The Dem’s “I Remember” video shows….they don’t remember

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It’s election time so there’s always disinformation and misleading. It’s the fuel for the partisan left and right alike, but I hate how the left just eats it up. It’s like they don’t question ANYTHING if it’s anti-Republican. You could tell em 911 was an inside job, and they’d believe it. You can tell em that George Bush was building death camps to kill off survivors of Katrina, and they’ll believe it. Tell em Sarah Palin (just mention her name and many on the left get mad) is a baby killer, and they’ll not only believe it without question, but get excited at the abortion debate fodder it would be if true.

It’s from that lemming-like obedience to any and all anti-Republican information/propaganda that the “I Remember” video has spawned. Ironically, it shows the left DOES NOT remember history.

“I Remember” video


“…Which party defends tax breaks for corporations that move your jobs overseas”
-NAFTA was a Dem thing, remember Al Gore on CNN w Ross Perot debating it?

“…That nobody knew the levys would break”

-everyone knew-particularly the Dem mayor who had just read a fresh report on it, then abandoned his city and fought w a Dem gov who refused to let in the Nat Guard

“…Which party was in power and started a trillion dollar war in Iraq”
-it cost about 2/3’s of what he’s claiming, and it was 100% bi-partisan, not just some Repub Congress

“…Which party believes spending money on our nation is wasted money?”
-Who? Repubs supported-even advocated the $800bn stimulus, they just thought it needed to be different rather than a political kickback to union donors which is what it turned out to be

“…Which party brought us the Wall Street bailout”
-Yeah, it was the Democratic Congress that held both houses of Congress

“…Which party blocked healthcare for 911 responders”
-Yeah, that was Repubs. After the Wall Street bailout, the AIG bailout, the automaker bailout, the two budgets w 1.3trillion deficits each, the stimulus giveaway, and the cost of the new healthcare bill….Repubs insisted that the cost for helping 911 responders 1) be a known cost rather than a blank check 2) be matched w some sort of budget cut rather than more deficit spending.

“…Which party thinks the rich need to more money?”
-that’s called Progressive Taxation where the wealthiest pay the most in taxes and therefore have the most influence on elected officials. It’s a Dem thing. People who think we’re all equal and share equally in the govt are Libertarian and favor a flat tax/equal tax or no tax at all. Repubs just favor less taxes for the middle class (which is what most of the Bush Tax cuts were), but Dems have no fiscal responsibility, favor higher taxes, and STILL runup record deficits w their handouts to Wall Street and big corporations.

“…Which party has worked tirelessly to destroy medicare, social security, etc.?”
-That’d be the Dems since the Repubs tried to make them both solvent, and were blocked by Dems. Now both are going broke. Additionally, Democrats have had 4 years to make changes to all entitlements-a simple change mandating that they not automatically increase unless the budget was balanced that year would have extended most entitlements until 2100, but Dems blew that off for 4yrs, and chose instead to borrow money from China to give to AIG, Wall Street, automakers like Pontiac and Saturn, etc.

“…Which party believes that by giving the govt less money (lowering taxes) the govt will get more money.”
-Interesting ‘cause this was the driving theory behind JFK’s tax cuts (which increase revenue) and Reagan’s tax cuts (which increased revenue) and Bush’s tax cuts (which increased revenue from corporations and citizens (Deficits during the Bush years were caused by excessive spending, not a lack of tax income from GDP).

“…Which party was in power during every major banking crisis since….”

-Really? The banking crisis started in 2007, peaked in Nov08. Which party was in power? Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress, and we’re talking about midterms-not Presidents ‘cause Obama ain’t on the ballot Tuesday.

“…Which party cannot hear the screams of the people, but the whispers of big business”
-Yeah, was it a Repub or Dem Congress that bailed out Wall Street/big business, decided AIG was too big to fail, bailed out automakers, and so forth? Yep, those things happened in 2007 and 2008 and 2009, and Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress during that time: remember?

Saying “I remember” repeatedly and emphatically doesn’t mean you do remember. It just suggests to the audience (particularly an unquestioning/obedient leftist audience) that they should be emphatic, and the repetition is just a generic sales trick (say the product name often so it sticks w the audience). Notice also how the video (which clearly is intended for the midterm, Congressional election debate/decision…cites things that happened 5, 7, and 10 years ago as if they’re critical to the next 2years. Then it makes all these false accusations-often completely opposite of reality, and woohoo! The obedient, unquestioning left is now emphatic that they remember….even though, they don’t remember things the way history records em.

They don’t remember

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“…Which party defends tax breaks for corporations that move your jobs overseas”

This is a load crap. A complete load of crap.

This is a tax rule that simply allows corporations to be taxed at the prevailing rates existing in the countries in which corporations do business and does not tax them at the US corporate rates (highest in the world) unless the earnings are repatriated. The incentive is to keep earnings outside the US. A one-time tax holiday in 2004 caused more than $300 billion to be repatriated that year.

