better part of the 2010 campaign looking to tie Democratic incumbents to the Speaker, welcomed Pelosi’s announcement this afternoon that she would run for Democratic leader rather than resign her position and possibly resign from Congress.
“The Democrats’ gift to Speaker Boehner: Pelosi as Minority Leader,” said Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), a deputy whip, on Twitter. “I endorse Nancy Pelosi for Minority Leader.”
Rep. Greg Walden (Ore.), a member of the GOP leadership who’s heading the party’s transition to the majority, said he thought the focus on Pelosi would overshadow an emerging race between Reps. Jeb Hensarling (Texas) and Michele Bachmann (Minn.) for the chairmanship of the House Republican Conference.
~~~“Given that there are now 60-plus defeated Democrat House members urgently seeking jobs due to Nancy Pelosi’s failed leadership, we welcome her decision to run for House Minority Leader based on her proven ability to create jobs for Republican lawmakers,” said National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) communications director Ken Spain.
I know I shouldn’t be surprised at this but wow. One of the most incompetent leader in the House and she is gonna stick around. Just plain awesomeness:
The next time some sneering liberal has the balls to tell you that the GOP is “out of touch” and doesn’t listen to voters, you need only whisper the magic word to shut them up tight: “Pelosi.”
Two more years of running against Obama, Reid AND Pelosi to look forward to. Any worries of having blog fodder are now gone.
Outside liberal groups are already organizing support for Pelosi before she makes a decision. Americans United for Change launched an e-mail campaign on Friday encouraging supporters to “send a personal note to Speaker Pelosi about how much you appreciate her leadership,” and to “make sure she knows that we still support her.”
The liberal website Daily Kos started a similar online petition.
“Democrats lost because they didn’t fight hard enough for popular progressive reforms in the last two years. The Democratic leader least culpable of doing that is Nancy Pelosi,” the co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Adam Green, said in an interview. “She’s the last person among Democratic Party leaders who should step down.”
The above article does mention there are some Democrats who disagree with the decision but it appears they are in the minority…and for that Conservatives everywhere thank you.
You really couldn’t script this kind of comedy.

See author page
You mean we can’t run against them for at least 2 years after they are out of office?
Of course she wants the position. She’s addicted to power and her own bloated sense of self importance far overshadows any shred of concern she might have for the Democratic Party in general. It really is a gift to the GOP; having her as a millstone around their necks will make it all the easier to bring down more of her colleagues during the next election.
Incompetent? Perhaps we should review the volume of legislation Ms. Pelosi has successfully pushed through the House over the past two years.
If she were actually incompetent, she wouldn’t be so high up on the right-wing media’s Public Enemy list.
I am a little disconnected from the news..I don’t have cable or tv…I like it this way, and it has been a couple days since I turned the radio on.
So need I say this is NEWS to me.
When I read this my blood ran cold and sank all the way down low into my feet and I want to kick something!
The botox bimbo wants to be minority leader why? so she can finish her cafeteria overhaul and get the rest of the gang on the greenpeace bangowagon?
I could really retch …..but that would waste good salami and malbec
stupid dumb arrogant elitist ….I will stop as it can quickly descend from there….
Nancy you should have kept it a secret until just before Christmas. You are the gift that keeps on giving.
Pelosi is going to have an uphill battle between other Democrats for Minority Speaker of The House due Democrat schisms.
Hmm, let’s see? She had to wrangle into control many Democrat votes within the House to make sure the legislation was passed and due to this a meaty chunk of Democrats who voted for the legislations she sought to pass who was up for 2010 re-election have been swept out of office leaving up the very fesible ablity of all those “successfuly” passed items to be de-funded or repealed and ultimately becoming dead in the water material, let alone the legal battles from States who are seeking to deny these “successful” legisations of being imposed in their borders (with a few being semi-succesful on the State’s behalf in the first legal hearings). Yes, if that’s competent work from Pelosi, sure’s is a firey win in the camp of Failure.
She faces one of the lowest approval ratings any Politican in history has ever had, many Democrats have taken note of this and a good handful will be running against her as Minority House Speaker. She has alienated herself to many Americans due to such wonderful quips of, “We have to pass the bill so you can see whats in it” and calling fellow Citizens, “Nazis who astroturf” and many Democrats running for Minority Speaker are well aware of this and can use this as a weapon to win against Pelosi. She faces up to at least 3 other Democrats for the position, and not many within the remaining ranks want to support her.
We must pass it so we can figure our what’s in it- was that a bowel movement or legislation she was talking about?
