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The Marxist Template

The true revolutionary is willing to sacrifice everything for an idea: the men who signed The Declaration of Independence knew that they were possibly sacrificing their wealth, their property, their very lives and those of their families if the bold gamble ended in failure. Signing the Declaration was an exercise in faith, for there were many brilliant minds that would debate the format for the Constitution; yet their signatures on that sacred document was a summary death sentence by hanging if an English Officer found a signor. If the war had been lost they would have all been hanged. These were revolutionaries with dignity and honor; instead of offering Wealth Redistribution (the theft of one man’s wealth to give to others), they offered Freedom. There were no guarantees, only opportunity; mysterious concepts that were unique to the rugged individualists of the American frontier. The opportunity to succeed or fail appealed to Americans with initiative and a work ethic: the concept is an anathema to the indigent and lazy who feel entitled because of the designation of victim, bestowed on them by our Progressive Socialists.

In the on going movement of Progressive Socialist Revolution, the ultimate goal is World Socialism. A world where all the world’s wealth is supposedly shared equally by the workers and decisions are carried out by a group of omnipotent Elite henchmen who can control huge masses of people with the ruthlessness of a Mao or Stalin type figure.

The Russian Revolution had its visionaries, initially there were two basic groups, the Menshevils and the Bolsheviks; the early Russian Marxists promised freedom, justice, happiness, and equality. The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin and Trotsky among others, gained control and devolved into a concentration of power or dictatorship rather than the Social Democracy later espoused by the Mensheviks.

Eventually, as the Revolution progressed, the Proletariat was expected to accept the loss of Freedom of the Press along with the concept of self as being necessary to advance the Revolution. Lenin and Trotsky’s despotism was intended to silence the voices of opposition, starvation, being worked to death, and murder would be inflicted upon those who spoke against the Revolution. Sacrificing culture, history and human life was deemed necessary for the sake of an idea, the progression of the Socialist Revolution.

This Revolutionary Radicalism is a concept that maintained it prominence with Radical Marxists throughout the twentieth century, happiness and the notion of self is considered a remnant of bourgeois culture were to be discarded; consequently, the needs of real people are forgotten in the revolutionary zeal of Socialism.

Obama was born into a family of radicals, was mentored by revolutionary Marxists, and befriended Radical Marxists; now, America is standing and wondering about the true political character of the undocumented enigma holding the highest office in the land. In the spirit of Stalin, the Ultimate Progressive Socialist, Obama has only appointed undistinguished mediocrities and sycophants to his administration, this emphasis on unremarkable talent serves to emphasize the meager talents of Obama and insures that there will be no rising stars to divert attention from the self-conscious Narcissist who desires to be adored and worshiped by his subjects, documented by the appearances on the mindless TV shows designed to perpetuate the myth of celebrity status. Although presidents have a degree of celebrity status, there is a difference between the celebrity status of presidents and the silly American celebrity adoration of athletes, musicians, and Hollywood types. For the first time in our history, we have a president attempting to mix the natural respect towards the dignity and honor of the office of the presidency with the classless worship of popular celebrities by our lowest common denominator.

His vision for the United States has included marginalizing the accomplishments of the United States, during his international apology tours, Obama’s essential message to the rest of the world was, “See how I have tamed the savage beast, nothing is too difficcult for the Obama.” Of course in the Plans for International Socialism, his Citizen of the World designation that he has awarded himself and intends on granting to the population of America, is merely a paragraph in his giant plan for Internatioal Socialism and his hoped for position among the Ruling Elite of the world.

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