Taxing corporations working outside the US at the US rate is idiotic and would kill their ability to compete.

It’s not a Bush thing, either. It’s been around for decades.

These kinds of lemmings are everywhere – unfortunately. I take every opportunity I can to burst these bubbles, but sadly, there are just so many liars and so many lemmings out there, one cannot keep up.

If it hadn’t been for the demand that the Davis-Bacon Act be applied to every penny spend of the stimulus cash we would have had a recovery already….a real one, not just one on paper.

And the point about what people would believe during the Katrina aftermath?
Who else remembers the false rumors about what was going on in the arena?
Or the stories of cannibals?

Between 1929 and 2010, Democrats controlled the House of Representatives for 61 of those 81 years
From 1955 to 1995, their power was unbroken for forty straight years.

From 1929 to 2010, Democrats controlled the Senate for 58 of those 81 years.
Between 1929 and 1981, a period of 52 years, they were only out of power for the same eight years as the House.
Between 1981 and 1986, Republicans had tenuous control of the Senate.
Power was again returned to the Democrats in 1987 and they kept it until 1995.
In other words, Democrats enjoyed a virtual monopoly of power in Congress from 1929 to 2010.

In other words, Democrats enjoyed a virtual monopoly of power in Congress from 1929 to 2010.

Astonishing, how it took a republican House and Senate majority less than 12 years to run the national debt into the stratosphere, and totally screw things up.

Amazing video of Democrats calling non-Democrats all the worst names in the book.
Their ”crime?”
Supporting a non-Democrat.

Notice: REALLY bad language.
The Worst!

Will it all be over tomorrow or has this level of trouble just begun?

GREG ,NOW who screw thing worse in less than 2 years with a majority,and no jobs either,
THAT WAS DIRTY of you to write that, now WHERE is your pride and the DEMS ‘s pride?
EASY to see why, the way you like to snake things under the pile of papers you cant read,
and tell AMERICANS to take it blindly,

That video killed more brain cells than 3 shots of Jim Beam, but without that nice warm buzz feeling.

Greg said……. “Astonishing, how it took a republican House and Senate majority less than 12 years to run the national debt into the stratosphere, and totally screw things up.”

Not really, because that really didn’t happen…..
let us examine more closely the “huge debt mess” that Bush left for Obama to clean up.

Years……………….Who……………% debt vs GDP
1960-2007 average (pre-Obama): 36.2%.
1960-2000 average (pre-Bush): 36.2%
2001-2007 average (Bush, pre-recession): 36.0%
Well what do you know? Bush’s average level of debt was a hair below average, at least up until the beginning of this recent recession. At the end of 2007 it stood at 36.8% of GDP, pretty much where it had been for the previous several decades. If you want to get really picky, Bush inherited a debt of 35.1% of GDP from Bill Clinton in 2000, and left Obama a debt of 40.8% of GDP in 2008 (per the CBO).

There you have it — “the smoking gun”! An extra 5.7% of GDP in federal debt held by the public.

But most of that came in 2008, after a full year of recession.
Now here is where it gets fun: Obama steps in. The very first year under Obama, 2009, the deficit is expected to be about $1.84 trillion. Here are some fun facts regarding Obama’s budgets from 2009 through 2019.
Obama’s first-year deficit, the largest in history, is over FOUR times bigger than George Bush’s last deficit, which had been the largest in history up to then. Obama’s first-year deficit is more than Bush’s first SEVEN deficits combined. The smallest deficit predicted under Obama’s budget from 2009 through 2019 is $658 B, or 43% bigger than Bush’s largest deficit, the largest in history up to then. Under Obama’s budget, deficits exceeding one trillion dollars will occur in four years: 2009, 2010, 2018 and 2019. The 10-year cumulative deficit (2010-2019) under Obama’s budget will be $9.3 trillion, or an average of almost one trillion per year, more than doubling what it would have been under the laws left by Bush. The debt held by the public in 2008, or that left by Bush for Obama, was 40.8% of GDP. In just one year under Obama, after 2009, it will be 56.8%, or the largest since 1955.
By 2019 it will be 82.5%, the largest in our history except for the three years of 1945-47, the end of World War II. From 2000 to 2008, or the Bush years, the debt held by the public went from 35.1% of GDP to 40.8%– a 5.7% of GDP increase. By 2016, or a similar period under Obama’s budgets, it is expected to reach 77.5%– a 36.7% of GDP increase.
Under Obama’s budget, the debt held by the public will reach 82.4% of GDP in 2019. That is more than double the average level since 1960 and more than double what Bush left in 2008.
The car hasn’t gone into a ditch it has gone into a ravine, but who’s driving now???

WOW!! NaN G that video was something!!!! Good grief!! You talk about a BRAIN WASHED guy!!! Geez!!

“…Which party was in power during every major banking crisis since….”

The funniest part is that this is a bigger disingenuous lie than a first pass makes it out to be. In the last fifty years the Democrats had substantially more control of Congress, most often both houses! Congress has far more impact on the financial sector.