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What About Me? [Reader Post]

Hello, Barack, it’s me. The responsible US taxpayer. I don’t belong to a union. I don’t work for Goldman Sachs or Lehman Brothers.

I pay my taxes.

I am not underwater with my mortgage.

I did not walk away from my mortgage.

I pay my debts.

I have conducted myself responsibly.

If my 401 K suffers, I suffer. If I have less, I have to make do with less.

What is the reward for my being responsible? I have to pay for all of this:

Your bailout of the auto industry.

Your bailout of the banks.

Your bailout of AIG and their gigantic salaries and bonuses.

Your bailout of Greece.

Your bailout out of those who never should have gotten a mortgage. That program is failure.

Instead of ending it, you doubled down on it. You resurrected the little to nothing down payment mortgage. You said

“The American Dream is being tested by a home mortgage crisis that not only threatens the stability of our economy but also the stability of families and neighborhoods,”

By rewarding all of the behavior that brought us to this horrible state, you are destroying the American Dream. James Dale Davidson said

“When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both. …

And all you do is continue to subsidize failure.

What do we get for all this?

You make me and my kids pay the bill for those who do none of the above. Who will make our retirement plans whole?

Not you. Instead, you will raise my taxes.

Not only will you raise taxes and not help me make my pension plan whole, you will make me pay to make union pensions whole. I did not fail those pension plans but you treat me as though I did.

You are killing the American Dream. It’s first degree murder.

There was a time when individuals rose and fell on their own efforts and merits. On your watch, Barack, failing gets rewarded. The reward of failure, the reward of bad behavior- this will be your legacy. While you enjoy your 50th vacation of the year in your astonishingly lavish lifestyle you continue to kick the financial responsibility can down the road.

We and our kids live on that road. And you couldn’t care less.


Mr. and Mrs. Responsible American Family

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