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Obama has no creator, he is an apparition of a teleprompter.

With his mentality, the terms “Creator” and “Federal Government” are interchangeable.

Apparently he converted to Christianity… whatever.

I would be willing to give ANYONE the benefit of the doubt here. We all misspeak or have faulty memories. But the Teleprompter of the United States is involved here, too, I assume. Would someone have actually mis-typed this on TOTUS??? I don’t think so. So, two things are probable; either:
– the President of the United States has not bothered to memorize the line that we all would agree is the most important for Americans, OR
– he is ‘self-editing’ to avoid saying “Creator”.

Notice the very significant pause just before he speaks the phrase. Unless TOTUS stopped, that means he is thinking. That would seem to favor the latter interpretation. By itself, this wouldn’t mean a lot, but taken together with many slips of the past, this is significant, in my judgment. In either probable case, the implication is troubling when considered as a part of a now familiar and pervasive pattern.

This was an intentional omission. He does not go to church. It seems that citing anyone other than Allah makes him uncomfortable.

At this point can anyone be surprised by this stuff? The guy is the king of separatist factions and Unions. Any reference to him as the leader of the people is utter nonsense.

Maybe TOTUS needs bigger print.
The way Obama knitted his brow and scowled before omitting the words ”by our creator” I have to wonder if he simply lost his place in his text.

This was NOT an off the cuff speech, so it would be easy for the WH to release the text put into TOTUS.

I’d love to see if it was there and if, therefore, Obama just got lost a little.


If Obama loses his ability to read from TOTUS his whole mythology as a smart guy will fall!

Oh, and it made headlines today……Obama and his family walked to their local church this morning!

Yeah yeah, keep on talking as if this Kenyan really believes in the Judeo-Christian National group think. He does not. he is a blatant liar of the first order, deceiver and just a plain old myth of a supposed really smart guy. BULLCRAP, this is a traitor in the first order, if you have not figured out the implications to the J. Wright church thing and his penchant for redistributed wealth, you are just as lost to the ideals of America as he is. Nothing surprises me these days with all the excuses made for this fraud. I think we are about to reevaluate the chances for an impeachment and it needs to be done before he starts the second Civil War among ourselves. It is not the color of his skin but, the color of his ideology, RED as in communism.

Then who is the endower?

Obama has proven once again that he hates the very mention of God, Jesus, Christ and Creator.

For the first time in history, America has a “president and first lady” who are both fast talking con artists that hate the very essence of America – remember when Michelle Obama said she was proud of America for the FIRST TIME only after Obama won the democratic party nomination?


I truly believe that most Americans are stupid and don’t deserve the freedoms afforded by our Constitution and by GOD. There is no way any person of sound mind could support this man. The evidence is so clear that he hates this country and is systematically destroying it. However, people continue to make excuses for the King and Queen. Billions upon billions of our dollars are being stolen from us and redistributed around the globe.

Look at our history. Look at the violence in our society since the 60’s. Whats the common denominator……the removal of GOD from all facets of our culture. The dopes of the 60’s….which would include the Obamas have destroyed this nation with their social reform programs. This generation needs to take it back and do what is right. This is a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN nation with 85% of us being Christians. We are not a muslim nation, hindu, etc.

Lastly, Obama is not a Christian. Christians understand the importance of a relationship with our Lord. In a recent interview Obama was asked who was Jesus……his response, ” a historical figure.” No Christian would speak of the Savior as a historical figure. Islam believe in Christ but they point that he is a historical figure and prophet. Can anyone put the pieces of this puzzle together. Obama is a monster controlled by forces looking to destroy us. He needs to be removed from office now.


Pres. Lincoln stated: “I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man.” But several Bible verses are embarrassing to Pres. Obama:
Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): “It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury – how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!”
Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under “a servant who becomes king.”
And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: “let thy words be few…a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words.”
Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he’s destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!
For some stunning info on Pres. Obama and his fellow subversives, Google “Michelle Obama’s Allah-day,” “Obama Supports Public Depravity,” “David Letterman’s Hate Etc.,” “Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham” and also “Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Joan Rivers, Sarah Silverman.” Also Google “Prof. F. N. Lee’s ISLAM IN THE BIBLE [PDF].”
PS – Since Christians are commanded to ask God to send severe judgment on persons who commit and support the worst forms of evil (see I Cor. 5 and note “taken away”), Christians everywhere should constantly pray that the Lord will soon “take away” or at least overthrow all US leaders who continue to sear their conscience and arrogantly trample the God-given rights of the majority including the rights of the unborn. Do we need a second American Revolution?
PPS – For a rare look at the 181-year-old endtime belief which has long neutralized millions of American patriots by promising them an “imminent rapture” off earth – which has diverted them away from being prepared to stand against all enemies, domestic as well as foreign – Google “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty,” “Pretrib Rapture Diehards,” “Edward Irving is Unnerving,” “Pretrib Rapture Secrecy,” and “Pretrib Rapture – Hidden Facts” – all by the author of the bestselling nonfiction book “The Rapture Plot” (the most accurate documentation on the pretrib rapture’s long hidden birth in Britain in 1830 – see Armageddon Books). Also Google “Stamping Out Harold Camping.”