Democrats and Communists: one and the same [Reader Post]

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Some of us are not surprised.

From the Communist Party USA website

If the grand alliance that elected Barack Obama comes out in full force to vote we can stop the Tea Party/Republican takeover, continue moving forward and push further for green jobs, union rights, health care and the safety net for the common good.

If voters fail to turnout, the Tea Party/Republican “Promise to America” alternative is clear: continued tax breaks for the top richest two percent which will increase the deficit, privatization of social security, repeal of health care and financial reform, no extension of unemployment compensation, outsourced jobs, increased racism and severe limits to democratic rights.

And check on the links

Resources to help get out the vote:

AFL-CIO Labor 2010

One Nation Working Together Events

MoveOn — Stop the Takeover

Organizing for America Call for Change

Hip Hop Caucus — Respect My Vote

Rock the Vote / Register to Vote

Election Protection… Right to Vote

NCLR — Vote for Respect

AFl-CIO, MoveOn, Organizing for America, Communist Party.

They’re synomyms.

via Doug Ross

This is really not especially new. The One Nation Working Together rally on October 2 included the nation’s finest:

SEIU, AFL-CIO, NAACP, La Raza, Rainbow Push Coalition, Teachers Unions, Code Pink, and Communist Party USA

And the support of Howard Dean. Have a gander at the images at the link.

Democrats have deteriorated over the years since the death of John F. Kennedy, to the point that they are brothers with Communists, and share the same goal. They are now the American Communist Apparatchik.

All that’s needed now is the name change. from USA, to UDSR.

United Socialist Democrat Republic.

And a flag.

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DrJohn – It’s been that way since the late 60s. Just was more underground back then. IMHO if
you are a Democrat and believe in the Obama/Soros agenda you then are not only a Marxist but also a traitor to the Republic.

Good article. America needs to speak loud and clear come Tuesday. We are neither socialists or communists and we refuse to allow 0-bama and the Demonrats take us there.

7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes

Obama’s Health Care Lies And Reversals

NO You Can’t

President Obama and the Radical Socialist Agenda

Stanley Kurtz’s new book, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism, is a detailed look into the forces that shaped Barack Obama. Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, has written a highly detailed and definitive account of the president’s conversion as a radical activist; he provides minute and abundant evidence confirming the long-disputed label of “socialist” that has dogged the president since his undergraduate days. Kurtz describes Obama’s ideology as “stealth socialism” and called his views “Barack Obama’s secret.” In the preface of the book, Kurtz writes, “The president has systematically disguised the truth about his socialist convictions, sometimes by directly misrepresenting his past and sometimes by omitting or parceling out damaging information to disguise its real importance.”

Kurtz begins his account in 1983, presenting evidence that Barack Obama, then a senior undergraduate at Columbia University, attended several annual sessions of the “Socialist Scholars Conference.” Kurtz describes the shift of strategy that took place at that meeting to turn the socialist movement from its goal of “nationalization” to community organizing as the best means of promoting the movement during the Reagan administration. Kurtz details the evidence that Socialist Scholars conferences influenced Obama and refutes the president’s claim that his embrace of community organizing was an “impulse.” Instead, in Kurtz’s fully documented account, the Socialist Scholars conferences provided the future president with a vision for transforming America, as well as a way for black Americans to be the driving force behind that transformation through the efforts of the Midwest Academy, a training institute that Kurtz credits with Obama’s political ascendancy.

Many of the “class warfare” themes that dominate President Obama’s current rhetoric are rooted in that period of his life — such as the “haves” v. the “have-nots” and big business v. the poor. Kurtz shows that the influence of Chicago politics on the future president’s life began at that time with his involvement with Chicago mayor Harold Washington. President Obama extols Washington — a politician Kurtz says openly identified with Chicago’s socialists and the person Kurtz credits with overthrowing the “centrist Democratic machine” in Chicago — as his “political idol” and role model, along with Saul Alinsky, for his political life.

It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of Harold Washington and other Chicago radicals in the 1980s in shaping the politics of Barack Obama. Kurtz details the ways that Washington spearheaded the radicalization of the Democratic Party and shifted the party’s focus to building coalitions of poor and minority voters. He also shows how groups like ACORN functioned to swell the party ranks and fuel the anti-business and class warfare agendas. Perhaps more importantly, Kurtz traces the influence of friends and associates from that era of Obama’s life who are now among his most controversial political advisors and appointees. Kurtz describes them: “Barack Obama’s colleagues and mentors were some of the smartest and most influential stealth-socialist community organizers in the country. Their strategies of political realignment and social transformation guide the Obama administration to this day.”

