Obama to America: I’ve got Nothing [Reader Post]

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Recently President Obama has been going before the cameras to make his case for why we should allow the Democratic party to retain hold of Congress in the November elections. This is not an easy case for him to make, given that reality has failed to live up to the promise that Obama the candidate showcased. Unemployment has been at over 9.5 percent for over a year, and his hallmark legislation, Obamacare, continues to become more unpopular as the American people see what the actual impact of the legislation is. Even the far left isn’t too happy, as his promises of an immediate and unconditional surrender in Iraq, closing of Guantanomo, and ceasing to interrogate terrorists have all gone unfulfilled. So what is the president to do?

He started off by deciding he would start campaigning against George W. Bush. This may not have been the best move, given that Bush has not run for office since 2004. Yes, Obama was trying to campaign on “a return to the failed policies” of the Bush administration using his usual lazy strawman arguments that fail to cite specific policies that got us to this point. We hear about a generic “lack of regulation” charge that the Dodd-Frank bill will supposedly vanquish, not not much beyond that. Having failed that, Obama went on to decide he would run against Mitch McConnell’s tan. Even with his loyal minions at CBS and the New York Times picking up the slack this didn’t gain any traction, either.

Needing a forum to reach out our president retreated to the friendly confines of Rolling Stone, where he could return to the fellating questions that he was able to enjoy as a candidate. Even several pages of his usual empty partisan rhetoric couldn’t recapture the old magic.

And going back a few weeks ago Obama held a group therapy session where even his loyal supporters were starting to question their faith. Obama used this forum to lash out at the Tea Party. He threw out the challenge to the Tea Partiers of “Well what specific programs would you cut?” That was cute, but frankly we were hoping you would be able to articulate that one, Champ. A better question would be what program is so necessary that it needs to be expanded to the point where we are facing deficits that make George W. Bush look fiscally responsible?

So I’ll bite and throw out four quick suggestions:

1) Remember that promise on the campaign trail that you made to not increase taxes on anyone making less that $250,000 per year? Start keeping it. First off, repeal Obamacare. The reason it is becoming more and more unpopular is not that the people are not smart enough to understand it, it’s because they ARE smart enough to understand its real impact. When the government makes something more expensive, whether by tax or regulation, it gets passed onto the customer. For once show an ounce of humility and admit that you made a mistake. When the economy is in a downturn destroying the industry that makes up roughly 1/6th of it is actually not a good idea.

2) Repeal the SCHIP expansion. Anyone remember that early victory for Obama? Basically a program designed to provide health care for at risk children was expanded to allow middle class children to be included as well. Just like Obamacare ‘s allowing “dependents” up to the age of 24 to continue to be covered by their parents’ plans, this is simply an effort to create a mindset among young Americans that a dependency mentality is a good thing. Back to the tax increase argument, does anyone recall how this was to be funded? Throughraising cigarette taxes – for anyone unfamiliar with the term that would be a regressive tax. Financially this program is a drop in the bucket, but this suggestion is more about the general principle.

3) Fire every one of your Czars, particularly your Manufacturing Czar and Green Jobs Czar. While their salaries are another drop in the bucket, showing that you understand that an economy is too complex to be centrally planned will send a message to America that maybe this administration’s hostility toward business is finally on the decline.

4) Kill cap and trade permanently. Tell the business community that you’re not going to punish them and the American people with the biggest regressive tax in our nation’s history based a religious cult led by the rantings of a seminary school dropout.

I have a few other ideas – to put the ball back in our president’s court, how about following up on that campaign pledge to “Go line by line through the budget to see what works and what doesn’t”? I actually fully supported this campaign pledge and was equllly confident that it would not happen. How about putting every new law online for the public to review for five days? I know, I’m being naiive…

Finally Mr. President, read a book on Economics. And no, reading Paul Krugman doesn’t count – try listening to someone who actuallyunderstands the subject. It’s not as difficult a topic as many people believe, but our president clearly does not even grasp the most basic principle that raising the cost of something will decrease its consumption.

Actually, this last point may be a good source for a follow up post…

Crossposted from Brother Bobs Blog

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In response to your third recommendation:

I can’t imagine Obama accepting that complex industries cannot be centrally controlled; centralized government control is his ideological bedrock. The “fair share” redistribution of wealth is best accomplished by a small, elite aristoctacy that controls all intake and output, and likewise is the only group of minds with sufficient intellect to determine what constitutes “fair” and equal distribution of goods, services, and all manner of wealth.

