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Colin Powell denies jobs to Americans [Reader Post]

Unemployment is at 9.6%. Jobs are scarce.

Colin Powell took a swan dive into ignominy when he admitted that he hires illegal aliens to work on his house:

WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says illegal immigrants do essential work in the U.S. and he has firsthand knowledge of that — because they fix his house.

Powell, a moderate Republican, urged his party Sunday to support immigration generally because it is “what’s keeping this country’s lifeblood moving forward.”

This actually qualifies Powell to be a Democrat along the lines of Dianne Feinstein. A hypocrite.

In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” he said a path to legal status should be offered to illegal immigrants because they “are doing things we need done in this country.”

Like taking American jobs.

In lamenting the party’s rightward drift Sunday, he said Republicans must not become anti-immigration and spoke in support of legislation that would give certain children of illegal immigrants a way to become citizens if they pursue a college education or military service.

Ah, there it is again. The conflation of legal immigration and illegal immigration. As though they were one issue.

And he said the tea party may not become an enduring force unless it moves beyond slogans and promotes an agenda that people “can see, touch and actually believe in.” It’s not enough, he said, to call for goals that most Americans support, such as controlled federal spending and adherence to the Constitution.

Golly, controlled federal spending and adherence to the Constitution is pretty darned good. And it is a departure from what we have now.

The former secretary of state said he still sees Obama as a transformational figure, if one who has lost some of his ability to connect with people.

I have to agree with the General here. Obama did say he meant to fundamentally transform the United States, a democratic republic, into something else.

This is all kind of irritating in light of Linda Chavez being disqualified in 2001 from serving as Labor Secretary under George W. Bush because she provided haven for an illegal alien.

Last weekend in Rutland Vermont I saw a young man carrying a sign that said “I am desperate. Will do anything for cash.”

I bet he’d like to fix Powell’s house. Even for what Powell was paying those illegals.

Extra credit question: Does Powell pay them minimum wage?

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