Obama Has Always Left Destruction In His Wake [Reader Post]

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The best prophet of the future is the past. ~ John Sherman

Phyllis Schlafly wrote a great article in Investors recently. It makes the point that the woes of America are not different from the woes the Obama machine visited upon Illinois. In basketball it’s called continuation.

Americans are beginning to wonder if Greece is the picture of the U.S.’ future. But we need look no further than the place where Obama and his team were trained in community organizing and bully tactics to redistribute the wealth: Illinois.

Illinois was the stomping ground for years for Obama, his top advisers Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, and his appointees such as Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. After they promoted themselves to Washington to run the country, other Obama associates who didn’t make the cut continued to run Illinois into the ground, as the Illinois unemployment rate jumped from less than 5% to nearly 11%.

Illinois is a fiscal disaster:

Under years of Democratic leadership, Illinois has refused to honor its obligations, cut spending or trim its shockingly large deficit, which at $12 billion per year approaches nearly half its budget. As a result, Illinois’ credit rating has been downgraded and it pays a massive amount in interest on its loans.

This fiscal trainwreck is traced back to 2003 in an Illinois comptroller report:

The fiscal outlook for Illinois is not optimistic. The state has failed to build up reserves or address the underlying structural problems of the state’s budget – in particular, the pension and Medicaid liabilities. At the same time as the economy appears to be slowing, the Governor has promised expansions in health care without a permanent revenue source to pay for them. This lack of reserves – and the Medicaid and pension payments “albatrosses” – will be a drag on the state when it faces an inevitable economic downturn, likely already underway.

This has been brewing for some time:

At the end of fiscal year 2003, even in spite of the short-term borrowing, Illinois was holding $874 million in bills, plus delaying income tax refund payments and holding bills at state agencies. The state’s GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) deficit reached an all-time high of $4.166 billion.

There is something significant in this data. Democrats took control of the Illinois Congress in 2003 and it’s gone to hell since then. Barack Obama was an Illinois state Senator for eight years and led Illinois into near oblivion. Then it was on to bigger things- bigger houses to bring down.

But before Obama helped ruined Illinois, he contributed to the ruin of Grove Parc.

As a state senator, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee coauthored an Illinois law creating a new pool of tax credits for developers. As a US senator, he pressed for increased federal subsidies. And as a presidential candidate, he has campaigned on a promise to create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund that could give developers an estimated $500 million a year.

But a Globe review found that thousands of apartments across Chicago that had been built with local, state, and federal subsidies – including several hundred in Obama’s former district – deteriorated so completely that they were no longer habitable.

It’s quite interesting to see who else was involved in Grove Parc: Valerie Jarrett, Allison Davis and Tony Rezko.

Grove Parc and several other prominent failures were developed and managed by Obama’s close friends and political supporters. Those people profited from the subsidies even as many of Obama’s constituents suffered. Tenants lost their homes; surrounding neighborhoods were blighted.

These people made fortunes from the Grove Parc type of investment and they returned the favor:

Campaign finance records show that six prominent developers – including Jarrett, Davis, and Rezko – collectively contributed more than $175,000 to Obama’s campaigns over the last decade and raised hundreds of thousands more from other donors. Rezko alone raised at least $200,000, by Obama’s own accounting.

One of those contributors, Cecil Butler, controlled Lawndale Restoration, the largest subsidized complex in Chicago, which was seized by the government in 2006 after city inspectors found more than 1,800 code violations.

Butler and Davis did not respond to messages. Rezko is in prison; his lawyer did not respond to inquiries.

Jarrett, a powerful figure in the Chicago development community, agreed to be interviewed but declined to answer questions about Grove Parc, citing what she called a continuing duty to Habitat’s former business partners.

And she had the Journolist to protect both her and Obama from more probing inquiries.

Obama presided over the decline of Grove Parc:

By the time Obama entered the state Senate in 1997, the buildings were beginning to deteriorate. In January 1997, the city sued Rezmar for failing to provide adequate heat in a South Side building in the middle of an unusually cold winter. It was one of more than two dozen housing-complaint suits filed by the city against Rezmar for violations at its properties.

Rezmar- as in Tony Rezko

But this is Chicago and the Chicago Way rules:

By the time Rezmar asked Chicago’s city government for a loan on its final subsidized development, in 1998, the city’s housing commissioner was describing the company in a memo as being in “bad shape.” The Daley administration still made the $3.1 million loan.

So how did Grove Parc fare with that money?

Shortly thereafter, Rezmar switched from subsidized housing to high-end development, fueled by the money it had made in subsidized work. Rezko’s companies also stopped managing the subsidized complexes


Most of the buildings have since been foreclosed upon, forcing the tenants to find new housing.

But Rezko knew a good thing:

All the while, Tony Rezko was forging a close friendship with Barack Obama. When Obama opened his campaign for state Senate in 1995, Rezko’s companies gave Obama $2,000 on the first day of fund-raising. Save for a $500 contribution from another lawyer, Obama didn’t raise another penny for six weeks. Rezko had essentially seeded the start of Obama’s political career.

As Obama ascended, Rezko became one of his largest fund-raisers. And in 2005, Rezko and his wife helped the Obamas purchase the house where they now live.

