Julian Assange Should Be Sent to Guantanamo Bay [Reader Post]

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Julian Assange doesn’t look like your typical Taliban operative. He’s an Australian born blond haired pasty white guy who looks like he’s quite unfamiliar with the sun. Truth be told, he’s not actually an operative. In all honesty he probably doesn’t like those guys much. Nonetheless, he is working for them as much as if he were on their payroll.

Last week, the website he co-founded, WikiLeaks, released 90,000 pages of secret tactical American military reports in conjunction with the New York Times, Germany’s Der Spiegel and Britain’s Guardian. Despite being historical in nature (7 months old being the most recent) they will do as much harm to American troops and efforts in the region as if he had provided Al Jazeera with the actual coordinates of troop positions currently out in the field. As such, Assange deserves to be declared an enemy combatant and the United States should use every legal tool at its disposal to put their hands on him and try him in a military tribunal. Given that Guantanamo is still open perhaps that would be an appropriate venue.

Assange defends his release of the documents with the accusation that (Defense) “Secretary Gates has overseen the killings of thousands of children and adults in these two countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan)“, drawing a moral equivalence between unintended collateral causalities of war and the certain vicious murder of informants at the hands of the Taliban and their Al Qaeda brethren. Lest anyone might miss the connection, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Britian’s Channel 4 News that they were studying the documents and the names and “If they are US spies, then we know how to punish them.” Assange apparently dislikes the killing of innocents, but only the unintended collateral types. Those intentional, premeditated murders by Islamist fascist types he has no problem with and even contributes to.

Assange discusses WikiLeak’s “harm minimization” standards of conduct in a rambling exchange with Channel 4:

Channel 4: There is an awful amount of material here that you couldn’t have looked through personally. Could it cost lives? Is it putting people in danger publishing this?
Assange: We’ve gone through the material and reviewed it and looked for cases where innocent informers, ie an old man saying next door there is a Taliban, or what he believes is Taliban, so we’ve looked for those cases and there’s a particular type of report that frequently has that – those have been withheld and also the source says they have done some work in doing this as well. So I think it’s unlikely that that will happen. We’ve worked hard to make sure there’s not a significant chance of anybody coming to harm.

But you can’t guarantee it?
Any information can be abused for another purpose so we can’t guarantee it. But our understanding of the material is that it’s vastly more likely to save lives than cost lives.

So you’ve actually removed stuff from this leak?

Is that a first for Wikileaks?
Sources know when they submit material that we go through a “harm minimisation” process.

That harm minimisation process is not about removing material it’s about minimising harm. We have a number of ways to do that. The way we have done it in the past and it’s always been effective – notify and delay. Notify the people concerned, and delay the publication as a result. So we have retained some of this material for the harm minimisation process. No, because it’s really impossible for us to notify the Afghanis in their villages about this material – we will have to do a redaction of some of it.

Despite Assange’s heroic “harm minimization” efforts, in just two hours the Times of London found dozens of names and villages of Afghanistanis who had provided information to the Americans. As a result of WikiLeaks there are likely hundreds of individual Afghanistanis’ and thousands of their fellow villagers who will be targeted by the Taliban and Al Qaeda. In addition, the Taliban will likely trail many of those informants and use that information to ambush American and coalition troops.

In addition, these leaks will make foreign governments and their intelligence agencies, from Pakistan to Britain and everywhere in between far less likely to share their intelligence with the United States because they are rightly concerned that it might end up on the front page of the New York Times. That withholding of information will cause further deaths as well.

While Assange is the face of this treachery, he is not the only one who should be in the Pentagon’s sights. The New York Times, Der Spiegel and the Guardian should be looked at as well. Not only did they give Assange a far bigger stage than his obscure website might have otherwise provided, they may be complicit in providing actionable information to the Taliban. Although Arthur Sulzberger and Bill Keller should probably have been prosecuted for the Times’ SWIFT banking and domestic wiretapping stories, they will likely escape prosecution here simply because they limited the content they actually published.

Then of course there is the source itself. At first blush it appears as if the primary source for the leaked documents was Bradley E. Manning, an Army private who is being held for the release of the Apache video earlier this year. Manning may have had civilian accomplices and they should share his fate whatever that might be. At this point one might also ask how an E-3 might have put his hands on so much highly sensitive information.

In the modern world of moral relativism, where the peace-loving left has no problem betraying American secrets and putting bull’s-eyes on the backs of Afghanistanis who simply seek to rid their country of the Islamo fascists in their midst, this is a rare moment of clarity. There will likely be American and Afghanistani blood shed as a result of these WikiLeaks actions. Julian Assange, Private Manning and their enablers should be held accountable for their actions and should pay whatever price is appropriate. We can’t unring the 90,000 page bell they’ve rung, but hopefully their punishments will provide sufficient disincentive that others decide not to follow their lead.

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Has a good grasp on what needs to be done.

I say send Task Force 88 in on a midnight snatch n grab. Forget Gitmo, geep him on a non-disclosed Navy vessel until he’s had a tribunal, and is hung.

Assange: We’ve gone through the material and reviewed it and looked for cases where innocent informers, ie an old man saying next door there is a Taliban, or what he believes is Taliban, so we’ve looked for those cases and there’s a particular type of report that frequently has that – those have been withheld and also the source says they have done some work in doing this as well. So I think it’s unlikely that that will happen. We’ve worked hard to make sure there’s not a significant chance of anybody coming to harm.