Of course, the administration’s supporters and voting block will be “more equal” than the rest.


John Boehner’s tan, not Mitch McConnell’s.

Two things:
1. About Obama’s top speechwriter.
Everybody ought to know this guy by now.
He was photographed during the primaries so drunk he was fondling the chest of a cardboard cutout of Hillary Clinton.
Yet he was not fired!
And, even since then, as his Straw Man fallacies pile up in Obama’s rhetoric, he is STILL not fired.
I have asked myself why this is.
I have an idea.
He has caught Obama doing something and his job buys his silence.
Why else would Obama keep reading his tired, stale lies and misrepresentations?

2. About Obama ruining our economy.
How many times have I heard people express the opinion that Obama WANTS to ruin our economy so he can change America into something unrecognizable to us?
A lot of times.
I used to reject those opinions out of hand…..surely any American president had to love this country and want it to succeed.
But this election Tuesday is a watershed moment for America.
It turns out, if we keep Dems in power we will likely not recognize this country in 20 years.
If we take away Obama’s car keys (his illustration, not mine) there’s a chance we can tread water until he’s gone.

(And, where are the Bold, Italics, link shortcuts? If you’re dropping them, at least leave instructions how to do each one somewhere, please!)

“It’s not as difficult a topic as many people believe, but our president clearly does not even grasp the most basic principle that raising the cost of something will decrease its consumption.”

Ah! Therein lies the rub. Obama fully intends to drastically decrease American’s consumption of the world’s resources. His handlers and advisors have repeatedly stated that America consumes a disproportionate amount of the world’s resources, and that such eggregious consumption must be curtailed at all costs, hence the various programs designed to accomplish that very end, see Cap and Trade, etc. It is not that Obama cannot fathom basic economic principles. His aim is not to expand the economy, but rather to restrain it and curtail it. As such his policies have been quite successful.

Increased taxation, whether regressive or otherwise, reduces the amount of both disposable income available for either investment or expansion. Hence, the higher the tax rate, the more constricted the economy. Simple supply and demand. Obama and his coterie of socialist acolytes in Congress intend to bleed the middle class dry of their disposable income, thus destroying their collecive purchasing ability, which in turn will limit their consumption of the world’s finite resources. And as I said before, therein lies the rub.

Finally Mr. President, read a book on Economics. And no, reading Paul Krugman doesn’t count – try listening to someone who actuallyunderstands the subject. It’s not as difficult a topic as many people believe, but our president clearly does not even grasp the most basic principle that raising the cost of something will decrease its consumption.

And neither do our infamous driveby hitters and pseudo-intellectuals from the left on here.

How difficult is it to understand the concept that if you remove wealth from the private sector, there is less wealth in the private sector for investments and purchases, both of which are essential for spurring an economy?

How difficult is it to understand the concept that if you remove incentives for business to expand, and pile on the means for business to expand, that business won’t expand, and the economy will not move forward?

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“It’s not as difficult a topic as many people believe, but our president clearly does not even grasp the most basic principle that raising the cost of something will decrease its consumption.”

Ah! Therein lies the rub. Obama fully intends to drastically decrease American’s consumption of the world’s resources. His handlers and advisors have repeatedly stated that America consumes a disproportionate amount of the world’s resources, and that such eggregious consumption must be curtailed at all costs, hence the various programs designed to accomplish that very end, see Cap and Trade, etc. It is not that Obama cannot fathom basic economic principles. His aim is not to expand the economy, but rather to restrain it and curtail it. As such his policies have been quite successful……
Good point.

I have to wonder why the media does not put 2 and 2 together, however.

Obama says he is FOR wind power.
Each and every utility scale wind turbine uses more than a ton of heavy-duty and lightweight magnets, 700 pounds of which is neodymium, a rare earth mostly from China.

Last week China blocked shipments of raw rare earth minerals to Japan, Europe and the USA.
China is saying either buy the magnets we make or find another supplier.

Obama claims Afghanistan is chock full of rare earths.
Too bad the Taliban and al Qaeda control it, then, isn’t it?

