Obama & Company Upset Over WikiLeaks…Where Was This Outrage When The MSM Received Pulitzers For Leaks During Bush?

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Charles Krauthammer makes a great point below regarding the leaks from WikiLeaks. During the Bush years Reporters were given Pulitzers for leaking the classified information. Now that Obama is the President it’s a bad thing.

You also see Colby King from the Washington Post taking a position that you know was completely different during Bush….the classified information doesn’t belong to the leaker so they should give it back.


And just last week Gibbs said during a White House Presser that leaks like the recent one shouldn’t happen, people should register their disapproval with policy in a lawful way.

QUESTION: The head of Wikileaks tells us that he — he won’t identify the source of the material. He actually says we still don’t know who the source is. But if it was Private First Class Manning, who is already in custody, the head of Wikileaks says, “He’s a hero.” What does the president say to Wikileaks and those who believe that they are doing the right thing…

GIBBS: Well, look…

QUESTION: … in outing the policy they disagree with?

GIBBS: Well, I think there are ways in which one can disapprove a policy without breaking the law and putting in potential danger those who are there to keep us safe.
Again, if I were to have handed one of you these documents, I would be breaking the law.

I think there are certainly better ways to — to discuss and register one’s opposition, rather than putting people in potential harm’s way.

Hey, I think we all agree with that but where was the disapproval from Obama and pals when the NYT’s and the WaPo were leaking materials that undermined our war against terror? Where were the calls to silence such a lawbreaking leak?

There weren’t any, instead there was adulation and applause from the left side of the aisle.

Hypocrites one and all.

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Not only hypocrites, but they wrongly assume that the memory of Americans is sufficiently limited so as to not allow their hypocrisy to see the light of day.

Sandy Berger, anyone?

It is my understanding that these papers were leaked by a GI. If so, the individual needs to be tried by court martial, convicted, and then publicly shot.

This should be an example for others… treason is treason, and leaking classified documents is treason.

Sandy Berger should have been tried, convicted and shot also!

You build a dam to prevent the flow of water from one direction only. The propaganda media are the liberals information dam. Watch out if it ever breaks! What about the leak that we were tracking Osama bin Laden by the cell phone he was using? Then the phone was never used again. I still would like to know why someone wasn’t prosecuted over that.

I don’t see much secrecy in the military under this administration. They notify the enemy where and when they are going to attack them. When I was in the military my job was to kill the enemy, not win their hearts. When you lose the perspective of war, you lose the war. And that my friends is Obamas’ goal.

The way I see it we are fighting King Obama’s allies. He has apologized to our enemies, snubbed our friends, and changed some department’s logo to represent Islam. He might even be secretly donating to them.

The reaason we need wilileaks is because the gov keeps everything secret, especially their many mistakes. In an open and transparent government wikileaks wouldn’t exist. For now we need it and I say thanks to the brave men who make it happen.