Despite Assange’s heroic “harm minimization” efforts, in just two hours the Times of London found dozens of names and villages of Afghanistanis who had provided information to the Americans.

He LIED?. I’m shocked, shocked I say! 😯

Patvann your link is dead.

I wonder why they arent doing something to charge this person with stealing classified documents?

The CIA needs to make this guy fade to black.

This is another case of “just because you CAN do it doesn’t mean you should”.

By choosing to commit to this, this imbecile has possibly set back efforts at gaining support amongst the Afghan peoples against the Taliban, and as such, has possibly sentenced innocents to death.

The guy should just suddenly disappear. Forever.

He looks and sounds suicidal to me. Somebody ought to assist him in making that happen IMO. The heck with the trial, hanging, Gitmo, etc.


“Julian Assange Should Be Sent to Guantanamo Bay…IN A GOAT SUIT”. Those lonely inmates will certainly show him some “harm minimisation”.

“The CIA needs to make this guy fade to black.”

Perhaps there’s some confusion concerning the difference between the CIA and the Gestapo.

The Canadian Govt. had this guy on 24 hacking charges. He paid some miniscule fines and left for Holland. He had to learn somewhere and of course, the Canadian Judicial system had to show to the World, how kind and generous Canadians are. This Assange character should have been tied to a post waiting for the sun to rise.

Who is it at the White House who “warned” this bastard about possible moves in the U.S.?

This weasel has the blood of American soldiers and innocent Afghanis on his hands. And someone at the White House is coordinating with him?

Sounds like TREASON to me!

Good God! The entire Bush Administration was turned on it’s ear over the idiotic Valerie Plame CIA leak case and here we have troops FIGHTING IN THE FIELD placed at risk and it’s NOT a scandal?

Who is it at the White House who “warned” this bastard about possible moves in the U.S.?

Mike, I don’t think even the anti-Americans at the White House could be that ignorant. I think this guy is creating his own hype and figuring Obama and Holder wont prosecute one of their own.

With all due respect to those who would have him “disappeared” or “sent to Gitmo” et al, I respectfully disagree.

He should be administered a severe, crippling beating, rendering him incapable of speech or movement and left in the alley where it happens and then transferred to a Mexican prison to think about the damage he’s done.

Good link PV, this guy probably couldn’t operate without traitors from within our own government and or military. We need to stop worrying about Liberal hand wringing over the thought of walking these traitors up the steps of the scaffold to be hanged; I am good with rope if they have forgotten how to tie the knots.

The blood of our allies and patriots is on this guy’s and his co-conspirators’ hands, and if Holder and Obama don’t move now, they should be considered complicit.

I am off to work, so I can’t respond or advise Liberals who wet their trousers for 8 hours or so.

Taliban seeks vengeance in the wake of Wikileaks.
Some folks are already disappearing.

LOL. You idjuts. Wouldn’t sending Julian Assange to Gitmo be like letting the fox in the hen-house, leaks-wise? Better not let him near a laptop while he’s there….

I think it is ironic the idea that Assange be sent to Gitmo.
Just this morning I read about one of the Wikileaked cables that exposed a bunch of foreign DynCorp workers in Afghanistan who “hired a teenage boy to perform a tribal dance at a company farewell party”.

(One source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/02/foreign-contractors-hired-dancing-boys )

Although the cable claims that such dancing boys are not only illegal according to Afghani law AND Sharia Law, they are quite popular in Afghanistan.

Prepubescent boys dress up in sexy female garb and dance for men who also may have sex with them.

Afghan interior minister Hanif Atmar was in a panic over this particular leaked cable, saying that lives will be lost over it.

So, Assange among Afghani’s in Gitmo might be poetic justice.

(Won’t ever happen, though.)

Bryan, you seem to be projecting your stupidity onto us. You are assuming that we torture and do horrible things to prisoners at Gitmo and that puting Assange there would cause us more trouble.
Seriously, is there some rule that leftists are incapable of honest or deep thought?

“You are assuming that we torture and do horrible things to prisoners at Gitmo”

I’m not assuming it. I’m stating it as a known fact.

What the he’ll are you people saying. Your American government has the blood of innocent Iraqis and soldiers on there hands. not one person has died from these leaks you egotistic assholes, stop making assumption you blind assholes. He cannot commit treason because he is not a united states citizen you idiots. This is proof you all are as dumb as you sound. This man is showing you criminals and you are defending them. Why don’t you research what is going on and become intelligent about a subject before you speak about it. You dumb war hungry bastards-rogue

Mr Assange is fighting a losing legal battle to be extradited from the UK to Sweden, possibly on trumped up charges. You can bet that the US’s ‘Rendition Airlines’ and the CIA/Pentagon Men in Suits will be waiting for him when he set foot on Swedish soil.

Mr Assange will be abducted by ‘Law Abiding’ American Gov. agents. He will be transported to Fort Leavenworth or some other Quasi-Military jurisdiction on trumped up charges. He will never see the light of day again. he will receive the same treatment as Private Bradley Manning.

The US Military was at fault for allowing Ptve Manning access to all those Confidential & Classified cables. So what doe this say about US Military security of classified materials. Not much I say. And what of the current time? Have any lessons been learned from Ptve Manning’s indescretions and idiocy? has security of Military Classified cables been tightened up — possibly not. Lessons are NEVER learnt and the same old mistakes will be made again and again.

So, is US Justice even and fair, or does it ‘suck? And who else further up the command chain should be busted and and put on a Courts Martial?

Of course – all this is alleged.
if this does occur — then so much for American Justice.