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Obama’s Illegal Alien Aunt Makes Demands [Reader Post]

If I come as an immigrant, you have an obligation to make me a citizen”

So says Obama Aunt Zeituni Onyango.

Onyango got permission to visit here in 2000 and overstayed her welcome. She sought asylum in 2003 and was turned down. She stayed anyway.

Although on the public dole, she managed to donate $260 to Barack OBama’s Presdential campaign. That’s illegal, of course. Michael Graham notes with irony:

Aunt Zeituni donated $260 to her nephew’s campaign for president – which is also against the law because she’s not a U.S. citizen. How against the law is it? Remember when the president launched his unprecedented attack against the Supreme Court during his State of the Union? His complaint was that foreigners might donate money to influence U.S. elections.

She brazenly flaunts her illegal status:

Aunt Zeituni’s case puts the lie to the old canard that all criminal immigrants are here to work. She gets a stipend from a city program, along with her housing. In fact, as the Center for Immigration Studies points out, illegal immigrant households are far more likely to be on the dole than the average American. She also highlights the obvious truth of the Heritage Foundation study that our 12 million illegal immigrants are a $2.2 trillion net drain on the taxpayers over the course of their lifetimes.

And the city of Boston is just too happy to oblige.

Grahama also notes that Onyango has a millionaire relative living in Washington DC who has yet to offer to aid to her.

“To me America’s dream became America’s worst nightmare,” said Onyango who was granted asylum in May 2010. “I have been treated like public enemy number one.”

Onyango conveniently ignores the fact that she is an illegal alien. The American Dream is not meant for those who are inclined to ignore and disrespect the laws of this country.

She says she did not take advantage of the system, but rather the system took advantage of her.

When asked how she pays for her reportedly expensive immigration attorney, she said

“When you believe in Jesus Christ and you >unintelligible< almighty God, my help comes from Heaven."

Pretty cool. I’d love to dial into some of that.

The whole nauseating interview is here:

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