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Say What? 10-17-2010 Edition [Reader Post]


President-elect Obama said, in December 2008, after meeting with governors: “I think we can get a lot of work done fast.  All of them have projects that are shovel ready, that are going to require us to get the money out the door.”  Shovel-ready was a term which tested well, and the President repeated it many times.

President Obama, October 2010: “The problem is, is that spending it [stimulus money] out takes a long time, because there’s really nothing – there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”

President Obama: “Just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations.”

President Obama, at a Boston rally, to cheering crowds: “And if they [Republicans] win in Congress, they will cut AIDS funding right here in the United States of America and all across the world.”  Apparently the President has not heard of George W. Bush.

Token liberal on Forbes on Fox, with regards to FNMA and GHLMC: “No, we’re not moving toward a socialized housing market.”  Those 2 government entities control or guarantee 90% of the mortgages in the United States (it used to be, 50%).

Vice President Biden, explaining why Democrats aren’t running on the administration’s accomplishments like health-care and financial-regulatory overhaul and the stimulus: “It’s just too hard to explain.  It sort of a branding, I mean you know they kind of want the branding more at the front end.”  Don’t worry; it’s not supposed to make sense.

Biden: “These rich guys always underestimate us, that’s one thing that I kind of like about it, that’s one of the parts of my job I’ve enjoyed over the years, a little straight left and a right hook, it works”

President Obama, on making Joe Biden Vice President “[This was] the single best decision I have made.”  This was said to a Delaware crowd.

Biden:  “I am truly angry as I go around the country watching. people absolutely, fundamentally blown away by the greed and the policies of the last eight years, of the last administration.”

President Obama: “Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we’re hardwired not to always think clearly when we’re scared, and the country’s scared.”

U.S. Department of Agriculture release: “Across the nation, many schools are already taking steps to provide students with healthier meals and the nutrition knowledge to make healthier choices. However, it is well recognized that understanding the value of a healthy diet does not always translate into healthy choices. Research has shown that good intentions may not be enough”

Bill Clinton: “And honest to God, half of [Republicans] need psychiatric help—not because they are crazy but because no one can be that angry for that long.”

Asked if the prospect of Republican control of one or both houses of Congress concerned him, billionaire George Soros answered: “It does, because I think they are pushing the wrong policies, but I’m not in a position to stop it.  I don’t believe in standing in the way of an avalanche.”

Bill Clinton at his 80th event: “I planned to do about one stop for everybody that helped Hillary run for president because she’s one of only two members of the president’s cabinet who cannot participate in politics.”

Maureen Dowd:, “We are in the era of Republican Mean Girls, grown-up versions of those teenage tormentors who would steal your boyfriend, spray-paint your locker and, just for good measure, spread rumors that you were pregnant.”

Ann Curry, when narrating a short video item about Russia unveiling a new set of inflatable weapons designed to fool spy satellites: “Wish all weapons were like that.”

Liberals Making Sense:

Governor Paterson of New York: “We projected we would get $4 billion [from raising taxes] and we actually got far short of that.”  Paterson is not running for anything, by the way.

Rep. Nick Rahall, Democratic incumbent for the U.S. House in the 3rd District in West Virginia: “Climate change – to deny it exists, to just put your head in the sand and, `oh no, it doesn’t exist, what are you talking about,’ is about like standing on the floor of Macy’s during the month of December and claiming Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Come on, get real. There are responsible coal operators who work with us and continue to work with us, not only on climate change, but safety is another example.”  It is possible that Rahall essentially made a point that was exactly opposite of his real point.

President Obama: “By November 3rd, I will have saved or created 50 to 70 jobs for Republicans.” (Okay, okay, this was a cartoon).

ABC’s Charles Gibson confided to Larry King shortly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq how he and his wife had “a little framed sign hanging in our bedroom, my wife and I, that said, `War is not good for children and other living things,’ and I believe that. So I don’t like covering war and I hate to see them occur.”

MSNBC host Keith Olbermann calls Fox News radio host Brian Kilmeade an “un-American bastard”

Chris Matthews: “The message from the TEA Party is. every man for himself. if these people were every man for himself they would have. been killing each other after two days.”


Chris Matthews: Some of these people like Sarah Palin seem to brag about their lack of knowledge. They don’t read the paper.

David Ignatius, Washington Post: Yeah, we had a political party briefly in America called the Know-Nothings who kind of bragged about their separateness, and that spirit is alive now. I mean, I think that Sarah Palin is a likeable person. The fact that she’s obviously an outsider has worked to her advantage up to a point.

This is, of course, based upon Palin getting huffy with Katie Couric 2 years ago, when Couric implied that Palin did not read anything in backwards Alaska.

