The Republican Party is evolving at speeds approaching the speed of light, taking into consideration that evolution supposedly takes millions of years and I gave myself permission to use hyperbole. There was the discovery of a new species at the GOP watering hole; for years we assumed him to be a Homo Sapiens Republicanthropus, known most commonly as Arlen Specter, but this was only a ruse to obtain herd hierarchy.
His true identity became apparent when herd members from his own region questioned his loyalty to the herd. He quickly transformed into his true persona, a Homo Sapiens Rinocanthropus. There was disappointment within the Republicanthropus clan, but those amongst the stock men of the clan, realized it is best to cull the gene pool of those unworthy of the title Republicanthropus; otherwise, the message is diluted and the herd’s migration compass is compromised, causing a loss of direction.
Dede Scazzafava was the next Rinocanthropus to expose her true colors to the world. Exhibiting a compromised sense of integrity, she took heavily from the larder of the Republicanthropus to run for a congressional seat in upstate New York and threw her support the opposition after being beaten soundly in a primary bid, guaranteeing a Democanthropus victory. Thus the treachery of the Rinocanthropus continues.
Rinocanthropus types: Castle, Crist, and Murkowski, have been exposed, soundly defeated and yet they vow to fight on, not for just a forlorn hope, but to insure Democanthropus victories, so shallow is their loyalty to the Republicanthropus clan, and for no other reason than to show fealty to Homo Sapiens Obamignoblethropus, leader of the opposition who campaigned as a charismatic enigma, an extremely rare subspecies.
Despite the radical culling of the herd, loyal Homo Sapiens Republicanthropus specimens are relieved to have the gene pool cleansed of the weaker elements. There are still some problems, Collins, Snow, and Graham come to mind; however the Republicanthropus herds in Maine and South Carolina will soon be getting the message.
We have also had problems with those who service and critique the herd wanting to maintain the status quo, they bemoan the loss of Rinocanthropus specimens loyal to Obamignoblethropus, these are of the lowly hackcanthropus species, Rove and Krauthammer, but when they count past ten, they must drop their trousers. Thus they are considered insignificant and inconsequential and are more accustomed to doing tricks for treats and living off the scraps of real workers
A rancher or pig farmer will tell you without question, you must have new blood or DNA in the gene pool or the herd will suffer become weak and commercially unviable. In the process you must retire those that or no longer beneficial to the herd. Thankfully, our weakest links are taking themselves out of the herd.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
The new blood Republicans should listen, and remember to stay out of the way of small to mid sized companies. At top of the priorities list should be reversing the bureaucratic morass that stifles entrepreneurship as witnessed in California. Such action will automatically require a reduction of government size and intervention.
James, that is an excellent point. Saving huge car companies, not only causes unfair competition to the companies that have remained viable, but becomes academic when the mass of employers are caught in the doldrums and no one can afford to buy these subsidized Obama carts.
You can save union pensions and rip off investors until Hell freezes over, but if no one can buy the cars or secure a loan or wants a loan, it doesn’t account for a hill of beans. Small business and medium sized businesses are the economic engines that drive America and the ones that hire the bulk of America workers; without them up and running, Obama is only fooling Socialist ideologues.
Skookum, I think you and wordsmith need to change names.
Lindsey has a 90% lifetime ACU rating. Once upon a time that was considered excellent. Now he is not pure. If this insane idealogical search for purity does not come to an end, we are going to end up being destroyed by the liberals. Only fools demand purity. From what I can tell the Tea Parties are made up of libertarians, annoyed Dems, aging Hippies, and a bunch of opportunistic power grabbers. Lindsey’s only problem is the fact that he is the only Reagan conservative who had the courage to speak out against the insanity.
I guess you caught Hannity tonight where he and Erick Erickson threw Reagan under the bus. Please tell me this is about “conservative” values. It is not.
