It’s Time For Obama To Switch To Big-Boy Pants [Reader Post]

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obama pull-ups

For the last several years now, Barack Obama has been wearing the “Blame Bush” diaper and he shows no sign that he is willing to get weaned into the Big Boy pants of the Presidency. But Obama’s diaper is full and it needs changing.

Obama has repeatedly told America that looking ahead and not back is his perspective:

I also have a belief that we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards.

Yet his current campaign strategy is anything but that:

The White House’s mid-term election strategy is becoming clear – pit the Democrats of 2010 against the Republicans circa 2006, 2008 and 2009, including Bush.

The whining continues:

“For the better part of 10 years, folks faced stagnant incomes, skyrocketing health care costs and tuition bills, and declining economic security,” Mr. Obama said in a speech at a Kansas City, Mo., electric vehicle plant. “It was in the middle of this crisis that my administration walked through the door.”

And now he has really personalized it:

At an Atlanta fundraiser last night, President Obama said that the Republicans who want to take back Congress “don’t have a single idea that’s different from George W. Bush’s ideas. Not one. Instead, they’re betting on amnesia.”

I have repeatedly said here that Obama is full of crap, and he is full of crap. It is worth noticing that the “last eight years” has now become the “last ten years.” Obama has been President for the last 1 1/2 years, so Obama is unwittingly blaming his own term for the problems he has allegedly inherited.

Barack Obama would have you believe that he fell from outer space directly into the Presidency. You’d never know from the lies that spew from his mouth that he was ever in the US Senate. You’d never know that he did NOTHING to try to reign in costs of government. You’d never know he voted to make every Bush budget larger and never voted to cut spending ever. And this is where Republicans shoot themselves in the collective foot. They need to remind America that Obama was part of the “last eight years” or “last ten years.” They need to remind America that Obama and his Democrat moron colleagues controlled ALL of Congress for the last three of those eight or ten years. Republicans need to remind America that the problems we suffer now are in no small part a consequence of Democrat control of Congress for the last three years.

What specifically did Obama do to improve “stagnant incomes, skyrocketing health care costs and tuition bills, and declining economic security” while he was a US Senator? What did Democrats do when they got control?


Republicans may be betting on amnesia, but so are Democrats.

Being the “Party of No” may not be the greatest platform (I actually think it’s a good one) but blaming Bush is a lousy one. Obama’s been in office for 18 months. Democrats have controlled Congress for three years.

Obama needs to change his diaper. It’s as full of sh*t as he is.

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Don’t worry Dr. John, this will take a radically right turn come November. The Dims have already started campaigning while attempting to hide their party affiliation. The American people may take a while to wake the f’ up, but when they do, they get really angry. It is becoming clear on a daily basis, just exactly how incompetant this Nimrod truly is. Everyone can remember previous recessions, and that they lasted no where near this long. Blaming the previous guy has a short shelf life. While the Zero was able to get some political mileage from it for a while, the only people who cheered and clapped at his speach in K.C. were obvious schills. The more he opens the TOTUS’ mouth, the more backlash he is facing. In a way, I am experiencing a guilty pleasure watching his meltdown. At this rate, he will break Mondale’s record for worst landslide in 2012.

IT will be easy for AMERICANS to choose,between their LIES, and your TRUTH.

Great post. Well done.

Obama keeps saying we need to move forward, but his economic vehicle is stuck in reverse. It is taking us back to Carter’s time.

I suggest that we fax our King-in-Chief the Pull-Ups image plus whatever comments you want to add. His fax number is 202-456-2461.

I am trying to fax mine while I am typing this but it keeps saying “No Response.” I will keep trying. I wrote:

Mr. President,

You have grown out of your diapers, now it is time for you to grow out of your Pull-Ups and start wearing Big Boy pants. It is time for you to start taking responsibility for your actions instead of blaming someone else. You need to try it on your own instead of relying on the security of the Pull-Ups. There might be a few “accidents” along the way, but eventually, you will grow out out of them.

As people mature they realize they are responsible for their own actions and can’t blame anybody else if they want people to respect them. When you keep blaming Bush for all the nation’s problems, you are doing two things:
(1) Admitting Bush has so much power that he still runs things.
(2) You haven’t been able to fix anything on your own.

Either way, it doesn’t make you look very good. Think of all of the kids and adults who said, “It isn’t my fault” and what you thought of them. People are thinking the same thing about you. So, try putting on the “Big Boy” pants and see if you can grow into them.

Then I signed it (Typed) and gave my email address if he or his people want to respond.

2006 was the last republican budget. Unemployment was 4.6 and the deficit was 167 billion. Then Democrats took control. Unemployment start increasing in 2007. As a result of the democrat budget in 2008 the deficit started to rise. Bush never even SAW the 2009 budget because democrats hid it until after the election (just like they are doing again this year.) But the deficit in 2009 under democrat control continued to increase. This year is the fourth year of democrat budgeting and the deficit is almost two trillion dollars and real unemployment is above 16%.

That is what four years of democrats give you. And they keep pretending they ‘inherited’ the economy in 2009. Bullshit. They have had the reigns since 2007. And look what they have done.

They defended Freddie and Fannie and refused to address the fact it was about to cause a huge recession. They refused to act in 2003, or 2005, or 2007 all times when Republicans called them out and tried to avert the recession before it arrived. But democrats block all efforts to stop the recession. And they did everything to make it worse and last longer. Can they really be this stupid? Or are they actually trying to destroy our country?

Everytime you see a democrat campaign add this year remember that most of the stimulus money is targeted to Unions and those Unions will be sending most of that money, tax payer money, back to the democrat campaign coffers. So admire the democrat campaign ads because you paid for them via TARP and ‘stimulus’.

recklessprocess: hi, thank you, I’m glad we have people like you to tell the truth
to thoses who are ready to beleive their campaining of lies. bye