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A very simple, albeit true, explanation against the idiocy of government spending to stimulate the economy.

A much worthier action that the government could have taken to reduce the impact of the recession would have been to immediately make the Bush tax cuts permanent while at the same time reducing taxation for companies and maybe even another round of personal income tax cuts. If they had used the almost $1 Trillion in stimulus on these actions, they would have seen a marked jump in economic activity, along with higher federal revenues.

This proves that they are either stupid, economically, or that they purposely are intent on placing more shackles on the populace for servitude to the federal government.

johngalt: you talk very smart, you’d be a good politicien, bye


I do not want to be a politician, but thanks for the kind words. My beliefs come from my father, whose most important lesson to me was to stand up for myself and take either the punishment or the rewards for my own actions.

The liberal mindset presupposes that ‘rights’ are inherently given by government itself, and as such, means that all means of survival and the pursuance of happiness is also given to man by government. In simple terms, liberalism takes away all responsibility for oneself, away from oneself and creates the soft tyranny that enslaves everyone to one another.