The Pink Flamingo
@ Skookum, I reckon you hit that one out of the park, Good on Ya! 😉
Thanks for the kind words Dee! The most famous Wordsmith in my opinion was the Bard. Actually, I considered using a quote from Henry V, about riding whores and horses like the bare assed Irish men of Kern who went around like the Highlanders, unencumbered you might say, at least in the nether regions. In that way a man can be ready for any circumstance that might arise, but I decided against that strategy, to favor brevity, alluding to the Irish men of Kern, none the less.
William was never shy about creating new words, he apparently ‘invented’ 12,000 words or so whe a college graduate has less than 6,000 words in his vocabulary: the Bard is estimated to have had 30,000 to 40,000 words in his vocabulary. I don’t know if that includes the words he invented, some of which are still in use today.
I admire word and his moniker. He delivers when it is his time so he does quite well living up to the name, mine is a real nickname that I answer to, so it is natural for me.
You will notice, I used poetic license to invent a few words. I have a long way to go, to catch up to WS.
SJ, I detect by your indignation that you are a LG supporter and maybe a Conservative if you read this web site. Perhaps you have insight as to why LG voted to confirm Kagan. I know he said the country elected a Liberal Progressive and that must mean we want an ultra Liberal Judge for 35 years. This was the icing on the cake for the rest of the country: like it or not, votes have consequences and LG has voted against the will of the people. Of course his state’s voters will make the final decision and what I say or do will have a negligible effect, but the money and encouragement will be rolling in from out of state, you can take that to the bank.
I don’t watch TV. I haven’t turned it on in six months or so, my TV is really boring: maybe yours is more exciting, why don’t you tell us about your TV.
OT, I especially liked the headstand by the bull. If you are going to handle those big buggers, while dressed in tight trousers and waving a table cloth, that is where you want them.
I suggest you listen to Lindsey’s speech as to why he voted to confirm Kagan. I was annoyed by that one, until I heard his reasoning. It was a lesson on the Constitution – oopse, the Constitution belongs only to the Tea Party Patriots.
One thing I find so fascinating about this tea party business, and their harping on the Constitution is Tea Partiers don’t seem to comprehend the fact that we ALL have a right to individuality, freedom of thought, and speech. This demand for idealogical purity and not allowing people to to think on their own is just plain – unAmerican!
You might want to remember that we, Republicans are the Silent Majority. We don’t march, protest, or denigrate those who do not think the way we do. We are silent. I’ve been hearing from Republicans all over the country today, who are terribly fed up with being denigrated by those who do not consider use “pure” enough.
We have just as much right to exist as do the 100%ers who have managed to throw Reagan under the bus, and have forgotten that anyone who voted with him 80% of the time was his political friend – not an enemy.
Perhaps the purists might want to actually go back and read the Constitution, it provides Freedom for Me – and Thee – not just for Thee.
The Pink Flamingo
@SJ Reidhead: #4 “From what I can tell the Tea Parties are made up of libertarians, annoyed Dems, aging Hippies, and a bunch of opportunistic power grabbers.”
Before you condemn Tea Party members, you might want to attend one of the rallies. I have been to all of the 9-12 protests in Washington DC, several of the ObamaCare protest in DC, helped deliver letters to the senators and house members at their offices in DC, and been to other Tea Party events. You won’t find ANY of the types you mentioned at a Tea Party protest. Those types might be at the union rally in Washington DC. I think you have the two mixed up.
One way you can tell if there had been a Tea Party protest or a liberal protest is that we have always left the place cleaner than when we got there. The liberals ALWAYS leave their trash behind.
Here’s how the democrats left The Mall after Obama’s inauguration compared to how we left The Mall after the first 9-12 protest. Keep in mind that there were between 1-2,000,000 of us there even though the propaganda media still says there were only a few hundred thousand of us.
Here’s how the Mall looked after the Glenn Beck rally (I didn’t attend).
The only type of person you will find at a Tea Party rally are those who are demanding:
(1) Smaller government.
(2) Lower taxes.
(3) Politicians who listen to “We The People.”
(4) A free enterprise system of business.
(5) Canceling ObamaCare.
(6) Not let the United Nations regulate our laws.
