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Barbara Says He’s Sexy, As We Slide Into A Socialist Cess Pool [Reader Post]

We have a war that is going sour, our Justice Department has become the Department of Social Injustice run by a radical racist who refuses to prosecute Blacks and minorities, the federal government refuses to secure the border and welcomes illegal aliens to gut our states’ welfare entitlements and denies local law enforcement the right to prosecute illegal aliens, Obama’s administration is riddled with tax cheats and criminals who get an ongoing free pass for felonies that would put the common man in prison, and an energy policy that has our adversaries laughing their asses off, our citizens are lucky to buy a job and our president need more illegal aliens to get reelected and we are facing ruinous debt and massive tax increases. And now we have our teleprompter reading president, who was ordained by a corrupt Main Stream Media as the most intelligent man to ever hold the office and who was supposed to find the solutions to all our problems and bring this country together, is facing a midterm election and dismal polls; so in desperation, he decides to campaign to try and recapture the White soccer moms who voted him into office by sitting with women and posing like a woman with his legs crossed even tighter than the thinnest woman on the set. Using his most effeminate mannerisms and charm he hopes to tap into the frustrated psyche of the white middle-aged female and tickle their subliminal libido, to keep from being humiliated by losing majorities in both houses.

Not only is he the first Black President, but he is the first President to humiliate himself groveling in front of a cheesy gossip show like a celebrity looking for fans. It’s true his base was entrenched solidly in the black vote, that is a comfortable voting block of 15% for any Leftist who can promise a form of reparations, as well as the White women who were looking for a change of direction or an exotic stimulant for a life of unfulfilled dreams. The Blacks have their savior and he is unlikely to lose that core group, no matter what direction he takes; however, White women have realized Barack is a pathetic poser who eats cake and is a quintessential dilettante who would be kicked out of their homes for the same displays of irresponsibility and a preference for silly games rather than serious work, at least if he approached making a real living like he approaches performing the duties of a president rather than the ceremonial Narcissus type appearances, at those our president excels, especially if the involve reading a teleprompter and hearing that he is sexy.

Something tells me, Mr President, the jig is up and America would much rather have a homely hard working President than a Jive Ass Teleprompter Reading Socialist posing as a statesman.

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