Kurtz’s research reveals the intricate, though sometimes “stealth,” connections between Obama and the “populist” radical coalitions of the 1980s. Those connections included links to Jeremiah Wright’s radical activities, as well as the activities of coalitions like the Midwest Academy, the Illinois Project Vote, and the “Public Allies” projects.

More troubling than any of the obvious, open, and/or stealth associations are the instances where Kurtz details the ways that President Obama “distorted” and “obfuscated” the record of his involvement with ACORN and his relationships with his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and his mentor, Bill Ayers. Kurtz notes that the deceptions include accounts in the president’s memoir, Dreams of My Father. These deceptions, according to Kurtz, are dangerous because “we will be irreversibly down the path toward social transformation before we recognize as a nation what’s at stake. The strategy of achieving socialism through a series of ‘non-reformist reforms,’ so popular among American’s community organizing elite, is premised on precisely that deception.”

The patterns of behavior, distortion, and rhetorical devices that characterize President Obama’s rise to political prominence are disturbing on numerous fronts. The “obfuscation” about his past alignments and associations is particularly troubling, as is the evidence that he continues to govern as president under the same ideology that guided his past behavior and associations. If the driving forces behind his past political ideology and associations remain constant — as Kurtz’s account seems to substantiate beyond refutation — the questions about his strategy for implementing his vision for change are legitimate and crucial for the future of our nation.

With the 2010 election just around the corner, Obama is engaging in a nationwide campaign similar to the one he waged for the presidency in 2008; his get-out-the-vote strategy is targeting the youth, minority, poor, and women’s vote. As centrist independents, all varieties of conservatives plus Tea Party voters look at his past through the lens of Kurtz’s exhaustive and thorough research, all have far more information about the “transformation” that the president promised in 2008. Through Kurtz’s book, the political picture is crystal clear, and the president’s purpose is painfully obvious.

What is equally certain from the evidence Kurtz presents is that the prospect for the nation’s future depends upon the results of the 2010 and 2012 elections. We cannot, however, wait until 2012 to place checks and balances on the radical policies and purposes of this most ideologically driven of presidents. As Norman Thomas said, “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Do you mean that the country is just now realizing that the Demoncraps are commies? Welcome, although you’re late to the party, I guess it took large majorities in the house and senate to have the commiecraps show their true colors. It sure is funny watching the back tracking from those who are on the verge of retirement. Obama? Who’s that? Obama Care, not me! Pilosi? What does she do? I wont vote for her, or I actually voted for McCain! Desperation makes for comedy, vote all their rather large size demented egos out, ALL OF THEM.

It seems that all these democrooks are following the script of Animal Farm. ( For you democrooks, this is different than Animal House!)

@Old Trooper 2:

I ordered Kurtz’s book the other day, can’t wait to open it up. He tried to offer insight into the real Obama before the election, bet many are wishing they had heard of him before or just listened then.

Michelle Malkin and Ed Morrissey wrote about the tactics candidate Obama used to stifle his speech.

They are already in attack Kurtz mode again in lefty world, I noted while scanning the “Interwebz” as Aye puts it. 😉

All have a good day, off to visit my daughter, she was involved in a horrible auto accident yesterday and we are lucky to have her still with us. Pretty rough head injuries but she’s stable and resting comfortably. Such as it is, I am most grateful for this day.

Even Democrats see Obama as a failure and a fake
Monty Pelerin

An interview with a Democratic Washington insider described as “a longtime Washington D.C. insider, and former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team …” describes the “administration in crisis, and a president increasingly withdrawn from the job of President.”

Whomever the Democrat insider might be, his comments are consistent with what many of us sense. He does not believe another four years would be in the best interests of America, or perhaps more accurately, the Democratic Party. When confronted, here is the question and his answer:

Q: But would another four years of an Obama presidency be the best thing for America?

A: (Long pause) Now that is a much more interesting question right there, and a question I think more and more Democratic Party insiders are asking themselves these days, myself included. I am going to come right out and say it – No. Obama is not up to the job of being president. He simply doesn’t seem to care about the work involved. You want to know what? Obama is lazy. He really is. And it is getting worse and worse. Would another four years of Obama be the best thing for America? No it would not.

What this country needs is a president who is focused on the job more than on themselves. Obama is not that individual. I actually hope he doesn’t run again. Looking back, as much fun as the campaign in 2008 was, Hillary Clinton should have been the nominee. Hillary was ready to be president. Obama was not ready. He had never lost a campaign. Everything was handed to him. He doesn’t really understand the idea of work – real, hard, get your heart and soul into it work. And frankly, that is very disappointing to a whole lot of us…

Even from a Democratic perspective, Obama is seen as an immature man-child. Despite the swooning press, he is not considered overly bright by those that know him. Read more here.

