the movie sucks and it is full of lies. We all know the republicans are the ones who want jobs outsourced to mAKE MORE MONEY FOR CORPORATIONS. YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYONE. THERE ARE NO BLACKS IN THE MOVIES HOW CAN YOU HIDE YOUR RACISM YOU EVIL REPUBLICAN CAPITALIST PIGS ALL OF YOU. It is the republicans fault we have no jobs.
Old Trooper 2
14 years ago
Still waiting like Peggy?
It is Obama’s Economy now Darlin! That trickle down Socialism has been in place for 23 months now. Unemployment is going up, Home Foreclosures are at almost record numbers, the Bush Tax Cuts are going away and you got what you asked for and it is the Un-Intended Consequences on the part of the most Economically Illiterate Regime Ever. Thanks for your morning Racism too…
They are coming unhinged. Reading through some of the comments at news sites I frequent, quite a few of the old regular libs/progressives are no longer commenting and those that do are a snapshot of the above. It’s been quite entertaining of late, wish I could spend more time at it. 😉
14 years ago
@ Dina Kaye: You are either a complete nut job or one of the dumbest people on Earth. Catch a clue. What do Republicans have to do with the movies? Most of the people in powerful positions in Hollywood are far left liberal Democrats!!!
13 years ago
@dina kaye Why are there so many movies about Bush and not one about Clinton or any other Democrat except John Kennedy. Where are the movies about ted kennedy driving drunk off a bridge Killing his passenger? Or the kennedy cousin that killed the neighbor girl? Or Carters botched rescue of the Iran hostages? How bout a steamy movie with Clinton and his cigar collection of mistresses? The answer is simple. Democrats control hollywood. Maybe Republicans wouldnt open business in other countries if the dems were more responsible with the taxe dollars the Reps bring in and more resonable with the taxes the want.
the movie sucks and it is full of lies. We all know the republicans are the ones who want jobs outsourced to mAKE MORE MONEY FOR CORPORATIONS. YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYONE. THERE ARE NO BLACKS IN THE MOVIES HOW CAN YOU HIDE YOUR RACISM YOU EVIL REPUBLICAN CAPITALIST PIGS ALL OF YOU. It is the republicans fault we have no jobs.
Still waiting like Peggy?
It is Obama’s Economy now Darlin! That trickle down Socialism has been in place for 23 months now. Unemployment is going up, Home Foreclosures are at almost record numbers, the Bush Tax Cuts are going away and you got what you asked for and it is the Un-Intended Consequences on the part of the most Economically Illiterate Regime Ever. Thanks for your morning Racism too…
@Old Trooper 2:
They are coming unhinged. Reading through some of the comments at news sites I frequent, quite a few of the old regular libs/progressives are no longer commenting and those that do are a snapshot of the above. It’s been quite entertaining of late, wish I could spend more time at it. 😉
@ Dina Kaye: You are either a complete nut job or one of the dumbest people on Earth. Catch a clue. What do Republicans have to do with the movies? Most of the people in powerful positions in Hollywood are far left liberal Democrats!!!
@dina kaye Why are there so many movies about Bush and not one about Clinton or any other Democrat except John Kennedy. Where are the movies about ted kennedy driving drunk off a bridge Killing his passenger? Or the kennedy cousin that killed the neighbor girl? Or Carters botched rescue of the Iran hostages? How bout a steamy movie with Clinton and his cigar collection of mistresses? The answer is simple. Democrats control hollywood. Maybe Republicans wouldnt open business in other countries if the dems were more responsible with the taxe dollars the Reps bring in and more resonable with the taxes the want.