(7) No bailing out businesses who fail because of mismanagement.
Do you disagree with any of these?
Whatever are you talking about SJR?
Did someone make a demand on you?
Did someone tell you how to vote?
You should be fairly free in the voting booth, do what you like.
You might accord the Tea Party the same respect.
And why exactly shouldn’t Republicans protest or march? Works for those other guys.
SJ, the TEA Party would not exist if Obama wasn’t the president. It is a reaction to the covert form of soft Socialism being imposed upon us. It’s true that the GOP hasn’t demonstrated, but the TEA Party isn’t the Republican Party: it’s a reaction to a government that is viewed as being out of control and admittedly desires to rewrite the Constitution. Those Republicans who support Obama and his plans for Redistribution of Wealth and the destruction of our economy are seen as the enemy. Yes a politician has the freedom to be a free thinker, but that doesn’t mean he is no longer responsible to his constituency. Graham has made his votes and the country is furious; and yes, the country has the right to blame Graham for the Kagan vote and it is doubtful he will ever live that down, no matter how he spins the issue and pleads a greater vision for America. To make the matter much worse, he finds humor in her disjointed testimony: thus we can be assured that our wise Latina will apply her Progressive rulings with a grin.
Yes America is mad and Graham is seen as one of those who facilitated Obama’s Progressivism on a country that wanted no part of it, especially, once they saw the program. Even the Democrats are distancing themselves from Obama for political survival: how can you expect an Obama Republican to escape scrutiny?
Why I dislike TPers is because they are so intellectually dishonest – with themselves. Just what has Lindsey done to forward Obama’s liberal agenda? Please, come up with something besides Kagan. If you bothered to listen to his, instead of what you have been told, you might learn something. Then again, it is no use having a discussion with closed minds.
The Pink Flamingo
SJ, this is less about purity than it is about a swap in leadership. The GOP has always had “tea partiers”, conservatives, etc in their midst. However they’ve never been the party’s leadership.
No one’s asking you to leave. On the contrary. But we, as the voters, are asking you to step aside because, frankly, it’s way FUBAR’ed in the beltway. And the current entrenched leadership has not only done nothing to stop it, they were part of FUBAR’ing it up.
The Dem-lite/RINO/GOP moderates have had the reins to the chuck wagon for a long while now, and look where we are. Their spending, and betrayal of the GOP platform principles of yore have not only aided in the debt and increase in size of government, it has cost them faith in the party by the voters at large.
Now, as the constituents have noted via primaries, it’s time to let some of the others in the tent have a go at restoring the fiscal responsibility this nation needs.
As I pointed out in my post this afternoon, conservatives and moderate GOPers are not going to agree on everything. But one thing they are closer on is fiscal discipline. This means you’ll have to choose whether to ally yourself with some closer to your own (so you say) platform beliefs, or the Democrats. This time, it’s not me who should be seriously thinking about the Buckley Rule in order to motivate myself about candidates. It’s you who may have to bite the bullet instead.
If you pick the latter (the Dems) with which to ally, you probably were never meant to be in the GOP anyway. Because, at this point, there couldn’t be more opposite approaches to what ails the nation.
I can certainly identify with your “spilt milk” ‘tude… been suffering from it for over a decade now during the the reign of the Dem-lite’s. Never quite what I wanted, but preferable to the alternative.
Today, it’s your turn to be on the bottom. And with a lot of oversight from voters, perhaps the mixture of old watered down conservative blood with the new may actually pull us up by the bootstraps.
One more thing, SJ. You said:
If you say that, you must have been hibernating not only this past week, but since the summer of 2009. They have been quite busy “denigrating” other conservatives. So much for the Reagan principle of speaking no ill of a fellow Republican/conservative.
@SJ Reidhead: #13 I don’t belong to any political party, but I have been a member of the “Silent Majority” all of my life. I take my share of the blame for the condition of the USA because I have kept silent and figured the ones in office were doing their job or they wouldn’t be in office.