They’re little more than parasites. They live off the host — productive citizens. Few pols have principles beyond staying in office, regardless of the cost. For Democrats, Obama was a meal-ticket. His philosophy of government may have been extreme for some, but he was useful. He was “The One” that could lead the party back to their rightful leadership, control of the country and glory.

This charismatic charlatan charmed the country as well as his Party. The political parasites glommed onto him like flies on horse manure. He was their savior. The One would return the party to greatness.

Buoyed by early success, Democratic politicians jumped aboard what they believed to be a program sold by a phenomenal politician who possessed magical powers. This winner could sell anything to the rubes in the body politic. Unfortunately Obama’s vision, buttressed by extremists in the party like Pelosi and Reid, was pushed too far. It was too radical for the American people.

Like hypnotized lemmings, the party members followed this Pied Piper. Their arrival at the cliff and mass demise is estimated to occur on November 2.

The next two years will be hard on Obama. As much as he is hated by freedom-lovers in the country, it is likely that he will be hated more by his remaining Democrats. This Pied Piper, instead of getting the American people to follow, led Democratic politicians to their political death. The survivors will not forget, nor will they continue to march to the tune of this false savior.

We are about to witness politics at its ugliest. It will be Republicans against Democrats of course. But that will be less intriguing than the Democrats against Obama. Political survival trumps loyalty. If Obama is as ineffectual as I believe he will be, he will be devoured by angry Democrats anxious to avenge the political deaths of their comrades.

What Democrats, besides Hillary, will challenge him in 2012? Will he even stand for re-election?

For political junkies the fun is about to begin.

Well THAT about Covered all the bases!!!!
Obama, do us all a BIG Favor….. Resign NOW, and take all your Brainless Punks with you…. There ARE openings for a guy like you, in SEVERAL third world & Asian/African Continent Dictatorships around the world, apply TODAY!

I suppose when we’ve reached the point where a woman who’s spoken out against fluoridation is favored to become a state senator, the assertion that all democrats are communists begins to make sense to a lot of people.

I’m not good at posting links etc. but hopefully this will work. Perhaps it has been posted here before. The chart pretty much says it all.

Chart of Obama’s friends and advisors

Awoman who has spoken out against floridation of drinking water is ignorant. Chlorination and floridation of drinking water are the two most effective public health initiatives in history. Being ignorant doesn’t make one a communist although many who embrace communism are ignorant.

Another vet: good post Wonder why the media has never bothered to check out O’s associationa?

anther vet: IT work and very interesting map, I saved it because it’s caracter are to small for me there, thank you bye.


Try this link. It will give you a larger version of that chart.

Aye Chihuahua,

Thanks for the assist.

Randy and ilovesbeeswarzone,

As my friend’s dad used to tell us time and again when we were growing up- association breeds similarity.

Randy and Greg…. You DO know both Fluoride, and Chlorine, are poisons, and TOXIC right?? LOL!!
I live out on a farm, and drink deep well water, neither chemical is in my water, and we do just fine. Fluoride is for teeth supposedly…. it’s in TOOTHPASTE too, but if you read the toohpaste INSTRUCTIONS, they say brush with it, and SPIT IT OUT, DO NOT SWALLOW IT!! Wonder WHY that is, oh smart ones??? As to chlorine is used to kill bacteria in City water, because you are drinking sewage from Cities upstream from you in many of the Nations big cities… and a little poison is safer than the Toilet wastes they “filter for you to drink” … YUM!!
I’ll take neither Chemical, and drink my fresh water, thank you. You keep slugging down that poison crap, and laughing…. But I’M not the one drinking THAT stuff!! Knock yourselves out… 😆

AYE CHIHUAHUA: THANK YOU . HOW did a man so estrange from AMERICA’S DREAM,

Hankster58: hi, YOU know, he might get a job at the UN, after this is finish, and I suspect he will try. IF that happen, I hope AMERICA DROP THE UN for good.

Hankster: The dose makes the poison. There are many things that with too much, it is a poison, but at the right dose is quite helpful. Try the well water next time you are in Mexico or Iraq!

@Missy#6: I’m sorry to hear about your daughter’s accident. I’ll include her in my prayers and pray for her complete recovery.

Like I said, knock yourself out!!! LOL! Point is, too many are seizing on stupid comments and letting “jokes” about those color the REAL issues!!!! Does say…. Christine O’Donnell’s high school date REALLY impact her as a candidate today?? THAT is the real issue, too many let bogus crap blind em from the real deal….. after all, isn’t that how Obummer took in 53% of the Nations voters????