But the media could SHRED Obama over this cock-up.
Yet they are silent.

Obama said he had determined that “it is in the national interest of the United States” to waive application of the 2008 Child Soldiers Prevention Act to Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Yemen.

No explanation as to why.

He’s got nothing all right.


your analysis of this president is the best description yet. i have often wondered if all the damage obama has done to our country has been deliberate or incompetence. i always felt that he has a plan, you have spelled out his plan perfectly.

this man and his administration are evil and we have to get rid of obama and his ilk. what has been astonishing to me, is how all the democrats have gone along with his diabolical plan. i do believe obama’s string pullers have some kind of threat over their democratic co-harts in the house and senate, in other words, there votes may not be voluntary, but co-erced. imho

i have often wondered why our GOD, i’m a believer, would allow our country to have elected such a man as obama. but for the past two years, it has been revealed to all of us how corrupt our government really is, greed, power, illegal immigrants, naacp, cair, black panthers, and so on, however, the most breathtakingly revelation is the communistic people that are now in the white house guiding the ship to our abyss.

pray for our country and come out to vote on tuesday and lets get these infected democrats out of control.

your analysis of this president is the best description yet. i have often wondered if all the damage obama has done to our country has been deliberate or incompetence. i always felt that he has a plan, you have spelled out his plan perfectly.

Greetings southernsue,

Obama is definitely working off of a blueprint that has been prepared by others. His job is to implement that plan. The link Old Trooper supplied is fairly accurate although it does not go far enough in encompassing what this administration is working toward. This is not communism simply for communism’s sake. We have had communist progressives riding roughshod over the electorate before. In fact we can see the steady movement of communist progressivism since the days of Wilson.

However, there is an end game, and that is global government, the One World Order, if you will. In order to achieve this goal, America must be brought low enough to cede away its sovereignty. This is the stated, not implied, goal of Obama’s handler’s. Indeed Obama’s foreign policy advisor, Richard Haass wrote in the Taipei Times back in 2006 that:

“Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker, but that it needs to become weaker.”
see: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2006/02/21/2003294021/2

That Richard Haass is also the President of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) should definitely give one cause to wonder, for Obama’s advisors and cabinet members constitute a veritable who’s who of CFR members, including but not limited to Richard Holbrooke, Dennis Ross, Janet Napolitano, Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, Samantha Power, and, get ready for this, Michelle Obama!
(see: http://www.thechicagocouncil.org/chicago_council_board_directors.php

That so many of Obama’s cabinet members and advisors are CFR members should come as no surprise, for this group has been staffing administration positions for years. What has not been so apparent is the absolute brazenness with which they are pursuing their agenda under Obama’s leadership. It is abundantly clear that Obama intends to weaken us through foreign debt and porous borders to the point that we can no longer protect ourselves, at which time we will be subsumed under an international global authority, supposedly for our own protection. I adjure you to read Richard Haass’s words on what will happen to those states that cannot protect themselves.

“States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves, because they cannot insulated themselves from what goes on elsewhere. SOVEREIGNTY IS NO LONGER A SANCTUARY.” (emphasis mine) ibid.

In short, it is this headlong rush toward globalization that should have us concerned. Each treaty we enter into cedes away more and more of our autonomy, whether the Biodiversity Treaty, the Law of the Sea Treaty, NAFTA, AGENDA 21 et al. The following is an excellent article by Cassandra Anderson on how we have been incrementally subsumed by our global obligations. Please read it.

We are under assault, both from within and from without, and I agree with you that we need to turn to God in prayer and fasting , for the powers arrayed against us are formidable indeed, but nothing that He can’t handle. Remember when the disciples were not able cast a particularly difficult demon out of a child?

“And when He was come into the house, His disciples asked him privately, ‘Why could not we cast him out?’ And He said unto them, ‘This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.’ ”
Mark 9: 28-29

All things are possible with God. And by all means, vote on Tuesday. It is but one of many steps it will take to rid ourselves of these poisonous influences.

In Christ,


ariel, hi, IT make a lot of sense, and the underground snake is coming out showing his ugly faces on, the AMERICANS, we must vote him out for a thousand years, so we will have returned the children to the values of this beautiful AMERICA under powerful attack now from the many faces of evil. AND with GOD’S help.