Jt, don’t stress out, rejoice. As Curt wrote, this is awesomeness. And with Reid, along with their leader in the W.H., the reminders of what was rejected out-of-hand on Tuesday will continue to resonate until 2012. New faces might have allowed these destroyers to fade into the ether. They will not be able to help themselves, and their ignorance will persist. Good post.
Lefties. They don’t resign, retire or fade away. They sure as heck don’t care about the will of the people and the power of the ballot box, unless it gives them what they want. Once they get what they want, they hang on tooth and nail, defying anyone to take it away from them. Remember Jim Wright? Besides, who’s going to foot the bill for all those Armani suits and Botox injections?
No one should be denied their village idiot.
I am going to get an industrial strength popcorn.
Pelosi feels her job is not done yet. She knows that the country can still recover from the recession, so she wants another chance to make sure that it doesn’t.
Pelosi is/was the best instrument imaginable for pushing the country center right in 80 years. Her accomplishment(s).. a cap and trade bill that can’t get through the Senate, a health care bill so poorly conceived and written that it probably won’t past constitutional judicial muster and blessed with no severability clause. If/when the courts decide that the individual insurance mandate is unconstitutional the whole 2700 page bill becomes null and void. Quite an accomplishment for the botox queen.
Her legacy towards the resurgence of the conservative cause will be further cemented when the gerrymandering of districts will be decided by Republicans that speaker Pelosi helped get elected. It is said that the GOP will pick up another 15 seats in the house next election cycle simply because of gerrymandering. Pelosi’s arrogance in the face of an electorate that is furious over not only what was passed as legislation under her watch but by the process in which it was passed has probably solidified the GOP’s control of congress for at least the next decade if not the next two decades. Assuming they don’t screw it up by emulating her “deaf to the people” routine.
Please nasty Pelousy run for and get elected as House minority leader. Since Nevada voters have again inflicted Dingy Harry on the Senate as the democrats’ leader we need you Nasty to be the minority party leadership.
The political corpses of two rotting albatrosses on the neck of Congress’s democorrupts and Ovomit will exude an even more disgusting stench than that of solely Dingy Harry. Nasty Pelousy’s stench as a second albatross corpse on the neck of the democrats will better serve to remind American voters of why that band of brigands and corruptocrats augumented by the arrogance and self-destructive hubris and narcissism of B. Hussein of the democrats unfitness for political power in 2012.
Please San Francisco loonies keep sending Nasty Pelousy back to Washington so the republican opposition has a constant reminder to tell us of the reason we should not put democrats in charge ever again.
Not only didn’t the Captain have enough sense to go down with the ship, but now she is looking for another one to sink. Good luck Nancy, you are a better ally then all the RINO’s in congress.
Nancy, drop your elbow and let your wrist develop the swing and power, you swing a mallet like an idiot, woops…. didn’t mean to be so personal!
@ Skookum
In this case it was more of the Former and Less of the Latter.
Well, looks like she knows, Steny, who hasn’t any business in that position either, has lost his base and may also lose his #2 leadership position.
But, what could be worse:
Clyburn whose base, the CBC, survived…. may go after the big enchillada or Hoyer’s current spot, either would mean Maxine Waters, Rangel, Barbara Lee, etc. will be stomping their little feet, attempting to marshall their pet projects to the front. Resistance to it would be from those mean, nasty, who do they think they are, Republicans. Watch for the pouters daily pressers in front of the Capital. 🙄 Talk about a “party of no,” we will finally find out just exactly how that works.
Interesting to see if she manages to stay in a leadership position, hope so. 😉
American Voters for Change voting for more of the same. Oh brother, what maroons.
The Sultan of New Deli, Dingy Harry, and Moonbat Pelosi are irreplaceable for a Repub takeover of the White House and Congress. Olbyplanet, Chris Tingles, Special Ed, and Madcow on a MessNBC are still needed to keep the Tea Parties fired up.
My buddies in N Dakota are so proud of getting rid of Corrupt Conrad. Dorgan is next. 26 years of Pomeroy in the House- gone. Will be the reddest state around and practically debt free. Proud of you N Dakota or as I kid them- little Alberta.
@Old Trooper 2: #16 Old Trooper 2
With today’s democrats it’s hard to tell the difference. When you live in a pig pen long enough you become part of it.
Old Timer…right on
The face of palosi & reed on the nightly news should be good for a couple dozen more conservative house seat and 10 senate.
Run Nan Run!!!
Surferdude62 put that sticker ” Run Nancy Run ” on your front bumper.
She will be elected to the minority whip position, that is unless someone throws water on her…
What a world!!
@anticsrocks: #23 anticsrocks
…unless someone throws water on her…
Put me down for the bucket brigade!!!