Sarah Palin spoke to this in the movie Media Malpractice: “To me, the question was more along the lines of, “Do you read? What do you guys do up there? What is it that you read?” And, and perhaps I was just too flippant in my answer back to her, but of course I read newspapers. I read publications. I spend a lot of time of course reading our local papers and the highly-circulated publications here in Alaska because that’s my job to know the business of Alaska and our communities. But also USA Today, yes, and New York Times.”


Bob Schaeffer (not known for asking tough questions of liberals): “Let’s switch to politics. Last week, of course, the President’s on the campaign trail. He’s on the campaign trail just virtually all the time now. While he was out there, the Democrats put out a– an ad that’s released this morning that blames the Republicans and specifically the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for injecting foreign money into campaigns. The President’s words on the trail last week were, ‘groups that received foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections.’  Now I want to ask you about that because the New York Times looked into the Chamber specifically and said the Chamber really isn’t putting foreign money into the campaign. That it does charge its foreign affiliates dues that bring in less than a hundred and thousand dollars a year. A lot of organizations including Labor Unions doing– do that. But the Chamber has an annual budget of two hundred million dollars and it says, along with that, it keeps these foreign dues separate. They do spend heavily in politics, twenty-five million so far. They expect to spend fifty million. But this part about foreign money, that appears to be peanuts, Mister Axelrod, I mean, do you have any evidence that it’s anything other than peanuts?”

David Axelrod: “Well, do you have any evidence that it’s not, Bob? The fact is that the Chamber has asserted that but they won’t release any information about where their campaign money is coming from. And that’s at the core of the problem here.”

Bob Schieffer: “If the only charge, three weeks into the election that the Democrats can make is that there’s somehow this may or may not be foreign money coming into the campaign, is that the best you can do?”

The unedited interview and video at:


Wolf Blitzer: “Your opponent, who I interviewed earlier, Carly Fiorina, she says basically this charge about you that you’re simply a career politician who has no experience in the real world creating jobs.”

Barbara Boxer: Well, she’s just wrong on that. I voted for over $2 trillion of tax cuts, the largest one was in the stimulus bill. She’s just wrong.

Wolf Blitzer: When you say you — you supported $2 trillion in tax cuts during the stimulus?

Barbara Boxer: Tax cuts. Yes.

Wolf Blitzer: Tax cuts?

Barbara Boxer: I had the —

Wolf Blitzer: Where —

Barbara Boxer: During my career.

Wolf Blitzer: Oh, during your career. I thought you just said during the stimulus.

Barbara Boxer: Yes.

Wolf Blitzer: Well, you said you —

Barbara Boxer: No, no.

Wolf Blitzer: — supported two trillion –

Barbara Boxer: No, $1.2 trillion with the stimulus.

Wolf Blitzer: Yeah, but —

Barbara Boxer: — that I can tell you.

Wolf Blitzer: — that would be maybe two or 300 million dollars.  We’re not talking about a trillion.

Barbara Boxer: So let’s — so — so let me say this.  A third of the stim and over my time — let me correct it, you’re right, thank you — $2.2 trillion I voted in tax cuts, $1.2 trillion of which became law.  A third of the stim was tax cuts, and it was considered the biggest tax cut in history over a couple-year period.


Professor Mark Perry: “If you’re not familiar with the state of California, it’s a public employee pension management organization that runs a state on the side with a large $19 billion deficit.”

Calvin Beisner (Cornwall Alliance Founder on he Glenn Beck show) concerning the upside down values of the green movement: “This is why you destroy an eagle’s egg and you go to jail, but if you destroy a baby in the womb, you are protected.” (Quoted from memory)

Bernard McGuire
(former Imus sidekick): “Taxes are going up and grandma is going down; that’s Obama-care.”

Betsy McCaughey: “The powers of the federal government are limited and enumerated.” (From memory)

Rush Limbaugh: “Senate majority leader Harry Reid, arguably the second or third most powerful man in our government describing colonoscopies.  ‘If you do colonoscopies, colon cancer does not come because you snip off the things they find when they go up, and no more.’  It makes me wonder if at some point they snipped off something and more of Dingy Harry’s when they went up there.  The more I listen to him talk, it’s just… and we’re supposed to believe that this represents enlightenment, compassion, brilliance.  I mean here’s a guy actually advocating colonoscopies, go in there and snip it off when they get in there.  This is a guy that wants to be up our butts.  He’s admitting it.  He got more energized during that sound bite talking about colonoscopies than at any other time in the debate when he envisioned being up our butts.  Talk about intrusive.  This guy is personifying intrusive government, Big Government, up our butts — up our business is what I mean.”

Taken from

Conservative Review #148   (PDF version)   (HTML version)

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