Congress is like some of the houses you see on TV where there is so much trash in the house that the people have a hard time walking around. I have let the trash in Congress build up to the point I can’t stand the smell any more. It is time to “Take Out The Trash” and put it in the “Do Not Recycle” bin.
I call most of the republicans “republicrats” because they have taken on a lot of the democrat’s agenda. They even submitted more total pork barrel spending in the last budget than the democrats did. I used to capitalize the words republican and democrat, but I quit doing it because they lost my respect a long time ago.
I still would like to know if you disagree with any of the below Tea Party agenda:
(1) Smaller government.
(2) Lower taxes.
(3) Politicians who listen to “We The People.”
(4) A free enterprise system of business.
(5) Canceling ObamaCare.
(6) Not let the United Nations regulate our laws.
(7) No bailing out businesses who fail because of mismanagement.
These are the main things we are demonstrating for.
Well, if nothing else, it’s certainly predictable that when Lindsey Graham’s name is mentioned SJ Reidhead or Ms. Featherhead, as I affectionately refer to her, will come a’ running like Pavlov’s dog.
For those who may be interested, the last time Ms. Featherhead made an appearance here at FA she called me a liar.
Yet, when challenged repeatedly, she was unable to support her claim with anything of substance whatsoever and, instead of standing to defend her words, she flew away to the roost.
Ms. Featherhead has admitted on her lightly trafficked, barely readable website that her posts are not based in “absolute facts” but rather “opinion.”
Perhaps that’s why she has such a difficult time defending what she says…because it’s not based in fact.
That makes her accusations of “intellectual dishonesty” toward others even more amusing.
Yes, Ms. Featherhead, Graham has done immense harm to the Conservative cause and has indeed expressed a willingness to assist the Obama agenda in moving forward. He has taken concrete steps in that regard as well. Examples: G’tmo, Cap and Trade, Amnesty, and yes…Kagan.
Those are just four off the top of my head examples.
With just a little bit of research I could produce a comprehensive list. Not that it would matter to those who are Graham sycophants because they see things as being based in opinion rather than absolute fact.
@ Smorgasbord…
I heartily concur. What I call the arrogance of incumbency as well as the half truths that get circulation when Congress is threatened with a changing of the guard gets my goat as well.
The Founding Fathers, architects of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution never envisioned an elected elite ruling class of career politicians. I want fresh faces, new blood, folks not tainted by the arrogance to step up and Serve the Nation and not Themselves.
Is that asking too much? I think not. The level of hate and discontent leveled at Both Parties right now is well earned. The Current Regime and Congress is out of touch with a great many Americans. The spending, the “too big to fail” attitudes and the irresponsible regulation and intrusion into Business and the Private Sector by folks that have never worked in their lives, read the Constitution or respect the taxpayers has created the Tea Party Movement. The Current Regime and incumbents have no one to blame but themselves.
Aye, I can’t help but wonder of the connection between the featherhead and Grahamnesty, it seems a little too personal to be a mere advocate.
Most of Obama’s followers rely on emotion rather than reason, perhaps this explains the existence of Obama Republicans and their disbelief when they are called to account for their bizarre voting records.
This was an attempt at humor and not really meant to drive the rodents of the party and their sycophants into the glare of public scrutiny, but we writers will sometimes take what we can get. Humor often crashes like bugs at 40 below, but if we can expose the hypocrisy of Obama Republicans and their supporters, so much the better!
Like the bull doing his head stand, he will soon have a major crash. 😆
I have been saying this since obama was elected.
Prior to the 2012 election, WE DINE ON RINO.
Cold W, now that is some serious humor.
@Old Trooper 2: #18 “The level of hate and discontent leveled at Both Parties right now is well earned.”
As I mentioned earlier, I quit capitalizing the words democrat and republican a long time ago because I don’t respect them any more. I agree with everything you have said. You sound like a Tea Partier. All of our signs we make ourselves say EXACTLY what you just said. You might want to look into the Tea Party Patriots and join a local chapter. They are saying the same things you are. What better way to let your politicians know how you feel about them. We also protest the state politicians. Check us out at: