Skookum and DrJohn wrote earlier bout Obama and his belief that some of his fellow citizens are the enemy. Here is video of Boehner a few hours ago in Ohio: (about the 1 minute mark)
You know the other day the President was giving this interview and he said, you know those people who disagree with me are our enemies! He actually used that word, our enemies. The President of the United States using that word to describe fellow citizens. Now when President Reagan used that term, or President Clinton, or President Bush or George W. Bush used that term they reserved that term for enemies of America. People who hate freedom, people who hate America, not for fellow citizens. People who have spoken up against his bigger government plan. People who believe that a smaller, less costly, and more accountable government is the right way to go for our country. Well Mr. President, I have a word to describe those people. Those people who have the audacity to speak up against the big government, the people who have the audacity to go out and support our constitution, the people who are out there every day fighting for a limited government that has served our country so well for 200 years. And Mr. President that word isn’t enemies, they’re patriots.
And now Obama is walking the statement back….kinda:
There were arguments being made that because Democrats hadn’t gotten this done, that Latinos should vote against Democrats or just sit out the election.
And I said, well, you can’t punish your friends when — the folks who’ve been supporting it. Now, I did also say if you’re going to punish somebody, punish your enemies, and I probably should have used the word, “opponents” instead of enemies. Now the Republicans are saying that I’m calling them enemies. What I’m saying is you’re an opponent of this particular provision, comprehensive immigration reform, which is something very different.
Probably? PROBABLY?
Our President called all those who oppose his views the ENEMY and he say’s he “probably” should of used a different word.
Wow….this man is beyond contempt. And think about this. He won’t call the leader of Iran an enemy but doesn’t hesitate in calling his own citizens the enemy.
Allah brings up another quote from Obama during the same interview:
“Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.” Is it any surprise that, in the course of rank racial pandering and insinuations that people who support Arizona’s law are un-American, he’d lapse rhetorically from “opponents” into “enemies”?
None whatsoever because this is what the man truly believes.

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Sorry, not really shocked here… It seems that whenever there is a Repub in office the government looks beyond our borders for our enemies, but the Dems ALWAYS look internally for the threat. The first time I heard the phrases “domestic terrorist” and ‘home-grown-terror” was while Slick Willy was in the Whitehouse. Now that peach of a lady, Janet Nepolitano, wants to label our brave men and women in uniform as “potential terror threats.” We the people are in fact the enemy as seen through the eyes of these paranoid sociallists. As a vet, I find Nepolitano’s words and those of the President’s offensive and yet no apology has been forthcoming from either! If they want me as an “enemy” then that is exactly what they deserve but I’m taking my fight to the polls! We’ll see who has the last laugh when the votes are counted up!
For the record, they oppose YOUR ideas on comprehensive immigration reform, Mr. President. But since you’re perpetually in “campaign mode,” you’ll never give your opponents the respect they deserve. Your arrogance and political gamesmanship is just another sign of how disingenuous you really are. You, Harry, and Nancy have shown just how little you think of the rest of us with your smug, self-righteous, and demeaning comments. Don’t whine 24 hours from now!
We have seen the enemy, and he is from Hawaii or Kenya.
Obama is singlehandedly decimating the Democratic party at record speed.
The MSM’s excuses and rationalizations will provide humour enough for months of laughter.
Not surprised here, either. Straight out of Rules for Radicals by Alinsky…
i pray for my country to be rid of these destructive people, democrats. today is the day that we can change our political landscape.
be at the polls and vote out the democrats.
Today is a day when we can return from the failed policies of the democrats back to the failed policies of the republicans.
In the course of my study of human nature… I’ve seen a pattern: Those that are quick to accuse others of some nefarious activity tend to be engaged in that very activity.
Ever hear someone out of the blue say: “Trust me” 9 out of 10 times it is because they are about to bend you over and prove just how untrustworthy they are.
Perhaps the reason that the “ruling elite” look internally for enemies is because they are aware of their own agenda and engaged in conflict against the values of the America that rational people hold dear.
Click my name…. Cute. Notice tho by doing so You HIDE your identity….. afraid?
As to Obongo’s quip…..
That was what I believe is called a “Freudian Slip”…. where you “meant to” say something different, but your TRUE feelings let slip what you REALLY FEEL by accident….. because in the back of your mind at that time, you were THINKING IT!!! THAT is what I think happened at that moment.. and THAT is really how he truly feels about us!!!!
OBongo, the FEELING is MUTUAL!! In a few more HOURS, you’re going to KNOW just how MUCH!!!
Enjoy the ass whipping, it’s on it’s way! Then feel free to go away asap….. lots of ALREADY Socialist “paradises” for you to go to….. but do the USA a favor, and JUST GO!!
click my name is afraid to stand up for what he/she believes in.
Sad, that.
9, 10 and how are you showing your identity? Clicking my names takes you to a link.
click, you don’t have anything any of us want to see. frankly we have had enough of the progressive bull.
@click my name: Big deal. A link to a youtube channel. Yeah that really shows your identity.
“…they reserved that term for enemies of America. People who hate freedom, people who hate America, not for fellow citizens.”
As I have mentioned before: When a liberal speaks without a script to follow they do one of two things:
(1) Babble on and say nothing understandable.
(2) Tell the truth.
If your desire is to overthrow the USA, then whoever tries to keep you from doing that is your “enemy.” Since Obama wants to turn the USA into an Islamic state, then all of us who are trying to stop him are his “enemy.”
Wow….this man is beyond contempt. And think about this. He won’t call the leader of Iran an enemy but doesn’t hesitate in calling his own citizens the enemy.
He called it the way he saw it. We are still his enemy in his eyes. He won’t call us that word any more, but we know he will be thinking it.
“Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”
The key word here is “our,” meaning Obama and his court jesters. What Obama really meant was, “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent the Islamising of America.”
I am proud to be an “enemy” of Obama. That just gave me a slogan for another Tea Party sign. “I AM PROUD TO BE AN ENEMY OF OBAMA.”
When Obama took the blame for the beating the libs took in the election he finally admitted something that wasn’t George Bush’s fault. That had to be hard for him to do.
“Ass” whipping… Something that happens to donkeys when they don’t listen.