Obama turned into Sergeant Schultz even though

Eleven of Rezmar’s buildings were located in the district represented by Obama, containing 258 apartments. The building without heat in January 1997, the month Obama entered the state Senate, was in his district. So was Jones’s building with rats in the walls and Frizzell’s building that lacked insulation. And a redistricting after the 2000 Census added another 350 Rezmar apartments to the area represented by Obama.

But Obama has contended that he knew nothing about any problems in Rezmar’s buildings.

Obama presided over other projects similar to Grove Parc and they too have gone to hell.

Now as President of the United States he does not waver from his past course:

The federal budget deficit, which hit a record $1.4 trillion last year, will exceed that figure this year and again in 2011, the White House predicted Friday, providing fresh ammunition to Republicans who are hammering President Obama for all the red ink as they campaign to regain control of Congress in November.

Barack Obama’s trail through politics resembles nothing so much as Sherman’s March to the Sea, leaving a path of debt and destruction in his wake. The Journolistas provided the umbrella under which Obama could hide from his past and from legitimate inquiry about his involvement here and with the likes of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers.

Obama has an agenda, and it is very different from what the country needs. The scary part is that he does not care about what the country needs. His agenda comes first, and history has shown us the results of his hubris.

This is the real legacy of Barack Obama.

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It gets better every day.

There is one problem with the Sherman analogy. Sherman wanted to destroy the Confederacy so it would be incapable of waging war. On second thought, Obama wants the same thing for the United States.

Obankrupt does have the antiMidas touch- anything he touches turns to crap. Vote for me and you get handouts. Moochelle gets a yearly 300 grand income for doing essentially nothing. Rezco, Jarret, etc., fill their pockets on the federal dime. Wanton waste and mismanagement continuing to this day. All 3 levels of government, especially in Illinois, are corrupt. Start sanitizing this november!

Well thank goodness that if the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times don’t choose to tell this story, it never happened.

I attended a conference this weekend in Champaign (Illinois). One of the speakers was Senator Toi Hunchinson (D) of the Illinois Senate. She starts her speech with this heart filled almost apologetic words about how politicians are regarded as distrustful and less than honorable. She then tells us how there are many ‘honorable’ people truly wanting to serve the people of Illinois. Yada yada yada……

Sometime later she then states that most people have no idea how much state income tax they pay. That the rate of 3% is extremely low and hasn’t been raised since 1988 – aren’t we lucky?! In other words she was letting us know that we are going to be paying more in state income tax because we are too stupid to realize it anyway.

It just so happens that I was sitting in the back of the room and she had been looking at me when she made that comment, I shook my head and raised my hands to my shoulders in disgust. That seemed to discombobulate her – she faltered in her words and immediately looked in a different direction.

During the question and answer period she actually asked ‘what could THEY do better’. One of the attendee’s stated they wanted to see term limits. She responded that it was too important that we (Illinois) had seasoned senators working for us. I had to laugh how she tried to defend the career politicianan.

Another attendee stated they wanted to have elections similar to England – where you have multiple people from the same party line (example: 6 Republicans, 6 Democrats) and whom ever reached the 10% vote was the winner. Ohhhhhhh she didn’t like that idea either and she back peddled her way out of that quagmire.

Here we are a state with a stagnant growth rate, losing jobs and businesses and this Senator who by the was was APPOINTED (or as we say ANOINTED) to her position bragging how she had worked on a road project that brought much needed jobs to Illinois. Excuse me….that would be UNION jobs benefitingng a handful of contractors that will be awarded that work by the Chicago mob.

Believe me she – Senator Hutchinson was received with a luke warm greeting and a darn right tepid response when she finished. I’m still reeling from the experience.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, if only, if only. Chitown area bloggers attempted to get the info out, there was so much there. Now everyone across the nation will suffer through what my home state has been enduring, sad to say.

If anyone has extra time on their hands and would like to brush up on the sordid Obama saga, RBO(Real Barack Obama) always has interesting reading.


Their reading list/archives, nice and tidy, user friendly, informative:


Evelyn Pringle’s work was stellar but didn’t phase the dew eyed dopes that elected this…. ❓


RBO was Rezko Watch until Rezko’s conviction, the blog is still available and the information is quite an eye opener, I urge you to scan the first couple of pages, more if you get caught up in it.

These (RBO/RezkoWatch) authors were Hillary supporters, I noticed that they also post at NoQuarter:


Remember Sami Al-Arian?

Klein: Obama campaign site: Free Islamic terrorist!

A blog posting on Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)’s official campaign site—which is “just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages”—”urges Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X,” Aaron Klein, Jerusalem bureau chief of World Net Daily reported June 29, 2008.


More on Grove Parc, links and video included:


All economic road signs lead to Grove Parc Plaza, Chicago, Illinois.

When we all arrive at that final destination I do hope those precious ‘Moderate-Independent’ voters learn an important lesson, that being, remaining stuck in the middle of stupid Journo-listed useful idiocy always results in a High Economic Misery Index.

Moderate-Independents-for the love of freedom PLEASE pull your ‘stuck in the middle of stupid’ heads out of Jon Stewart’s idiot canal before the Nov 2010 election.

‘Moderate-Independent’ voters, you brought America down on her knees forced to worship Obama, now you best get rid of him!